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Eurocup Playoff - Clash of the Titans!

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Dignitas and Check6 do battle in what promises to be one of the all time great Eurocup matches!
When these two multigaming organisations get together you know one thing is for sure, that you've got the best of the best in front of you. Tonight will be no different as the Dignitas team that can boast all sorts of success in CoD1 aim to renew their claim to the top spot in CoD2 and get to the LAN Finals. Check6 are looking to go one better than last year, losing in the EC final to Speedlink was a crushing blow however they're back to avenge, and that starts with Brits!

United Kingdom Dignitas vs Europe Check6
Time: 21.00 CET
Map: Toujane
CB Odds: 50/50

Final Score: Check Six 16-6 Dignitas

Check Six Lineup:

Ireland crow
Netherlands Sko
Netherlands Knaller
Germany L-KinG
France Ozwald

Dignitas Lineup:

United Kingdom Mick
United Kingdom Skipz
United Kingdom Raz
Norway Plazma
Netherlands Qwerty

To match the big occasion Inside the Game have partnered with eSportsTV & TMF.nl to bring you live video streaming action with TosspoT commentating. This match will be a TEST for the video streaming oppourtunities presented by this new partnership, so sit back and enjoy the show, but remember its only the begining and its only a test! To Tune in follow the links that will be available on eSportsTV.com near kick off time!

Tune In Here

Enter Ferus...

2nd Place at Optihack, Eurocup X Gold Medal, Eurocup XI Gold Medal, former iNfensus member, oh and all that before he was 16!image: DSC00800
Sweden FeruS has come back to his roots and has gotten back to the business he does best. The most successful Swedish ET player has joined up with Eurocup semi finalists Northern Darkness in a bid to secure Eurocup Gold. As for ND, they saw this an oppourtunity to get an extra nationality on their roster, that and replace gmx

I caught up with the lovable swede for a quick chat about his return and ND's Eurocup prospects.

QuoteWell, around 1-2 weeks ago i was at an party, i came home, and started to chat a bit with irZ. And she got me into installing ET again, played a bit and it was pretty fun. So wednesday night kris messaged me if i was interesting to play finish EC for them and i thought it was going to be fun to play a bit again. And since i have hurt my back and cant drive cross anymore at the moment or do any 'rough things' i got some free time again. Well, i think we have a great chance of taking home the gold. But since im in an CS(1.6) ladder with prizemoney wich im competing with my irl mate, that doesnt end until the 27th, we wont be able to practise that much until our first eurocup match.

As for how long you'll see one of ET's all time greats?
QuoteI would guess only until eurocup ends, so thats max 2 matches, so its just temporary.

Blink and you'll miss him so watch closely as Ferus and his new Northern Darkness teamates take on Crossfire Kings of the Hill Germany RiZe next Thursday in the Eurocup Semi Final. It was Spring 2005 when u96d added Intact and Ferus to their roster late in the Eurocup Cup season and they came up trumps, will history repeat itself?
Read on for a small interview with the Swede

Crow Interviews Mitox

After a thrilling Eurocup Playoff match Ireland crow took time out to interview man of the match Belgium Mit0x of TeK-9.

TeK-9 rounded off a stunning comeback with victory over benelux rivals DigitalMind, who were huge favourites going into this match. TeK-9 however showed their age and their class with a vintage performance that reminds many of yester-year.
Now that TeK-9 are back active after a month off for exams, it still remains to be seen whether they can go all the way and make the final four and secure a place at the lan finals for Eurocup.

QuoteCrow: What was the key to your victory, before the game the whole team seemed down?

Mitox: Well yeah, before the game we had davy with his connection problems. He pinged out in middle of the game and we had to get Seifer to play instead. And just the lack of practice and when we practice we had zero teamplay. But when ecu turned on his speakers and played Bryan Adams - We're Gonna Win the team spirit was amazing. Even when we were 2-7 behind we still kept going and we just didn't give up.

