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The buster is a punk!

image: logo_punkbuster

The problem appears to have been resolved, punkbuster appear to have solved the lagging issues incurred by this update...or removed it all together


The saviour, the incorruptable, the...Lagger?

Reports coming from down under (who have been playing with the new punkbuster update whilst we were asleep) are suggesting that evenbalance's latest update is actually a burden on the player.

The main feature of this release was not new cheats caught, but a new PunkBuster Screenshot methodology:

QuoteNew screenshot code introduced: beginning with this version of the PB Client, PB will randomly take screenshots about once per minute on average and send each screenshot signature to the PB server; several screenshots will be queued and future PB Server editions will be able to request any of the last few screenshots that were taken by the client; the PB Server will also track information pertaining to how often windows reports the game minimized or otherwise inactive, admins will be able to configure PB to kick players who do not keep the game as the active application while playing; admins will also be able to kick players who do not return requested screenshots or where the returned screenshot does not match the previously supplied signature

Its a beautiful idea, its simplicity is great, however its technology is not. Reports coming in from our aussie friends suggest that once a minute you're given a huge lag and frame drop as the screenshot is taken and sent. Your average ET player is left stranded halfway through a gun fight, and the cheated are defeated by the very method to capture the cheaters!

One suggestion is to lower the amount of screenshots being taken, from 1 a minute to a higher figure, possibly one every 10 minutes, however is this lag issue would still remain.

Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrade Released!

image: wolf32d
The legendary game that gave birth to all things ID Software and fathered any game you've played that would have brought you to this website has been given a new lease of life!

You can now download the Super Upgrade pack for free. The project that was originally made as an Addon pack has been made publically available for download.

Developers Apogee briefly sold an addon pack for Wolfenstein 3D called "The Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrades" pack. This addon pack contained over 800 new levels for Wolfenstein 3D, a random level generator, and a map editor.

You can download the Super Upgrade Here and just in case you dont have Wolf3D anymore, thats also freely available for download Here

Who needs RTCW 2 when you've got another 800 levels of Wolf3D to play?

Thanks DG


Taken from sweRTCW:

I thought I'd abuse my admin powers on sweRTCW to ask for help in the search for our beloved Sweden Capten.

He went missing approximately 2 weeks ago right after the Sweden Noll8 vs Europe Maybe EC match.

We are obviously concerned what could have happened to him concidering he is not the kind of person who just leaves his team without a word. Phonecalls to his house and cellphone has yielded no results. If anyone knows him IRL and has any idea where he is and what's happened to him.

We would be happy if you contacted any member of Sweden Noll8 in our Qnet channel #Noll8.

GGL Features ET Quakewars

The GGL's flamboyant writer and Americup winner Mahmood Ali has posted his first impressions of ET Quakewars on Clanbase.

QuoteThey cleared us out and we were pushed back into the tunnel, a good chokepoint to stop the MCV. I scrambled in there from my new spawnpoint and the Splash Damage employee advised me to use my rocket launcher again. I pulled out the beefy gun and disabled the MCV. Unfortunately, I couldn't switch in time to pull out my blaster, and was promptly mowed down by GDF infantry.

You can read the full item over here on Clanbase

Xfire Returns!

The Fact that you're reading this means that Xfire.be is back up after a couple hours of scheduled maintaince. The update features several updates to the site itself, however nothing in terms of added features.

This is just the start for xfire, as was posted recently, I have taken over as owner of the site from Raza as of last weekend. My first job was to go out and make my good friend Belgium taLa work harder than a chinese boy in a sweat shop to get this update done, and I'm very glad to say hes done an excellent job at some pace!

Over the summer xfire will be undergoing some major changes, the long awaited xfire 3 will eventually arrive on your screens with much more added functionality. With the newest arrival in our community just months away (ET:QW) and RTCW2 development confirmed, the futures bright! The futures xfire...

Your feedback on this xfire update is welcomed, either in the comments or in pm to myself.

Change Log for Xfire version 2.1:

[*] IMG tag validation . Users attempting invalid IMG urls will be reported.
[*] Forum bug fixed, all users should now be able to see the forums.
[*] E-mail address can be changed in the User Profile
[*] Improvements to the 'who's online' system - better login code and guest tracking
[*] Poll titles can be clicked on in the poll history.
[*] Added the Google Ads banner to the top
[*] Displaying 7 Journals in the Journals listing on the right hand side
[*] Markup tags stripped from the Columns/Articles listing on the left hand side
[*] General parsing speed improvements and more secure SQL queries.
[*] Added a page generation time checker at the bottom of the page
[*] Added a google tracker to gather site usage statistics
[*] Bold text used for unread inbox messages


Scheduled Downtime

Due to a small xfire update that will go live this afternoon, there will be a small period of downtime.

We apologise for the inconvienience

GGL Features Ronny 'Ronner' Pasch

image: ronner
The Global Gaming League, home to ET's prodical son Remao 'Cash' Tummers has featured one of our own this weekend.

Ronny 'Ronner' Pasch known for his role in dutch ET clan dHb, has put pen to paper on a great interview which goes very in depth with the dutch oldtimer. Unfortunately though, the story does not ask about his health, an issue that has been brought to light most recently when it was revealed that this ET player dosent always get to the toilet in time!

