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Kojak is here!

image: kojak_story3
This evening one of the greatest crime fighting televsion heros has been given a rebirth. No not on the BBC, but in ET!
In a week that has seen more clans being formed than any other here on xfire, and xfire DNS servers crash under the sheer volume of shock and awe at the volume of new teams, it is now time to welcome another!


Netherlands sacc (ex rewind)
Sweden Rat (ex o8)
Spain Winghaven (ex iLoGik)
Finland kimble (ex Negative Image)
Finland lettu (ex Negative Image)
Portugal sexyhot (uQ)
Switzerland kMt (ex playboys)
Israel Lion (ex pstarZ)
Sweden tba (someone that hasnt told their clanleader)

Server negotiations may prove to be this clans biggest problem, with players from opposite sides of the continent, servers in eastern Russia are expected to receive a boost from this decision.

Sweden Rat stated; With the claim that ET is soon dead you haveto make the best of the little time you have left, and thats exactly what we have done, with this lineup we hope to compete at the highest level.... but most important to have some great fun

One looks forward to seeing this teams progression!

Alis are next!

image: newlogo
This evening, Danish Multigaming organisation Alis has announced its return to Enemy Territory!

In a week when Danish CS team SoA qualified for the GGL Transatlantic finals, and just weeks after the muslim world turned on the danes, the return of ALIS will please many as the side were one with many friends when they were last active.

Some may ask, ALIS, who the f*ck is ALIS? - well one of their most comical achievements has to have been in the North Pole cup of 2003 when the side battled out an epic 6 hour match, which continued to be a stalemate and then had to be decided on Oasis, after 6 hours...ALIS lost. However in the summer of 2004 Alis was said to be a top 10 clan in Europe by Mr. Netherlands Shakes (High praise by Shakes' standard!)

Danish ET has been somewhat on the rocks after the last attempted revival of uNtried failed, but this time a similar group of players are bidding to go one better, and there was once even mention of a former powerhouse picking up his MP40 again!

The New Roster of ALIS is:

Denmark Arachon (ex Alis, TKB)
Denmark Blaa (ex Alis, uNtried)
Denmark Lagger (ex Alis, uNtried)
Denmark Blazer (ex Signum)
Denmark Degg7 (ex uNtried)
Denmark Kark (ex uNtried, Kapow!, dn.rtcw)
Norway Sideeffect (ex id.no, Sovereign)
Sweden Hellgoat (ex sweRTCW, mori)

Leader Arachon had this to say;
QuoteHaving traveled around in different clans for a bit over a year now, I am extremely happy to be back in the clan that I was co-founding back in 2000. For some people a clan name and tag does not mean anything, for me however it does and I feel that I will continue in this clan into either ET:QW or RtCW 2.

Join them #ALIS & ClanALIS.dk

ALIS is the 4th new face on the block this weekend, dare I ask Who's next?

dFIANCE lives!

image: dddddddddfiance
Theres a new team on the block and it goes by the name of dFIANCE!

As of 19.00 CET This evening, the european multigaming organisation dFIANCE has announced the acquisition of a new Enemy Teritory team. dFIANCE adds ET to roster of squads which also features Quake4, DoD 1.3, CoD2 & Counterstrike:Source.

If you looked at the picture it will be no surprise to you that the roster is as follows:

Germany viol (ex bhstyle, engine)
Austria FiED (ex splash-damage)
Germany conan (ex aGu)
Austria silent (ex vib)
Germany brot (ex helix)
Sweden NuggaN (ex bhstyle)
Germany murDa (ex helix, IDKFA)
Sweden tba (ex iNfensus)

This almost fully german speaking roster will be aiming to enter into the next Eurocup season and Austria FiED (formerly kerialy, now back to his older, better nickname) had the following to say:

QuoteAfter being formed from Assiclans, this team aims to have the longevity factor that our previous clans have lacked. We're gunning for Eurocup and hoping to become a mainstay in the community

Join dFIANCE at #dfiance and Dfiance-Gaming.net

This is the third new roster announced this weekend, and a hive of activity is surrounding the ET community at the moment, the question is, Who's next?

Germany takes on Poland in Schnappi warfare!

image: Schnappi
Tommorow night Germany take on Poland in the most highly anticipated game of this seasons Nations Cup. However, for one family this game will see not only two nations at war, but a family at war, I quote from uncyclopedia;

QuoteSince 2004 the new national anthem of Germany is "Schnappi das kleine Krokodil". The most famous version of the song is the one when Schnappi sings himself. Schnappi is originally from Egypt but had emigrate in 2004 for being politically persecuted. For Germany accepts every emigrant, the small Krokodil chose to hunt the dumb country. His uncle is called Schnapsi, lives in Emmaboda, Sweden, and is an alcoholic. Not to forget is also his aunt Schlampi, living in Poland.

