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Trigger to TeK-9

Call of Duty hotshot Germany Trigger has moved to TeK-9 for the shgOpen tournament. The lovable German has switched colours for one event only as TeK-9 are without their dutch star Knaller.

Trigger told TeK-9.net

QuoteAs SPEED-LINK is still into the rebuilding phase, it was just too early for us to attend this event. After it became clear that Knaller isn't able to attend with tek9, they asked me and as I'm a person who loves to go to LANs, i simply said yes after they asked me. I'm looking forward to this event and will do my best winning it. Just to make sure: I will be acting as a stand-in and will keep on playing with SPEED-LINK. We still going for our comeback soon and I'm just helping tek9 out for this event. See ya in Denmark.

This leaves the allstar squad with the Real Madrid feel to it, and similar questions to be asked about the teams potential. Theres no doubting that this lineup offers potential to challenge the biggest names at the tournament, but only time will tell whether the gel in time to take gold at shgOpen.

One in One out!

Another busy week at the business end of Call of Duty, multigaming organisation has seen reason wave goodbye to their CoD2 division, but as the Beatles sang, 'You say goodbye, whilst I say Hello!' and they've welcomed in a new lineup!

Reason Gaming who's leader United Kingdom rG was interviewed here on Crossfire have disbanded. Their Eurocup match against Dignitas last weekend was eventually to be their last. The sequence of events actually saw the leave the reason gaming side and then disband, their lack of desire for lanning did not sit well with the Reason management. The lack of stability in the lineup over previous months meant that they faced an uphill struggle despite a talented roster and finally the side called it a day. However, this evening they've assembled a new lineup with some of their old side and some of the former TmG side.

Reason's new roster[/b]]
Ireland Karl
United Kingdom Junior
United Kingdom phonic9
United Kingdom Niggle
United Kingdom Blackmane
Norway Torsh

Finland Insignia Cadre have returned to Call of Duty. The finnish multigaming organisation have picked up the former Frag Insane side. There are some big boots to fill in Insignia Cadre however with some stability they may just do it. The side narrowly missed out on qualification to the knockout stages of this season Eurocup and will be hoping for a brighter future under their new banner.

The new Cadre lineup[/b]]
Finland Feanor
Finland ferdi
Finland kilu
Finland limec
Finland penjay
Finland raiskale

Quote by penjayAfter trying several different multigamings we managed to end up unluckily/unespectedly every single time. Most commonly cos of no support, but also cos of communication problems with the management. Now after our team lost a big amount of motivation due to yet another disappointment in preceding multigaming and dropping out of EC we needed something to keep us up. So I'm really happy to announce our joining in a respected multigaming that Insignia Cadre is. We will surely do our best during our partnership.

In small CoD EC news, the Eurocup has been forced into a single elimination format for the knockout stages after many matches were completed late. Many of the big names have fallen from grace with names such as Dignitas, Logitech & TeK-9 failing to qualify.

Sources: Cadred.org & Reason Gaming.net

modus strike back!

image: mowolfs9

Quakecon 2005 attendee’s modus operandi have struck back in their bid for glory down under. The side that once ruled the roost in Australia went through a troubling period when post Quakecon, the side endured changes and lost its crown to young guns adversus.
However the side have taken the mentality if you cant beat them...join them or more importantly, join us as they've plucked Australian allstar ike from their bitter rivals. They've also welcomed back on the Quakecon faithful in schism aswell as picking up Serp

The full lineup reads:

Australia Chevron
Australia haste
Australia ike
Australia schism
Australia Serp
Australia Shaggy

The move from Ike has risen tensions between these warring factions ahead of the GameArena 9 season and it will prove to be a season with pride and reputations on the line once again!


Serious Changes

image: srs_big
Clanbase Eurocup Champions Europe Serious Gaming have cut their formerly lineup to pieces in search of success. The side that left Check6 went inactive shortly after joining Serious, but are back and their roster has changed with the times, going all swedish in their bid for success in the 2007 spring lan season.

Their lineup is as follows;

Sweden zEm
Sweden mint
Sweden wnkr
Sweden stolpskott
Sweden stoffey

Ireland Crow - Coach

Quote by crowIts important to have a team all speaking in their native language, I think we've an excellent blend of experience and talent that will go a long way under the serious name. We had an excellent start as a team, now we're gonna bid for glory with this new lineup. I'm looking forward to staying involved with the team as much as I can in other areas, but I've not had as much time as I'd have liked recently

You can read more at Serious Gaming
Image stolen from the nice people at Gotfrag

Idle versus Netrunners

Tonight Idle take on Netrunners in a game many might expect to be the foundation for Idle's run to glory. However the polish side are on tip top form and have the maps on their side! If there were ever two maps to play Idle on then, these are them, we'll see whether the polskis have what it takes to stage a famous upset!

Estonia Idle 4-0 Poland NETRunners
Time: 22:00 CET (now)
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT
Maps: Radar & Adlernest

Nobody wants to face Idle, and that now extends even to Radar and Adlernest. Idle ripped NETR to pieces on Radar, full holding and then easily converting. This was after a tight Adlernest affair which NETRunners will feel they could have won, however it was to prove to be the individual talents of Germany Senji that stopped them converting the documents, not once but twice! Idle setup a winners bracket final against zP in a bid to avenge their defeat in PGA. Map selection will come into play, you cannot chose the same map twice, Idle have chosen Goldrush and Radar, leaving it likely that they'll take Supply against zP and zP have chosen Goldrush & Radar aswell, so its likely we'll have supply taken by one of them and then one of the more random maps as the 2nd.

