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Interview With FlyingDJ

Nickname: FlyingDJ
Name: Ulrich Schulze
Location: Germany
Age: 21

As our resident shoutcaster departs for Eastern shores one determined German is lingering in the aisles awaiting his big chance. He’s already an established shoutcaster with an ever increasing fan base eager to tune in.

Care to Debate: Where to next?

European ET is about to enter a pretty huge overhall of its clans and players, and with another Eurocup just a few months off its interesting times for potential stars.

iTG Kee_RinG speaks!

Happy Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement, whatever that is! Well anyway it is according to Jube. To celebrate this momentus day I decided to pick on Kee_Ring of Radio iTG fame for an interview, and what great fun it was too.

Topics discussed include RtCW, lagging vents, and that loveable sleaze bag we like to call TosspoT (just if we needed some more uk flags).

xfire awards 3 - the results!

*UPDATE*: top 5 from each category added via numerous requests!

After exactly 2 weeks, we're proud to present you the third edition of xfire awards. We have received a total of 110 valid mails and unfortunately also quite a lot of fake ones - whoever did it should try harder next time, [email protected] doesn't really work, meight.
Enough with the statistics, here are the actual results:

The Best Team:

Idle vs Gods match summary

Map 1: Supply

Quote[/i][*]Memorable shoutcast quotes:
Gods left looking "opencup loser bad"
"stop bloody grenading"
"simply terrible"

ETPro: What's Left?

Ideas for 3.2.6 then seeing as Mr Lazy released a half hearted 3.2.5

With the upcoming release of ETPro 3.2.5, I looked at the state of the changelog and was amazed to find only 3-4 proposed changes listed. Fair enough ETPro was one of the first mods out for ET and it's been updated regularly since it's initial release but are we really running out of changes that should be made?

Custom Maps

When I started to run cups a while ago, i never used to consider custom maps in the map pool. Why? Mainly because so many people dont like them, and when running cups, your trying to reach to the largest target audience available.

The future of ETTV.

Note: Please notice that this is not written as an official statement or suggestion of the gamestv.org team. Neither does it imply that ETTV will be charged for in the future. It is a collection of suggestions, and we want your opinion.

At the moment, ETTV is completely free of charge. No costs, availability for almost every game and the admins are willing to listen to complaints about lags and server crashes.

Clanbase Rules - Comments Please

I would like to pose a question to the ET community regarding one of the ladder rules currently in affect.

We at #uQ.Gaming had a mail this morning warning us that unless we play in the next 14 days we will be put into hibernation. It was my understanding that if you are #1 on the ladder then surely you are there to be challenged and knocked off. If those challenges dont arrive then you should not be punished for this.

Enemy Territory more skilled than ever.

Originally this was a part of a post I made on the "ET needs attention" subject. A fair few people seemed to think that it didn't get enough attention there and would make a nice column of its own, and as there is a need for more columns and opinions in general I decided to post it once more.
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