The national anthem will be sung before the game by Schnappi live on iTG, however his aunt Schlampi has disowned her nephew for not joining her in Poland and the family is in tatters!

In other news; Germany lie top of group D with Poland hot on their tails in second place. Germany who have failed to impress in national competition are now starting to show the quality that their community has always had, the question is whether they can get themselves a medal this year?
The Polish opposition will be feirce, dont forget Polands gold medal that they stole from the Finns in NC 3, and for a country that has never had fruits in the clan scene the weight of their country rests on these brave soldiers!

GermanyGermany vs PolandPoland
Date: Monday 6th March - 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT
Maps: SupplyDepot & Braundorf

I personally believe this is Germanys best ever season in Nations Cup. Having been on the end of a beating from the Germans when I was playing for the UK, and having shoutcasted them over the years, I've not seen them in as good a form as I did when they played Russia earlier this season. I think they'll take Poland to the cleaners tommorow, and if they can do that they can go all the way!

Todd Hollenshead Speaks regarding ET:QW and Wolf!

Our beloved Netherlands Pol has unearthed a recent interview with ID Softwares chief Mr. Todd Hollenshead, who speaks with regards to this years upcoming releases aswell as some news on "The Next Wolf".

When asked about FPS vs MMORPG:

QuoteThe FPS genre is always expanding and changing. I certainly consider ET:QW to be an FPS, but it has a ton of other elements that aren't "straight FPS." I'm a huge fan of Wolf: ET (along with a ton of other people) so I'm really looking forward to that game coming out this year.

And most interestingly for the RTCW fans out there, when talking about PC and XBOX launches, and whether all games in future would be launched on both platforms he states;

QuoteET:QW is only in development for the PC currently. The next Wolf game is using the 360 as its primary development platform, but will be released on the PC as well. We're looking at PS3, 360 and PC for our internal project, but it's too early to guess on whether we'll have all of those ready to go at the same time. It would be nice if it works out where the launch is simultaneous, but I don't know if that's feasible.

The full interview is available HERE and once again props to Pol for the find!

Xfire Quality Control

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This week the xfire admins have been called into action on a number of occasions to modify or delete several newsposts which have been below the standard expected for a newspost.
Xfire.be is very keen to promote free contribution by its members, it is one of the features that enhances a variety of news. However, the journalistic standard of the newsposts must remain consistent between those that are regularly posting news and those that are not.

Whilst exceptions are made, and there are posts that are missed, on the whole the author of any newspost must attempt to make his newspost informative and interesting, whilst also adding to the content of this site.

If you are posting news about a new clan, that is by all means welcome, however as a standard, you should not be looking just to post their roster and irc channel. Interesting news about their history and aspirations are also a must, along with perhaps a quote, whilst reminding people what is so special about this clan.

If you are posting news about a new cup, make sure that you're not simply posting about the date and the website of this cup.

Whilst realistically there can never be a minimum word count for a newspost, you must understand the need for quality posts and a good read for your audience.

At xfire we also understand that English is not everyones first language, and that writing at the same standard as others is not easy. For that reason you're more than welcome to contact the ops in #crossfire for assistance or full writing of your newspost.

A full rewrite of the posting guidelines will come with the release of Xfire 3.

Thank You - The Xfire Crew

noll8 back in action!

Earlier this week xfire announced the return of Aneki and opened the door to speculation about who would be joining this swedish RTCW legend in his return to ET.

Now is the time to end the speculation and proudly announce ET's newest team, a team littered with RTCW history and success!

Sweden Aneki (ex o8 & iN)
Sweden Capten (ex o8 & SnapS)
Sweden Radical (ex iN)
Sweden Smutz (ex KiH)
Sweden Lockbete (ex e-star)
Sweden rat (ex IDKFA)
Sweden askungen
Sweden Pikken (ex KiH)

This is noll8's second outting into ET, however the last outting failed to bare fruits except for the partial foundation for the second iNfensus ET team that took silver in Eurocup IX.
Sweden had the knack of producing RTCW superstars on a weekly basis, players who could make an impact to any roster out there, the return to action for players like Capten will certainly bring hope to the swedish community, who himself was a mainstay of the successful SnapS team.

Join them in their quest for glory in #noll8

All eyes on foonr!

image: mesm
The most recent addition to the xfire admin crew has been working his socks off these past weeks keeping the site fully up to date with the latest comings and goings within the ET community!

