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Return of a legend?

Today i spoke with a player who many have not seen around for a while, syk. Widely known as being one of the best aimers the uk has ever had, and well known for his time through uQ/one4one, alongside players such as razz, overboost, mztik, sqzz and crozz. A european allstar, and a decimated star, i felt it was time i had words with the man himself, so here we are:

hentai: So first of all, for those people who don't know you, feel free to introduce yourself.

Game On: Cash

After a long period of inactivity, Game On is back. This time with a person who's very known throughout the whole ET community. He has done everything you can within the game and is currently writing interviews and articles for GGL. He made a
profession out of his hobby and is currently on the payroll of GGL.
Of course I'm talking about Remao "Cash" Tummers.

Koffee With Kamz

Today we talk to Kamz, who for most people is like marmite - you either love him or you hate him. Kamz is in Overdose Gaming although is currently "inactive" with sexyhot taking his place and is in his second year of university studying what can only be seen as the most boring subject ever taken, Maths.

florian 'gifty' gunzenhauser exposed

On today's interview list we have the swiss superstar gifty. We all know the name from none other than zeroPoint, his captaincy of team switzerland, and ofcourse his play for Western europe. So here we go!

hentai: Okay, firstly, i'd like to start off this interview with you introducing yourself to the readers, mr. gifty, so would you like to tell us a little about yourself?


Because of several reasons I’ve decided to try to do some interviews , this is the first one of hopefully a series of interviews. I decided to interview Sheep first because I knew him from some years ago.

CS4f1 vs gaLLo

Interview conducted by CSF41

01. Hello, firstly please introduce yourself in short: what kind of a person are you in the normal life, and what are your hobbies?

Hey – my name is Pascal Jäger, I am currently living in Recklinghausen, Germany (near Cologne) and attending the thirteenth class of my grammar school. Besides online-gaming and the world wide web, I do a lot of different sports like badminton, volleyball and some jogging now and then.

Focus on: RELOAd

[img|left]http://www.v0ltage.net/upload/focuson_relo4d.png[/img]This morning I caught up with the newest addition to the idle.ee line-up: the Estonian gunslinger RELOAd. He was willing to take part in this interview albeit he hadn't slept for 28 hours. Since we both had time the interview was conducted and this is the result thereof:

Hi Reload, could you please introduce yourself?
Hello, my name is Hendrik and I'm 15. I'm currently playing for idle.ee.

Hoi Wesbo!

Today i caught up with everyones favourite dutchie, Wesbo! Currently participating in EuroCup with Morrigu and competing in Nationscup with Canada, he is a firm favourite with much of the Enemy Territory Community.

Splodge: Hi Wesbo for those who don’t know you, tell us a bit about yourself.

Trainee of Dignitas interviewed

Interview with Michael “Trainee” Harper

First off I would like to thank you for letting me conduct this interview.

For those who don’t know you please introduce yourself.

Hi, my name is Michael 'trainee' Harper. I'm 19 and currently playing for the team-dignitas Call of Duty 2 squad.

Interview with idle^urtier

Tore 'urtier' Trimpop, aged 20, plays already more than one year for ET's best team idle.ee. He is one of the best Field Ops around and his many airstrike-kills let him become a very well-known player in the ET scene.
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