Announcing Impact Gaming

image: impactgaming

Today a lineup of immense potential has been formed with the goal to challenge for any and all competitions out there in ET. Founded by former sFx manager eVo the side is to be the groundwork for a new hosting company and multigaming organisation.

The lineup of Impact Gaming is as follows:

Finland Tiigeri - Ex sFx.LAN, Demiurge / CPC1 Finalist
Finland Raveneye - Ex Parodia, KKP/ EC Winner
Finland Xpaz - Ex Parodia, EC Winner
Netherlands teKoa - Ex Idle.ee / EC Winner / CPC Winner
Belgium Xionn - Ex Demiurge, sFx.Lan / CPC1 Finalist
United Kingdom Mztik - Ex 141 / Summercup winner

eVo states that this team will be attending the Crossfire Prizefight Lan in April and from there on will work for next seasons Eurocup (ESL IPS' if it happens). As you can see by the achievements of this team they are a bunch of players that if they can find the right blend of teamplay, firepower they will be the squad to look out for in the months ahead. The potential is there as long as they can stay away from WoW and in the case of Xpaz online poker .

Humm3L can finnish murso!

image: game2015Its the last chance saloon for Rewind and sFx Murso tonight, one of these teams will be bowing out of Eurocup 14.
For sFx it could be the last match in an rather unconvincing Eurocup season, they crawled outta their group in a decider tournament after all the teams came joint 2nd and in their first playoff game the team even changed to a super pink tag, but were on the wrong side of a cdap mauling.
Rewind can boast taking a map from zP in their first playoff game, and in general putting in a more convincing display throughout the cup, however the only fact to be really convinced with, is that they have to win this game. Both teams face elimination or the prospect of facing either NETRunners or Idle!

Germany Rewind 2-4 Finland sFx
Time: 20:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT

In the Call of Duty Eurocup, its the last chance saloon for Dignitas and Reason, these two UK Hotshots sit way down in Group C, however Dignitas have 3 games in a week to salvage their Eurocup season. Successive victories should save their season from an embaressing early exit. Earlier on this week, Group C took another twist as german side dSLASH took down digitalMind who lead the group. You can read about that game on GotFrag.

United Kingdom Dignitas 13-7 United Kingdom Reason

Dignitas focus on zEm

MepH of CPC Champions Dignitas has put the Digi-spotlight on Eurocup Champion Sweden zEm of serious gaming. This lengthly interview features zEm's views on gaming, life and he relives his glorious victory in this past Eurocup season.

QuoteTeam Dignitas: What advice could you give the average CoD2-player if he wanted to step up to professional gaming?

zEm: Get a team that you fit in, dont look for a top team straight ahead, work on your aim, tp and when you feel that you are ready, take another step to a better team or try to make your team better. It's up to you. Try to get a player that you play with all the team, if you take me, I played with a person in 2/3 teams until I joined some others.

You can read the full article Here

A different kind of public

For a long old while we've been wondering about how best to run a public ET server. Our kind friends at X3M have provided us with an excellent server, but how do you seperate one public server from the rest?

Netherlands Ronner & Belgium Rafiki have been working hard these past days to come up with an alternative competition server. What they've done is gone and coded a PB GUID Authentification System. This system means, that if your PB GUID is not in your profile here on Crossfire, you're not getting on the gameserver.

Why does that matter? It matters because PB GUID's can only be spoofed via ETKey manipulation, so that means if you're banned from Crossfire (for being a hacker for example), then you're banned from that server. It also means that those random hackers, who you've never heard of and only play on publics also cannot play on that server. It means that whilst we cant stop Loekino from medwhoring and backshooting, we can stop the people that should'nt be there.

If that wasnt enough, this dynamic duo also coded a HitPoint script which through the console will tell you and you alone how much health your enemy had when he killed you. Something we've all wanted to know in the past!

The system will go live via your Crossfire profile later this week, with the server waiting to be used after that. Once its been successfully tested, the system will also be implemented on the telenet servers. There will be a newspost later this week when the system is fully operational. Your thoughts, input and requests are welcome.

Netherlands Ronner has changed the "hpleft" scripting. You can now enable and disable it by using /showhpleft 0 or 1 in the console.

A world without smoke?

No this isnt an advert for you gamers out there to quit smoking, even though you should! Its an analysis by Kyle Feeley of Gotfrag.com on the current situation of smoke in competetive scenio and the potential exploits that could arise. What was once a highly contenious issue by those moving from CoD1 to 2, is now an issue worth fighting for as teams and admins voice their opinion on the bugs within the smoke grenade.

Quote by GotfragAlmost everyone has experienced the smoke that was supposedly thrown by a teammate not show up on their screen once in a blue moon and chalked it up to a very rare fluke. Unfortunately, it is neither rare nor a fluke any longer. Individuals can, at will, intentionally exploit the smoke grenade in such a manner as to render it entirely absent. This was made apparent after it was announced on www.callofduty.se in a video produced from the European community that has recently been circulating through community circles. Independent of how many players or teams may have been exploiting this glitch, the fact remains that action needs to be undertaken swiftly.

You can read the full article Here, rest assured the matter will not go away as the community comes back to life with Eurocup and sHg and Crossfire lans on the horizon.
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