Heres a snippet of the interview:

QuoteGaming is looked down upon by society I guess. Mostly people think it is just a bunch of geeky guys sitting behind their PC's all day. In my opinion that is far from the truth. Gaming is like any sport. You train and practise to become good at what you do. No matter if it takes physical energy or mental. The goal stays the same. Getting better at what you do.

You can read the full article with this fascinating individual right HERE

Out of the pan and into the fire!

Remember Belgium mAx? He struck fame in the ET scene with Benelux Reload and his infamous fragmovies. With the addition of eurocup stints with Europe rAtatosk, prior to being swept away into idle.ee.

However to many a folk he simply vanished, became one of those players that you dont see a whole lot of, but might occasionally play a mix or be on a nations cup roster. Tonight though, we get to see what this former mp40 gunslinger has to offer in the real world of competitive gaming...

In a rather covert fashion, the idle.ee player has been hard at work training his Quake 4 skills. mAx won his regional ESWC qualifier and will be attending the benelux national finals next week with victory sending him to Paris for the ESWC grand finals. However more urgently this RTCW Opencup winner must win his Eurocup Qualifier!

Follow mAx's road from rags to riches as a Quake 4 professional dueller tonight on Inside The Game as we see whether he can emaulate the success of former RTCW greats like Sweden civ and qualify for Eurocup Quake 4.

Belgium mAx 0 - 2 Netherlands Weird

Phrantic: 19 - 14 (Double overtime)
Fleet: 20 - 13

Time: 20:00 CET
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT

Team Dignitas (also of ET fame!) have done a small preview about the match:

QuoteThis seems to be a case of ET player versus Q3 player in what is a BeNeLux qualifier. I would pick Weird to win this one as he has performed admirably in alot of Q4 duel tournaments, but mAx may be a suprise package as he is pretty much unknown in the Q4 scene.

Should be a cracking match, many insiders would tell you mAx is the man to watch in the coming months!

Other Eurocup Qualifiers Tonight

Belgium xtraZone 4-0 France sFx Muse
Time 21.00 CET
GamesTV 350 Slots
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 1

Italy VaGrantS 0-4 Europe Maybe
Time 22.00 CET
GamesTV 350 Slots
Shoutcast: iTG`FlyingDJ @ Server 2

Spotted! American RTCW Community!!

Some months ago we brought you news that Jesus was alive and well and living in America. These reports have recently been confirmed as over this Easter period the American RTCW scene has been resurrected!

Jesus, also known as |a|Hollywood (Quakecon 3rd in 2003) has been working hard on reviving his beloved community after a torrid time in Enemy Teritory.
Following the announcement of his mission, Jesus has picked up a few disciples to remind him of the good old days, most notably the support of the organisation TWL.

To celebrate the resurrection, Easter was cancelled this year (didnt you notice?) and a NEW party is being setup. This party is none other than the infamous North American RTCW of Battle on the Beach, or for short BOB. Which will be returning for its third season!

Thats all well and good, but where are the players yo?
Out of nowhere Jesus and his disciples have pulled together that community and now we're starting to see familiar faces return in the North American community, such as:

United States of America Wombat - Quakecon 2002 Winner with Doctors
United States of America cl0ck - 1st place Quakecon 2003, Americup I - Quake 3
United States of America wSw - The team that "might" have won quakecon if they could play Village
United States of America united5 - 2nd place Quakecon ET 2005
United States of America Warmach1ne - CS:Source Champion w/ Check 6

RTCW at Quakecon do I hear?
At this stage every year there are the rumours of Quakecon, and the truth of the matter is nobody actually knows. However, last week RTCW returned on sale via ID's Store priced $10 plus shipping. And when more information is announced regarding this tournament, one or two people may start to dream of a Return to Castle Wolfenstein!

You can follow the whole tournament on Inside the Game

one soldier vs oceans6

RTCW returns to your screens this evening as the ownitschcupII continues!

Tonight sees one of the oldest names in RTCW, United Kingdom one.soldier take on the german hotshots of Europe oceans6.
If you havent been following the #ownitschcupII then tonight is the night to get up to speed, as many tip and many hope that one of these two teams really does have what it takes to challenge United Kingdom Scelesto. To quote one Scelesto player last match, the team have been producting some "buff tingz", and ran out 3-1 winners over Sweden KiH.

So tune in tonight so see which one of these two teams can match the "buff tingz" army of Scelesto, many of whom used to play under the one.soldier tag.

The match will be live on both WTV and the iTG VideoStream, WTV I'm sure you're all familiar with, however to watch the iTG VideoStream you need to register on GGL.COM and load the GGL TV Player when the stream has started. There are video locations in both American and Europe for your viewing pleasure, and you can double click the video screen to send it fullscreen. Commentary will be provided by United States of America iTG`djWHEAT and United Kingdom iTG`TosspoT.

United Kingdom One.Soldier vs Europe oceans 6
Time 22:00 CET
iTG-TV GGL TV Player


United Kingdom one.soldier 4-2 Europe Oceans6
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