image: j67uk5

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]This award speaks for itself, and the winner should come as no surprise. This Estonian all-rounder has changed the course and general tactics of the game with his astonishing leader capabilities throughout the years, and keeps on showing his intellect during 2009. When you spectate him on ETTV you will see things that you haven't thought of, things that don't only consist of superb aiming, but also contain smart insights that help his team to easy victory. He might have been more inactive during 2009 than other years, and hasn't perhaps used (or didn't have to use) his leader capabilities that much, but he still remains one of the smartest and best all-round players of the game.

Quote by Vaiko "Night" VainolaThank you for the player of the year title. I'm very pleased and honoured to win the award. But I also have to thank my teammates for helping me to perform well, couldn't have done it without you guys!
And thanks again for that 1000 € cheque, it's more than enough to cover all my hard work over the last year.

Estonia Night
Finland Squall
Estonia RELOAd

Total votes: 1816

His achievements:

Escape LAN
Esports arena 2004
ETC Summer 2005
QuakeCon 2005
QuakeCon 2006
CrossFire Prizefight Challenge (CPC1)
ClanBase EuroCup XIV Lan-Finals
SHG Open 2007
Warleagues Premier League 2005
Fastgaming cup 2005
Arctic Esports Challenge Pro
ClanBase Eurocup XI
ClanBase OpenCup Fall 2005 3on3
ClanBase Eurocup XII
Invite #ET-Cup
ClanBase Eurocup XIII
ESL IPS 2006
ClanBase Eurocup XIV
Cadred QCup
Intel Sunday Night Cup #1
ClanBase Nations Cup VI
ClanBase Nations Cup VII (3rd-4th)
ClanBase Nations Cup VIII
ClanBase Nations Cup IX
Summercup 2007
Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 (CDC3)
STA Season 9 with SNL
Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 (CDC4) with TLR
Clanbase EuroCup XVII with Impact Gaming
ESL ET Major Series VII with Impact Gaming