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Dignitas' next top model!

Multigaming giants Dignitas, have this week confirmed that they will be shuffling their cards in both ET and CoD for CPC2, in this rather speculative and fun column, I analyse where next they may head. Dignitas have one of the biggest wardrobes in gaming, with hooded jackets, t-shirts and more, so this really is the race to become Dignitas’ next top model!

TosspoT's shg wrapup

Copenhagen saw sparks fly in the various tournaments across the shgOpen, whether your game was ET, CoD or CS there was something for everyone this weekend and it was a fantastic advert for competitive gaming, with both ET and CoD putting their names out there with a great response.

sHgOpen ET Day 1 Wrap Up

With day one in the Enemy Territory tournament completed it is time to do a quick analysis on what has happened and look ahead for tomorrows games.

The Danish competitors

Friday the biggest danish ET LAN event blasts off with the biggest prize pool ever seen in European Enemy Territory. It is however a bit unfortune that this event takes place in 2007, where the Danish ET community is at an all time lowest; so what has the Danish community have to offer of teams for this event?

KiH to roll back the years in CPH!

KiH head to Copenhagen with nothing to lose and everything to gain, the one time RTCW powerhouses are an outside shot at best for the top placing but they’ve a roster of pure brilliance that may just cause an upset or two.

It had to be you!

This weekend Idle completed the move to the dream land of Dignitas, where counting their pennies before every event was to become a thing of the past and whilst it may not be raining money for their new ET team, they do have a security that no other ET organisation have had the luxury of.

Ban maps.

For the last 2 or so years, voices in the ET community were always calling for more maps, for changes in the mappool. It seems like people consider changing mappools exciting, that introducing new maps makes the game better.

Introducing Base12!

I would like to introduce to you the map Base12_bX. I am a "Fanboy" of the Map and I followed the developement since the first Beta version more than one year ago.

I took a look at the map when the splash damage forums pointed it out and myself and the ET-Cup admin team think it has great potential. The map has be tried in the past by our Aussie cousins but didnt go down to well due to fps.

Like a clinically obese Tongan with an SMG.

That’s my analogy of the Doom 3 engine. The sooner it’s gone the better in my eyes. Let’s face it, you cannot argue that it feels like a fortnight-old drowned corpse compared to the lovably flawed Quake III engine or the hyperspeed Unreal 2003/4 engine. It’s difficult to describe how the engine feels, especially so to those who aren’t well aquainted with games, but I shall try anyway. Quake III’s engine was at its very best in Quake III.

A different direction.

When aMenti so famously clashed swords with Cdap – pi recently I witnessed which surprised and actually pleased me, when it became evident that aMenti had won, XyLoS disconnected quite some time before the match had actually finished. Be it frustration and a dislike of losing but clearly he is still human and I thought it was a nice sentiment of his character.

Swallowing the truth pill...
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