You can read the full article Here

idle charge into the final!

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Idle have charged into the Eurocup Final for a second season in a row after one of the most thrilling matches in ET history.

In a three map contest Estonia idle started out on Axis on Goldrush, conceding the objective in just over 7 minutes, questions were to be raised about idle. 4 minutes and 3 seconds later answers were given in a truely stunning offensive display.

Moving onto Europe Demiurge's map choice of Frostbite, the Scandinavians clawed their way back into the game after a shaky start. They lost the first stage very quickly after an idle push through the side forced a defensive move from Demi. However stunning defensive displays by Belgium Xionn and Finland Tiigeri in particular held idle off for 9 minutes after many phenomenal document chases!

Demiurge moved onto offence with a healthy time to attack, and looked in good shape as they picked up the documents with about 6 minutes to go. However Estonia Night was to have the last laugh as he satchel charged the command post and force Demiurge all the way back and cost them 2 to 3 minutes of attack. However when the documents reached safe hands with Xionn he took his time and took us into a third map.

When eliminating maps idle were given the choice of radar or adlernest. Radar the logical choice one would think, with a quick memory to nights panzerfaust against Parodia, but Adlernest it was to be. Idle were held off by Demiurge for 7 whole minutes and the pendulum looked to have swung all the way into the Scandinavians hands. After a positive first stage and several document grabs it was Xionn with 3 minutes left on the clock who collected the documents.
Some 2 minutes and 50 seconds later Xionn emerged from the Command Post in a do or die situation, heart in mouth he charged for the transmitter but it was senji who stood firm and screamed "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"

These few paragraphs do the game no justice and I urge you to watch the game as demos become available!

Result: Europe idle 4-2 Europe Demiurge
Demos: Challenge TV
Shoutcast: Download
Report: Click

Underscore Give the Finger!

Underscore who recently gave RiZe a run for their money in their last Eurocup match were set to rock and roll with a new lineup for the summer, however things took a turn for the worse this evening.

I caught up with Hungary CS4f1 for a word on the clans closing and found out it wasnt the 2 Weeks reason that many of us might have expected, no no. The problem that is plaguing our game to its roots has claimed another victim!

QuoteThe main problem in underscore was the regular one. We have/had guys who could not decide that they wanna play or not. That happened several times in our team, old time ago too. So for example, some days the guy wanna play, and "let's pracc....", on other days "I hate this game, I wanna sleep, I dont care about this....". It's very hard to play if you know that your teammate doesn't care about the game at that moment. I don't wanna tell you names now, i just wanna tell you, that he was one of our Hungarian members. We did not have enough energy to replace that guy, because he was one of our best players, and the only guy who could replace him was Future who is playing WoW nowadays. And we didn't wanna make another recruitment again, because, this was not the only problem.

Last seat on the plane!

Idle and ND joined Demiurge on the trip into the Semi Finals of Eurocup theres just one seat left and two teams want it! The only question is, who's gonna get it?

RiZe take on Maybe in that clash and its Rize that go into this match as the favourites, their dazzling teamwork and phenominal performances on Goldrush make them a match for any team, its going to take something special to dislodge them!

Clanbase have conducted an extensive preview of this match over Here

Europe Maybe vs Germany RiZe
Time: 21.00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: Inside the Game

This week has only just begun and its already shaping up to have some must see viewing! With KOTH and the first Semi Final on Wednesday theres only one place to be this summer...In front of your PC!

Eurocup Playoffs Continue!

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Thursday night brought us not only a cracking match but a night full of controversy in the Eurocup Playoffs, as they continue, the question we are asked is how are they going to beat Thursday?
Theres only one way to find out!

First up we have idle taking on 141 in a game between the team that has featured in the past two eurocup finals and a team out to gun them down and realise their own Eurocup dreams! Who'll be the victor?

