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Eurocup Playoff Stages confirmed!

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So at long last the group stages are over and we've got ourselves a few suprising qualifications and some last minute movement in the groups!

Group A

1st - Estonia Idle.ee
2nd - Europe Maybe
3rd - Germany V&E

Idle winning the group was of no surprise to anyone, the team that arent actually playing the game are still quite happy to dish out a spanking to you if you've been naughty! However Maybe taking 2nd place didnt look possible some weeks ago, it looked like a straight battle between o8 and v&e, however o8's folding left Maybe with a shot at qualification. That shot was duelly put straight onto evil's head as Maybe beat v&e to take 2nd place!

Read On for a review of the other 3 groups!

Xfire Cheat Drop Box

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On Saturday morning a friend of mine came to me with a hack he had found his clanmate using, his clanmate sent him the hack and the clan dealt with the cheater internally.
He then forwarded the cheat onto me hoping I could do something about getting this hack detected by PunkBuster and progress has since been made.

After making contact with a gentleman named Glenn at evenbalance, it crossed my mind...Why Stop there? So I sent another email to him offering Crossfire as a tool to be used for anonymous submissions of cheats that can then be forwarded onto PunkBuster and he gratefully accepted with this strict reminder:

QuotePLEASE don't test out any hack to see if it is working, because silent detections are one of our most powerful and frequently used weapons. Any ban that may be received from this kind of "testing" will not be lifted.

This will not be used to ban an individual, only to aid Punkbuster in their research into detecting cheats and there is no garentuee that this will solve the problems currently plaguing ET, however its a start.

Please submit any cheat that you are aware of to [email protected]. Submissions can be completely anonymous, PB are uninterested about where they come from, just that they get them! It dosent matter if you send them from yours or your grandmothers email address, this is not about people but about the software.

CoD Patch Released

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Soon after the lackluster 1.2 patch Infinity Ward has followed up with an allbeit small but new bugfixing patch!

The patch is another case of a developer going back after the previous patch and repairing it. Whilst the game is very close to being in good condition, it does still require some minor fixing to get it into working order!

Pardon this gamer for sounding old, but they dont make them like they used to! (As in, released in working order!)

You can download it Here

To update your filters to remove CoD2 News click Filters

Read on for the Change Log

Quakecon Officially Not Cancelled

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Quakecon has taken the time out to put rumours of its demise to bed, and confirm that the 11th Quakecon will take place in 2006.

United States of America Aaron 'Alric' Ferguson - the Executive Director of QuakeCon had this to say on the issue

QuoteThere have obviously been a number of rumors circulating recently, but this is to let everyone know that QuakeCon 2006 has NOT been cancelled. We've had a number of issues securing a venue and dates that suit the needs of the event, the attendees, and the staff. This has taken many turns and longer than expected, but we are working very hard to get everything wrapped up and announced very soon.

The rumours all originated from a post United States of America 'Nate' Borland - Director of Competitions made on the QuakeCon forums a week ago saying;

QuoteI want to take this time to take back everything I had said about QuakeCon 2006 in the past. At this time, I can't give you a definite yes or no on the event taking place.
I apologize for my very enthusiastic comments in the past, but until very recently, it was a 100% sure thing.

But gladly it seems everything is now under control and the dates and competition info will be released shortly, although some are stating that it is becoming too late for alot of european clans to arrange sufficient travel arrangments with the presumed final date being so close yet with no official word for clans to tell hopeful sponsors

Good news for all fans of the event and it will keep the distant dreams of every RTCW & ET player out there alive of one more shot at the con!

noll8 fold

For the second time in ET, noll8 have decided to call it a day. Last time they called it a day by merging with sib to create DG and go on to Eurocup Silver, this time though they fold and completely ruin my newspost below, which was sure to win the xfire awards 2006.

After the mysterious loss of Capten that still has many people very concerned, the team was neither here nor there and stumbled through the remainder of their Eurocup games. To steady the boat and restore a full swedish lineup, noll8 brought back Spear to their roster, however he has taken a new job that will keep him out of tommorows match with v&e and they have decided enough is enough with the roster now featuring zero of the roster that they formed with on Sunday 12th of Febuary.

Sweden Eddie had this to say:
QuoteWe´re very sad to announce that noll8 are going to fold this season of ec/warleagues. After capten disappeared the team wasnt the same, the spirit was lost and we decided to take a break. We surely will be back after the summer but probably with a different lineup. We wish all participating teams the best of luck.

One wonders whether this will be the same promise to return that team9 delivered last summer? This action means that Germany v&e will be on the same level as maybe in their bid to progress

6/6/06 Wolfenstein Coming..

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On the very day that the son of the devil will rise and hell will have its day, epic wolfenstein soldiers do battle.
QuoteAnd he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

This 6/6/06 there is a very different war to be fought, for one this night...Wolfenstein comes home bearing the mark of devil!

