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idle on the Eurocup Gold trail...

image: logoSlowly but surely the team who boast 2 Quakecon medal positions are creeping their way towards another medal!

When Estonia idle were reformed with half of the rA roster, in rather controversial circumstances they were not given two hopes of winning Eurocup. When Estonia idle were thrown into the losers bracket by uQ they were not given two hopes of winning Eurocup.

However, victories over United Kingdom 141 and Europe IDKFA has seen the team grow in terms of a credible threat to the current reign of finnish supremacy. But wait, is this not the same scenario we saw last season? The team who crawled through their group, in third place, then dumped into the losers bracket by parodia. To repeat a trait of last season there is a new face in their roster, one we've saw added well into last season...enter Sweden Ferus of Saevus fame!

Thats right, the lovable swede is back, and are idle now back in business? I caught up with Estonia Night to get the lowdown on ferus and whether Idle can win Eurocup!

QuoteI wanna say yes but I can't :p we thought before 141 game that it's the last game, and even after 15 min we thought the same. It would be awesome if history repeats, but I think uQ deserves the win more and i'm almost sure they gonna get it. However we've been pretty active last 1 or 2 weeks but we had a little break during december and january for a couple of weeks.

And about ferus...

Quoteferus is one of the games greatest players and its a luxury to have him on our roster but hes nowhere near guaranteed a place in our team...

So, as the rumours have speculated, ferus has rejoined the idle team, however whether we see him playing this Eurocup is not certain, and idle may well be pulling our leg! What does Clanbase say about any late additions?

Quote I'll go on record as saying that it would be entirely within the rules for idle to add him to their allowed list for EC if they so desire

Estonia Idle face Europe Gods.Inc this Sunday as history repeats itself again with a god's roster in the losers bracket final for the second season in a row, in addition, iTG will be bringing you the action!

Dont you just love deja vus?


Gods in a pickle!

The match is back on and will be played, right NOW, roster information is hard to find, but the game is going ahead this very second. Phobeus will play for Gods and Germany Slaz is back in 141 and will play!


Today witnessed Europe Gods.inc forced into a tricky situation, and unfortunately for them, they've been struck down by gridlock in the Clanbase hierarchy.

Scheduled to play United Kingdom 141 who themselves have justed added a new player, 2 times bronze medalist Switzerland Anubis, gods were faced with the scenario of replacing Finland Kimble or not play the game, rather than take 141's route of recruiting a brand new player. Why? Where is there a difference?

Clanbase rules state that once the groupstage is completed an ET roster must consist of 7 players, HOWEVER until earlier this week, that number was 6. Therefore if Gods wanted to play this game, they would have to replace Finland kmble, meaning that when he returned from holiday he could not play for Gods as you can only make 1 roster addition after the end of the group stages.

Gods wanted to find this player some time ago, however Spain DoneX was forced to adhere to the rules he was given, despite his own complaints to his superiors that this rule was not workable for ET, and that he wanted to change it to 7. This week he was given permission to make that change, and that is why United Kingdom 141's roster reads with 7 (active) players, and Gods just 6.

Could Gods reschedule following this rule change? Unfortunately not, Clanbase are not allowing the option of a reschuedule due to a stringent cup schedule, despite 141's offer, and thus 2 Finns, 2 Hungarians and 1 Spaniard are looking to the gods for divine inspiriation as they now face a default loss, and a place in the losers bracket!

However it has come to light that despite news to the contrary, Switzerland Anubis will not be allowed to play in Eurocup, as he is cup tied. Playing would violate "The new member has not played with another clan in the same cup after the deadline." and Anubis was active for wArning after this deadline, and thus will not be allowed to play again in this seasons Eurocup.

141 on the other hand, appear to also be in their own pickle, clanleader United Kingdom Mztik claims that he was told by the cup supervisor that Anubis would be allowed to play if they removed a member from their roster, to maintain it at 7, that member was Germany slaz. However just hours before the game, 141 have been told that Anubis cannot play and they are crying foul.

2 contrasting points of view on the Anubis matter remain. Anubis was knocked out of Eurocup XII whislt playing for wArning, once you're out, you're out? Well, technically yes. However just like in Football, when if your goalkeeper sustains a long injury and you do not have a suitable backup, you are allowed to make a transfer outside of the transfer window, Anubis being the keeper of the rifle for 141, and they have since removed riflenaders Slaz and h2oxygen from their active roster, under Clanbase instruction.

Information from Spain DoneX, Finland MulSu United Kingdom Mztik


IDKFA the two weeks clan that never was, take on United Kingdom uQ on Thursday night and can harbour realistic hopes of taking something away from this match!

Both teams progressed through their group, and uQ dismantled a misfiring Europe idle team who were a shadow of the team that duelled with the flying fins for gold last season. On the other side, the team that hadnt played for two weeks Spain wArning bowed out of ET against IDKFA. So on Thursday night these will do battle!

