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Play it again Sam

The first post is up, "RTCW2 Screenshots" and whether they're real or not (if they're not by god does someone have a lot of spare time) even the thought has got this intrepid MP40 bearing soldier drooling at the prospect of a new lease of gaming life. However that thought is caught in a loop, what does anyone actually want from a new game?

The cheating question

As the number of cheaters spiral, the Crossfire community must decide whether to enforce controversial new policies that will potentially curb the cheating crisis.

Poland please!

As far as gaming success stories go, Poland have many to tell! PGS (now MYM) are reigning ESWC CS champions and Av3k is one of the most feared Quake players in the world to name but 2. However in ET something odd has happened, the same stories cant really be told in the same volume and because of rife activity of cheaters within the game, the associated paranoia has turned into craziness.

What's worse than a cheater?

Well, I put the question to you. What is in fact worse than a cheater? If you’re pedantic and take the question out of context, there are a lot of things worse than a cheater. Rapists, arsonists, murderers all in my mind are worse than cheaters and I’m pretty sure most of you would agree. So let’s reel this in a bit.

Going out in style

The last (true) RTCW eurocup, season 8 finished with arguably the greatest season it ever had. The final concluded in true dramatic style with MYSOD winning a 3-3 thriller because Kreaturen had to go to bed had a jammed packed season filled with star names and end to end action. Roll the clock forward a few years and you reach this Eurocup season and well, none of the above could be used to describe it.

Power of community, gnajda and Fear Factory

Power of community? what is it? I've seen power of this community twice. First, when we send our team on quakecon. Gnajda case is second time.

Acer Challenge Predictions

With 3000 Euros up for grabs for me the top 3 teams are fairly easy to spot, however to pick a winner from them is a bit harder with results between the teams not really setting anyone apart.

Teams & Rosters


CGS CoD4 - Hit or Miss?

When the £10,000 CGS CoD4 tournament was announced it was another step in the right direction both for the game and for the CGS. The game needs organisations such as The CGS to back it to continue its rise up the ranks of the eSports elite and The CGS needed CoD4 to grow its own community and brand value, so the relationship should have been great but neither really seemed to hit it off with one another.

Enemy Territory's future

Hello dear community,

this is my very first article here at Crossfire. I've been thinking about this topic for quite a long time, now, and finally decided to write an article.

insecure @ OC premier

Good evening dear community!

Throughout the last 2 years random 6on6 and 3on3 cups have unfortunately been taken over by our beloved cheater community. At least serious leagues and cups have not yet entirely been infested by that scum - until now!

Having a look at this season's groups, anyone with a certain (minimum) amount of community knowledge should be able to spot a few supers-suspicious teams which actually should not be there.
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