Today United Kingdom foonr posted his most recent piece of art, his Eurocup Final Preview! This long, well worked article features his own thoughts, interviews, news from the teams and a detailed list of predictions from within the community, a brilliant read!

QuoteRead it Here

However he hasnt stopped there! Earlier this week he also interviewed iTG's Kee_RinG and got up close and personal with the Macho Man!

QuoteRead it Here

Not to be outdone though, United Kingdom Nellie has been hard at work! Today publishing his interview with Germany FlyindDJ and really poses some hard hitting questions to the lovable german, espcially about his rival shoutcaster for this weeks final!

QuoteRead it Here

Nellie is also working very hard on a nations cup knowledge base, that is so long hes having to post it on esreality due to xfires limitations!

QuoteRead it Here

However, these young punks aint got nothing on this old dog and today after a 12 month gap another article was posted in the care to debate series, regarding the future of competitive ET!

QuoteRead it Here

Busy times over here at xfire, and in the words of United States of America JFK "Ask not what xfire can do for you, ask what you can do for xfire"

NationsCup roster system on verge of collapse?

When you're a Nations Cup captain you have to balance the need for a great roster, with the limitation of players from each clan. Its part of the job and its part of getting the best from what you've got.

The rules on this system are as follows:
QuotePlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 1 December 2005

QuoteA national team may never have more than 3 members of the same active ET clan playing at the same time.

Last season this rule came to light most notably with Hungary Hungary and T4Ce and with United Kingdom United Kingdom and SoF. The rule brought out all sorts of allegations, both teams were disqualified briefly and then had their decisions overturned. But trouble is brewing again in ClanBase land as the roster announcements that came in full technicolour here on xfire are for the majority, subject to players from Eurocup clans.

This Eurocup has been the kiss of death to ET Clans and after this weeks final, it may well be confirmed that 100% of EC Playoff clans will have died now this causes a problem as not 100% of the players will stop playing ET, and thus they will likely join new clans and roster regulations obeyed when the team was picked will be turned on their heads!

Lets take the UK for example:

Squirrel, syK, Mztik all played in together in 141, now though, the new roster of Trinity sees FaTaL, RazZ & Mztik on the same roster. Last season it was FaTaL playing one game for SoF prior to leaving them, that had the UK in breach of the rules. So If he were to leave trinity and be replaced by someone else from the UK roster. Then the team would be in dire straits yet again.

The UK are just the first to have some of their players resurface after the EC fallout, this problem could well strike on every other roster. The problem comes with the 1st December ruling for a cup that dosent start until almost 2 full months later.

Should Clanbase update their activity deadline to the first match day of Nations Cup? As the roster regulations during Eurocup were sketchy at best, or will the newly returning Wales AngryKid stay firm to the already existing rules?

idle vs gods

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Eurocup XII is drawing to a close and with 3 teams left we prepare to say goodbye to one of the two teams who were at this stage last season!

Rewind back one season and be very selective in your memory of squad names and this is a repeat of last seasons fixture where then Estonia u96d were on an unthinkable path that would finish in a Hotel in dallas! Everything was bigger in texas, and idle's reputation and fear factor has certainly shrunk since then and now they face a more finnish looking god than they did last season!

image: fihu Gods.Inc once german now finnish and hungarian are on paper in pole position for this tie, the former negative image team who have successfully turned hype into reality are knocking on historys door, the question is when will the door be opened? Gods can boast a map victory over Finland uQ earlier this week in the winners bracket final, and must be hoping that they can convert that into 2 maps over a team who at one point could be accused of living off their own success! But is that the case now? Who wants to bet against Eurocup and Quakecon winners? This is going to be a close one!

Finland Gods.Inc vs Estonia idle
Date Sunday 22nd Jan 20.00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 2 + FlyingDJ @ zenith

Written Coverage:
foonr's pornographic preview of the EC LB Final!
idle on Eurocup gold trail


There is a romantic affair going on with idle and enemy teritory, as much as they've tried to forget it there is an undeniable aura about the name idle and our beloved ET. Tina Turner famously sang, Whats Love got to do with it? Well, when love is a roster that consists 1 Quakecon winner, 1 Quakecon bronze medalist, 2 Eurocup winners, 2 Eurocup bronze medalists and a crazy dutchman its got a whole lot to do with the problems that Gods are going to face. Gods are a team brimming with potential and time is running out for them to become anything more than nearly men of ET. Never before has a Finn-Hungario relationship looked so good, but does it offer the resolve capable of taking down players who will be unphased by the occasion?
I think not, as epic a contest as this will be, experience is golden and our beloved Tina Turner sang simply the best with just one estonian team in mind!
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