United Kingdom uQ vs Europe IDKFA
Time: 21:00 CET Update
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 2

Eurocup for me is a three horse race, uQ have the skill, but their dedication to a game they've been playing for so long needs to stay on top for the final hurdle, otherwise either United Kingdom 141 or Europe IDKFA can take the gold away from them, the same problem they faced last year!
IDKFA go into this knowing that a strong performance from them could see them take this game, they contributed alongside uQ to the scandinavian allstar team and will look to build on a successful season, and hopefully change name to something I can remember.
Reports from both camps suggest that they're equally fired up for this game, so I really think we're in for a classic!

Happy New Year!

image: 2002_black_200
Happy New Year to all readers of Xfire.be! May you have a great evening and and a brilliant 2006!

2006 will see the release of Xfire 3 aswell as two titles which fall under the crossfire umbrella, ET:QuakeWars and most likely RTCW2 under whatever name it will be given!

So brush down your mp40, Load up that Panzerfaust and get ready for another great year of news, columns and journals!

Only with Xfire.be

Tonight is the night!

image: euallstars1 Thats right ladies and gents, the second european allstar event kicks off tonight! With stars a plenty watch your regions best of the best dual against the other 3 regions of Europe.

Northern Europe has the gold from last season, but things have changed somewhat and the time is nigh for a new European Champion! Tune in tonight for all the action:


19:00 CET - East vs West - 0:4
20:30 CET - North vs South - 4:0
22:00 CET - East vs North - 0:4

Live Coverage
GamesTV.org has once again pulled out all the stops and are dedicating their time and ETTV madskills to tonights matches, with all games have 800+ and East vs West breaking into the 1050 mark there should be plenty of room, even for fat people!

Radio iTG TosspoT is joined tonight by the only Macho Man singing shoutcaster in iTG history! Thats right, its the return of KEE RING!

Flying Dj Look up there! Is it a bird, is it a plane? No its the only Flying Dj in the business! Putting his mouth to mic once again for tonights matches bringing you german shoutcasting!

Make sure you're ready for a rollercoaster night of fun filled ET action!

In Addition - Any nicely geographically placed servers that are ETTV compatible and are available for these games are welcome to be donated!

Angry no more!

Today Wales Angrykid has completed his therapy and has resolved his anger within, and thus forth has decided to leave his position within Clanbase and resign from his position as the only person in Wales to have Internet.

AngryKid moved through the ranks quickly and has for the past 2 seasons found himself as an integral part of the crew. During the early parts of last Eurocup season Angrykid took the bold step of taking ETTV coverage away from the individuals who were mistreating it at the top and along with the formation of the CFE, boldly resurrect ETTV.org with success greater than he imagined possible.

However it was his bold nature that got the job done, whilst AngryKid will be remembered for the work he did once officially given a position of authority, he was in the position of covering for a faltering GameSup and it this that makes AK the unsung hero of Clanbase. Whilst publically not released until now, very few know of the tremendous struggle he went through to get the CB ET crew operating successfully after Italy Kajab and Belgium Lake had left.
In the interim before Netherlands Cash took over gamesup, AngryKid was in a position of watch nothing get done, or do it himself. Taking on responsibility after responsibility including running Nations Cup, and despite being told publically that for "The quality of the cup" he was to be replaced by the then gamesup he with the help of other admins around him guided the ET ship to safe waters. Angrykids torment was soon to be over as he and Cash flourished together, often seen holding hands in the park together and AK has since expressed his love for the Dutch.

Angrykids departure from the CB ET Crew is for personal reasons (finally deciding that a woman can please him more than a sheep can) but he will be continuing with the gamestv.org project, and after working extensively with him espcially during the times when ET Coverage was going down the pan, I can safely say this is a huge loss to ET.

Good Luck!

141 vs helix - Updated


United Kingdom 141 4-2 Germany Helix

Shoutcast Download HERE

A truely memorable match for all the right reasons!


Right now the group table see's United Kingdom 141 and United Kingdom uQ in the top two places, but Europe helix are in a position with the potential to steal that final qualification place!

Victory would see a three way tie at the top of the group, the margin would be the determining factor. United Kingdom uQ lost last week to United Kingdom 141 and it was that victory that suddenly has built the hype around a 141 team dogged with roster changes since their summer cup victory!
However Europe helix are not to be taken lightly, their resisilient style of play has seen them take one well earnt map off uQ and puts them in a position where it would be foolish to rule them out of this game!
It really is all to play for, IF helix were to win, each team would have beaten LGND and taken one other victory, leaving it finely poised for a goal difference type of finish!

