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foonr's EC predictions

As ever there's another EuroCup season approaching, and with the invited and qualifier teams being announced yesterday, its time to look forward into the dusty crystal ball and have a gamble and what could be in store for ET's premier competition.

Supply .. in or out?

Over the past few days there has been some controversy in the ET community as to Clanbase's decision regarding the map pool for the upcoming Opencup and Eurocup. The most recognized one being the move to exclude supplydepot from the map pool.

At the moment, the community seems to be divided into several groups all with different opinions.

RtCW: MP 4 Free?

Its been some years since the release of Enemy Territory for free to the interent community. And since then its been a great success. Many if not most of these players have probaly never even played the great classic game of RTCW Online. So heres the question. Should Id Software, etc release the Multiplayer of RTCW to the public for free?

Making the Transition

Getting over my morbid fears that ET:QW will not be as great as many expect is no mean feat, but for the purpose of this article I am moving those thoughts to the back of my mind, in to a dark place where those fears can fester into nightmares and eventual chronic insomnia.

Wolfenstein: Newmaps Territory?

As Crossfire hosts the W:ET and CoD mapping contest there is a real boom for the competitive mapping (in ET at least). Organizations like #newmaps.et are founded, which I really appreciate and also love to work with as a mapper. But the point I want to write about is one of the things ET was always faithful to: its mappool. Of course maps come and go and changes are made e.g Adlernest in and out or just look at Battery and Oasis coming and going from time to time.

Why isn't ET attractive?

While games like Counter-Strike, WarCraft 3 and Quake are teams multigaming clans love to have, a game like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory never kicked of as professional esports game. Even the father of Wolfenstein ET, Return to Castle Wolfenstein was played by some top organisations such as the 4Kings, so why doesn't W:ET work for them?

Is CB clutching at straws?

Clanbase. EuroCup. NationsCup. OpenCup. Hosted Cups. CBooky. LAN Finals. GGL. Clanbase is without question a powerful body with a rich heritage and reputation to savour, but the question still prevails, and never more so in terms of ET: is the magic still there?

CoD teams in a pickle

As serious gaming waved goodbye to their CoD2 squad, another of Europe’s tier two MultiGaming organisations waved goodbye to the game and it was another rude awakening from the dream of CoD2 entering the pro circuit.

We're all to blame.. Are we?

After quite a succesfull year for the Enemy Territory scene with various LANs like PGA, QuakeCon, SHG Open and the CPC the community expected a great ClanBase spring season like we have seen in the past, but will it be that succesfull? There are a few major upsets in the ClanBase EuroCup which will make it much less interesting for the clans participating:

• Still no LAN finals for the Enemy Territory EuroCup
• Not even prizemoney

Quo Vadis Enemy Territory?

Don't you sometimes wish that you could take a look at the world as it would be had you never been born? Or how everything would have turned out had you done something differently.
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