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CC5: Statistics, Why v&e Win

Ever wondered which nation is the strongest, which the weakest, or why v&e are one Belgian short of guaranteed gold at this weekends championship? Read on for a brief statistical breakdown of the previous Crossfire Challenge events.

CC5: Why do we go to LAN?

With the Crossfire Challenge 5 around the corner the reason as to why people are happy to travel across the world to play a video game is puzzling me, and this article we’ll find the answer!

Where Gaming meets Reality

Pardon me for stealing ESReality’s famous tag line but for this article it seemed appropriate. Tonight my football team play against the side top of the league in a battle that will decide whether last week’s 4-0 win was a mere fluke or whether we’ve got what it takes to challenge the big boys. [img=right]http://images1.filecloud.com/781311/1Hackney_Marshes_Football_01.

What makes ET attractive?

This column is about the major aspects of ET that make us never want to stop playing it. Hopefully after reading this, you can comment on what you find most attractive about the game.

The ongoing gameplay

Rethinking Clan Websites

“Why should I be here—and not somewhere else?” is a question that arises in the minds of most people when they first visit a website. With the bulk of clan sites currently trying to provide the same kind of content, visitors are having an increasingly hard time finding an answer to that question. We need to rethink clan websites.

Wolfenstein Multiplayer

Raven's current game development project Wolfenstein™ is quite important for the majority of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory fans or lets say Crossfire readers in general. What Raven have already came up with were some screenshots, a first trailer some interviews and a few game magazine articles. The content was not impressive as well as the graphics shown but nevertheless it was a first sign of active development of a game we all hope to suit our needs.

Heaping Bowl of Truth

Time for a long needed heaping bowl of truth

This was an article I was originally going to post after reading a colum that has now since been removed. After it was removed I changed my mind about posting this but after the days events with the PunkBuster issues at hand & the seemingly inept Anti Cheat admin that has done nothing but badmouth PunkBuster in an effort to further sway a community down the wrong path, I have decided to post it after all.

UK CoD4 Scene in dire straights?

For a game that has some 849 teams signed up on this seasons Clanbase OpenCup, the biggest team FPS based prize purses outside of CS 1.6 for its LAN's and the attention of the G7 you'd be forgiven for thinking that filling Call of Duty LAN's was easy, well not in the UK!

A New Dawn

A new dawn? The wolfenstein world is having a revival. From EuroCup to the Crossfire Challenge, mamut to TLR, last weeks Don Baker announcement to NationsCup, we appear to have reached a tipping point in positive news.

Open letter to CB

Dear CB,

I've been playing your leagues ever since I started gaming. I enjoyed your leagues for years now and its the only competition I still play since most of ET competition is dead. Recently however a lot of strange rules and decision have been made. CB still has a lot of influence in ET, but you're loosing ground fast. Here is a list of things that are on a lot of ETplayer' minds:
  • PB Screenshots
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