The details are as follows:

Europe helix vs United Kingdom 141
Date Monday 12th December
Time 21.30 CET
Maps sw_goldrush & braundorf
ETTV GamesTV.org
Shoutcast iTG`TosspoT
Coverage NxM @ wA

This writer prays for a classic, maybe 4 maps? Helix have often proven to be the thorn in many a top teams side, I remember last year when helix got in the way of the u96d steam train with a group stage victory that did not see them qualify, could history repeat it self, or will this helix team go one better? Helix's legacy within ET makes them potentially one of the oldest names in ET, back when the game was first released their very first roster before plan-b took it apart was potentially the strongest in ET at the time!

European Allstar Event returns!

Sometime ago as part of the selection process for Atlantic Battle 2, The european allstar event was launched! The event divides the continent into 4 sections and pits them against one another!

The event returns for its second stint in action and this time, its HOLY! Thats right, one region must take fight in the snow and steal Santa's sleigh from northern europe, the reigning champions!

This holiday frag fest is being brought to you by Poland Mrozu and United Kingdom TosspoT aswell as a host of supporting organisations.
Whilst the finer details of the event are yet to be announced, the outlay looks like this:

Date Friday 23rd December
Teams Northern, Southern, Eastern & Western Europe
iRC #european-allstars

Each region must select a captain via process of nomination. The community is challenged with the task of selecting the captains for each region! To nominate a captain for a selected region, send your name, your region and your nomination for Your region to [email protected] - The captains job will be to select the best 6 players available for the time and date to challenge the other regions!


Voting Deadline Wednesday 13th December
Captain Announcement Friday 15th December
Roster Announcement Wednesday 21st December
Competition Friday 23rd December


News: Crossfire
Coverage: eSports.pl wArning-team.org
Shoutcast: RadioiTG.com
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Anyone wishing to volunteer their services or servers please contact Mrozu at [email protected]

Note - More information to follow including tournament structure in the coming days + Israel is included in southern europe


Because we assumed that countries arent correctly balanced, we added Czech RepublicCzech Republic to east europe and SwitzerlandSwitzerland & AustriaAustria to the south europe.
We also assumed that it will be rather hard to play all 6 matches on one day, so event will take a place on 2 days, thursday and friday, 22 and 23 of December.

idle...changes a foot!

All be this news slightly late in hitting the page but idle have rung the changes in a bid to build for the upcoming season!

On Monday 3rd of October we reported on idle's decision to leave the ET scene, that time to move onto DoD Source. Just 13 days later, it emerged that they would be back on the block at the expense of some of rAtatosk's roster, but still maintaining a 5 man estonian core of the roster.

Now some 6 weeks later, idle are back amongst the headlines for their roster changes, and it is a culmination of nations and experience. But just 1 Quakecon winner!

idle's current roster looks like this:

Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Estonia Deadmeat
Netherlands teKoa
Germany senji
Germany urtier

Undoubted quality throughout that roster, but is there still the "phwoar" factor that struck fear in their opponents summer? And the team features many players who have already quit the game in the past, perhaps this is soon to be the final chapter for idle in their fairytale.

In other idle news, the GGL has featured Night's Gamer Life - You can read it HERE

RTCW Legend powers through DreamHack Quake4

One of the most consistent players in RTCW history has started his Quake 4 career with a bang!

Sweden civ a two time RTCW Quakecon finalist with Sweden iNfensus now heads up the team9 Quake 4 roster which features some more of the old iNfensus flavour with wuFF and FeTTe.

But it is Anders "civ" Larsson sending ripples through the Quake 4 duelling community. Trading sniper for rail, this week saw him destroy Quake 3 legend Sweden iC-Gopher in his Eurocup qualifier and just moments ago claimed another victim. Sweden TeveT who himself has had a resounding start to his Quake 4 career but has just felt the full power of an mp_beach defence.

civ must now pull out all the stops to take on one UT2k4's legends, in the shape of Austria Falcon (aAa, play.it) . However civ is in the favourable position of still being in the winners bracket, and will desperately want to avoid Sweden Fox who is favourite for this tournament on his current form!
However, civ is not alone at dreamhack! Sweden wuff aka team9|zeb has just been knocked into the losers bracket by civ's next opponent...Falcon!

Dreamhack is the first major Quake 4 lan event that has seen Europe's greatest duellers make their way to sweden, but as always, they underestimated RTCW power! With his railgun in one hand and his medic packs in the other, civ is building his reputation within Quake 4 with every performance!

iTG`ReDeYe from Dreamhack
Battlefrag Video Stream

(you can sync them as you would ettv)

Winners Bracket
Losers Bracket

Losers Bracket round 6
Sweden wuFF 2-0 Kazakhstan neji
Quarter Finals
Sweden civ 2-0 Austria Falcon
Semi Finals
Sweden civ 0-2 Sweden Toxic
civ outclassed by a Quake 3 legend. But hes still in the losers bracket!
Sweden civ 0-2 Sweden hazter

A good showing for team9 and inparticular civ, who knows whether this years Quakecon could bring us another civ spectacular?
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