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Reviving the clanbase ladder system

When you look at the Clanbase Ladder Page for Enemy Territory, it is sad to see so much inactivity in all but the EU & Poland ladders.

This brings me to the biggest question: why are the CB ladders getting so little attention. Is it the weird chess related ELO system? The absence of prizes? Are there too many ladders? Are clans rather playing cups instead of ladder matches? And if so, why are those clans dropping out of the cups so often?

Lets make the mappool bigger, a lot.

I have never understood why people want to have only a couple of maps in the mappool. How does that make the game more interesting? For a game to be attractive there needs to be room for suprprises. With the standard 4 maps there is hardly anything that can go wrong for the top teams. Take last season. How many teams really had a good chance of beating say uQ on sd2 or how many had a shot the year before to beat u96d on Oasis. The number of both cases was around 3.

Queens vs Helix pre-match banter

Tonight at 19.30CET, #ET-Cup presents the first 2 of 3 matches as the competition reaches semi-final stage. There are 4 teams left - Queens, Polewka, helix & Team-Beta. Other big names such as uQ, stronger than hate, Fear Factory and even Team Hungary have fallen, and by the end of tonight we will have an overall winner.

TosspoT vs zr0

A former ET player himself, I caught with zr0 who is now manager of fnatic! zr0's main outting into ET was alongside our beloved RaZa, who now works alongside him at fnatic. The interview starts off talking about ET and Quakecon and then moves onto a more broad range of eSports topics. This interview was made for both xfire and esreality and is posted on both.

Return of Aneki!

One of Swedish RTCW's most interviewed players and a card carrier of the Swedish society for pro RTCW players is about to make his return to the game!

The full details of his team are currently unannounced to the public, however I caught up with the lovable swede to find out about his plans and his return to the oldschool!

Where is the love? (revisited)

Just over a year ago Ronner posted a column posing this simple question. “Where is the love?”

Quote Is it a fundamental thing in teens? Or perhaps a side-effect of competitive situations? Or is it really just a matter of character? In all cases it's a sad thing to see and to experience.


What’s that you say, ET needs changing? We’re getting bored of the same overplayed maps? No shit!

As the “10000” column rages on there’s a new map on the horizon – seemingly more hyped than the Arctic Monkeys. It’s an et_ice come radar cocktail of ET goodness.

Falling on deaf ears

So our beloved FlyingDJ has posted the 1000th xfire column regarding ET change, and here for the 1001st time I will repeat the problem you face.

If I am Mr. CB Head Admin and I am running Eurocup, why oh why would I want to change ET on the scale people are suggesting? Its a huge gamble and If it backfires I'm finished as an admin, and if it really ends up being that bad I have 4 months of a shambolic cup to finish that may well kill ET off, Rome wasnt built in a day!

We never change, do we?

Maybe we should. Since the amount of proposed changes has dramatically increased over the last few weeks, probably because of the iron will to keep ET entertaining and alive in the face of many teams quitting, and many people feel the urge to discuss these issues, it is definitely worth a column.

Team Finland vs Team UK

Result: Finland 4 - 0 United Kingdom
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