War§ow named best free deathmatch game

War§ow has been picked the best free deathmatch shooter by Linux-Gamers subsequently the article appeared on Slashdot which caused the Warsow website to be hammered by incoming Slashdotters.

The game was competing versus mods such as Alien Arena and Open Arena but was picked due to its;

QuoteThe high quality art direction, the implementation of some simple yet effective original ideas, combined with the refined Quake gameplay leaves War§ow the champion of the pack for free software shooters. Warsow was able to do what many free software projects strive for, take an established concept, clearly implement additional original ideas, refine the core of the project, and then present it in a very professional way.

This marks yet another moment in the recognition of the War§ow and the community that surrounds it, it also means that we can expect an influx of new players to join the scene.

In addition there is a passing reference to Crossfire.

QuoteCompetitive gaming is a key part of wSw and there exists a very large competitive community, for example, an international LAN competition was hosted in 2007.

The full article from Linux-Gamers
The Slashdot page

War§ow QCup – Supplemental

18 days of duelling, 18 days of competition, 18 days of QCup madness. Like all good things it had to come to an end.

First off all, let me take this oppertunity to thank both Crossfire and QPad for hosting this cup and making the effort to invest time and money into the War§ow scene. The game wouldn't be where it is without them.

Even though Germany BoBel and Poland Victim are the victors in the cup but I do have to say that all of you preformed with excellence making the community the true winners. To me this was a great cup, both in player numbers and enthusiasm (Netherlands H1o springs to mind in that regard) and it also helped me to get more involved in the community as a whole, something that I believe is important for an admin. Yes there was the “Nazi-schedule” but it worked in the end and you all pretty much accepted it.

Finals Shoutcast
Demo Pack

Now even though this cup is now at an end this is most defiantly not the last Crossfire War§ow cup. I’m sure that many of you are looking forward to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge that’s coming up at the end of February. Now currently there are about 12 signups and I have to remind you all that the deadline is the 6th of January so for the love of God, lets make this event bigger then the last time so signup for a spot.

For now, this has been Netherlands A_Spec, you know where to find me if you need me.

See you next time. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

War§ow QCUP - Finals

image: v4

Thats right folks, the War§ow Steamer has arrived at Finals station. The following three days will sport 3 more games for this cup. First off there are the semi-finals, directly followed by the finals themselves.

Thats right, you didn't misread, we're going to have the last 3 games back to back of eachother in a virtual orgy of Deathmatch.


Four people have qualified for the final rounds.

Germany BoBel
Finland Hyrveli
Poland Vicek
Netherlands Jann1s

The games will start at 18:00 CET / 5:00 GMT and will continue untill we have a winner.

QuadV will be bringing full coverage of all three games Live from start to finish which will definatly include audio and maybe video (depending on stability and availibilty)

This comes down to the following games;

Germany BoBel vs Finland Hyrveli

An absolute killer of a match. These two players are the Av3k and Toxic of War§ow, two absolute monsters when it comes to the game. BoBel being an absolute master of the Laser Gun and has the ability to pry the win out of anyones grasp. Hyrveli being only 16 years old and already one of the best players that this games has seen, dethrowning some of the oldskool players.

Be sure to keep your eyes on this one folks, it's going to be MONSTEROUS!

Poland Vicek vs Netherlands Jann1s

An interesting matchup, Jann1s the underdog this tournament managing to beat his way through Jebak in the quarters he has proved himself a worth opponent for Victim, and what can I say; Everyone loves the underdog. Victim however has proven himself over and over in the past, constantly contesting BoBel for the War§ow championship belt.

Another game to keep your eye one, will Jann1s pull of the surprise of the tournament? Or will the old garde reclaim his place?


However they are going to be, it goes without saying that this will be one of the best games of War§ow that will ever be played online, one day you will say to the new players that you saw that epic game, the battle of the two biblical beasts.

Be sure to tune into the game. Updates about time and place will follow.

War§ow QCup - Quarterfinals

image: v4

We've moved yet another step towards the finals. Now eight players remain that may take home the prizes. First of all, the deadline is not monday but Tuesday midnight. I changed this date because I was late with the updates for the cups and players were unable to see who they had to play in this round, therefore I thought an additional 24 hours delay is in order.

I am happy to announce that this round will see the start of game commentary from me. I am going to try to get coverage to all the four games of this round so if all the players would please contact me about their match times then I'd appriciate it.

Anyway, good luck and have fun in the quarterfinals.

War§ow QCUP - Round 3

image: v4

People have come and people have gone in the previous days. However, the War§ow QCup has been running quite smoothly so far, however there was some confusion about certain games that were played but I was able to iron out these problems quite fast.

Warsow QCUP - Round 2

image: v4

I do have to say that the first round of the QCup went surprisingly smooth, with only 2 out of 15 matches being defaulted. (For those people who don't know 1on1 tournaments this is quite a lot)

Warsow QCUP - Round 1

image: v4

Day One of the Crossfire QCUP Warsow tournament has begun and I do have to say that it wasn't exactly a small amount of work.

First off, I'd like to apologize that I was a bit late with the seeds, I was at uni and had to get that sorted. However, when I did get him I started to bracket you ladies up.

I made pictures ^_^