The bloodshed starts in a place feared by all, the home of battles of biblical proportions and the place where it all began! We Return to Castle Wolfenstein one more time to visit the depths of hell, where we find twelve men left fighting bitterly for one final cup and one final route to freedom! Oh yes, this 6/6/06 Satan will be busy as the #ownitschcupII hit its grand finale!
Can RTCW everpresents One.soldier compete with the games current form team, who can boast an Open Cup success and highly successful blockbuster movie? Theres only one way to find out...

United Kingdom One.soldier vs France Svpr
Time: 22:00 CET

Hells very own shoutcasters will there at your beck and call, to watch as the world ends and Satan puts you all into the depths of hell, join United Kingdom TosspoT & United States of America djWHEAT who will cover the whole nights action from start to its bloody finish and laugh in the face of death. Tune in from 21.30 CET ...if you dare
You have been warned!

Crossfire Update

Our beloved Belgium taLa has been hard at work on xfire recently, and has provided what could be the final update for Xfire 2, prior to the release of version 3 later on this summer.

The filter system is now completely operational, working on News, Columns, Polls and Articles. There has become a need for this system to become operational as the community grows into a diverse selection of games. With ET:Quakewars upcoming and having the potential to fragment those who chose not to play that game, it soon became obvious we needed to offer segregation on the site for those that chose.

The decision was made to utilise effective filters, over subdomains pergame for keeping everything centralised and for use of a centralised index.

Users wishing to contribute to the site now must assign a category for their news, column or article or admins will assign them should there be an error.

This paves the way for more general gaming news, be they flavour of the month (like warsow) or eSports news, with the functionality to add an additional game. Now this has been an urge of xfire for sometime, when is the time to expand and when isnt, where to expand to and with who?

We have decided to expand to 1 additional game (CoD), however will not follow the portal model used by esreality, and the site will remain specific game exclusive. This is not the official launch of coverage for CoD, however that will come next weekend.

Use your filters, make the site show only news you are interested in, and report any bugs!

Set your filters HERE

Fear not, as Crossfire has and will continue to take every precaution to preserve the mentality of this site. Three years and counting, we will continue to fly the flag for the Wolfenstein community.

For all the latest gaming news check out crossfire.nu

BoB3 Continues

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Battle on the BeachHead 3 has reached the Quarter Final stage!

After a thrilling two weeks we're down to just 8 teams, all bidding for a place in the semi's in this single elimination tournament. Village will play host to what should be 4 truely beautiful fixtures. The Full schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 30th May[/u]
10:00pm (4AM CET) Affliction vs Jolly Roger
11:00pm (5AM CET) West Side Wolves vs Scourge

Wednesday 31st May[/u]
10:00pm (4AM CET) Exodus vs Arise
11:00pm (5AM CET) The Birdz vs United 5 - Shoutcast by iTG`TosspoT

All matches can be viewed on this WTV:

In other RTCW news, the most charasmatic man of the UK RTCW community has released snippets from the cancelled Shaolin Production Swadhistana.
The Snippets show Portugal Blacklotus in action for several of his clans, with all varieties of weapons and of course his trademark panzer. United Kingdom BinaryBiscuit was making this movie, and released one of the most exciting RTCW trailers to date which you can download here.

The Snippets have been hosted on Filecloud on my own account and are well worth the download for any would be movie maker, looking to learn the art of real editing:
- Clips from Barcodes & Darkness
- Clips from RzR
- Test Intro
- Panzer Shot with FX

Warsow Exhibition Game

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Whilst Xfire is not and will not become a Warsow community site, feeling the current flavour of the month, and the fact we've had more than 5 journals about Warsow in the past few days, I felt this news was appropriate:

The craze that is sweeping the nation is taking to the airwaves!

This evening Painkiller and CPMA master fnatic\Vo0 will take on French RTCW legend and current Warsow hotshot Motej in an open exhibition for promotional purposes.

Since Warsow's most recent release this past weekend, the games popularity has sored, with players from a variety of gaming backgrounds trying their hand at this latest offering.

Tonight's exhibition game is a bid to build further awareness of the games potential, and will be made into an AVI with iTG's shoutcast and made available for public release tommorow. All in a build up to a hosted Clanbase cup run by several ESR admins, to be announced later this week.

Netherlands Vo0 vs France Mote
Time: 22:30 CET
Map: DM2
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 1
Demos http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1095590

Warsow 0.1 Released

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Whilst strictly quite far afield from MP40's and Panzerfausts, the latest game release has something in common with ET, Its FREE!

QuoteWarsow is a standalone free game for Windows and Linux, it's based on the Qfusion 3D engine (a modification of Quake 2 GPL engine). As you may have heard, we're basing Warsow's development around the motto "by gamers for gamers."

The base gameplay is focused around the art of movement, meaning that without trickjumps you won't get that far in this game. That doesn't mean we don't care about gameplay stuff, we have a power-up system that's near completion for TDM, and we're still working on good powerups for ctf.

For the movement we've basicly looked at four games, Quakeworld (legendary for it's speed), Quake3 CPMA, Jet Set Radio and Speedball

You can download this game here:

Windows -

Linux -

Find out more at: Warsow.net & #Warsow

#Warsow.ctf for pickups
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