Estonia idle vs Germany 141
Time: 20:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG Server 2

Straight after that, all viewers wil be allowed to take a toilet break but will be urged to return to their seats immediately as we're not done yet! The last of the all finnish teams takes to the stage to battle for their nations pride against the team that fly the flag for European Multiculturalism! sFx have already beaten northern darkness in Warleagues this season, can they repeat that feat once again?

Finland sFx.evil vs Europe Northern Darkness
Time: 21:30 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG Server 2

More coverage at vae

And just incase that wasnt enough for you! Theres a whole host of ET action on ETTV this evening outside of the Eurocup which as always you can find on GamesTV.

Gamers Call for Tournament TV!

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Is the time upon us? Are companies like Inside The Game & Giga soon to hit the big stage? Is gaming soon to get its own television?
The BBC has reported in the past two days that infact, YES the time is now and video gaming is soon to hit our TV Screens in a big way!

In their first article Ian Hardy talks about the draw in the States in particular and the success of E3 2006.

QuoteTelevised computer game tournaments are a big draw in Korea, but elsewhere, coverage has so far been non-existent. In the US however, there are growing attempts to turn next generation video games into a bona fide TV spectator sport.

You can read it Here

Later that day The CPL announced that DirecTV an American can organisation would be covering CPL Winter LIVE, again published on the BBC.

QuoteUS satellite TV company DirecTV has signed a deal with the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) to broadcast a series of video game events.
Pro-players that qualify for the CPL's Winter tournament will be the first to have their battles broadcast to 15 million DirecTV subscribers.

Just last week the CPL agreed a sponsorship deal with Pizza Hut, aswell as Video Card giants ATi this week announcing it will sponsor both The CPL & The WSVG. With Sprite sponsoring the HHGL aswell, is gaming finally closing in on the promise land of "Mainstream"?

Torspo on trial

Arni of GTV published a damning video of Finland Torspo in action this evening against Kujuneb in the Eurocup playoffs. The video raises the eyebrows of even the most cautious cheat finders and now the matter has been elevated above a mere journal here on crossfire and now is under investigation by Clanbase.

The Video Evidence:
- Arni's first Video
- Xionns attempt to discredit Arni's theory
- Braundorf Demo & Shoutcast
- FlyingDJ Video

The Audio Evidence
- iTG`TosspoT under investigation

Current Status from Adacore of Clanbase:

QuoteEvidence Inconclusive, No Action Taken

Clanbase Rule:

QuoteCheating (aimbot, wallhack, spiked models, ...): permanent ban for the player, removal of the clan from the cup or ladder the match was for.

Keep with crossfire as the story unfolds, this is not an open and shut case as the PB Screenshots are non existant. Additionally Clanbase Eurocup knockout stages this season are SINGLE elimination and thus if the decision is made along the same lines as the decision against Razz, then Demiurge will be removed from the competition. However, will compassion be shown by Kujuneb who thanked Demiurge for moving the match forward by 4 days?

Update #1

Demiurge Have Released a Lenghtly statement in defence of Torspo - To find it Read More


image: ecxiii_logo
Tonight you can put the world cup where the sun dont shine and lock yourself to your seat for the first Eurocup playoff!

Brought forward to tonight because the excitement of the occasion got to the players we're ready to rock and roll for the battle of northern Europe as Estonia aims to show scandinavia what not!

Result: Demiurge 4-0 Kujeneb
Time: 21.00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 1


LoTiX, torspo, tiigeri, jauhis. Sanctity, Xionn
Deadmeat, l6ng, reload, r3vers, vikat, t6nis

Demiurge are possibly the allstar team of this generation, but are allstars all good? Now is the time for them to shine, the time to answer all questions with a drubbing of a skilled lineup! Kujuneb go into this as underdogs, underdogs with two eurocup winners, one Quakecon champion oh and they're estonian!
This should prove to be quite the encounter, be sure not to miss a click!


Viewers should be aware that this game has a for warning of a chance of being rescheduled.
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