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ETQWPro 0.6

A few minutes ago I published the 0.6 Version of ETQWPro Mod.

This Mod merges Splashdamage's Competition Mod and the old version of ETQWPro.

The main goals were to keep vanilla commands and Competition Commands working. So all your Scripts from vanilla or compmod should also work in ETQWPro 0.6.
Also user experience was a high priority, so you will now get feedback on error messages and so on.

0.6 is also supporting its very own ranked server system. More Information on this will made public soon.

No more words from me, be sure to check the changelog here and the complete Cvar list here

Windows server admins: Be sure to check the changelog. There is some info about Windows server binaries

I do suggest using the installer, since it cleans up your system from any old ETQWPro binaries!

Installer: download
Zip: download


This update fixes some major issues that popped up in 0.55a.

The main issues I was trying to fix / smoothen out:
TV was crashing on connect
Vehicle management, vehicles wont spawn into the map anymore, if they are not allowed
Headshots only mod
Demo recording
End of round screenshots
better useability (menu to adjust your ingame settings)
Weapon model tweaks (thanks to pie)
GPMG spread
Cvar to show headshot hitboxes when cheats enabled
Our scripts will work now also on custom maps!

Serveradmins, be sure to adjust your server configs! The es_allowvehicles cvar has changed. More Information about this can be found in the changelog and wiki!

We highly recommend updating your servers, also be sure to give any bugreport and feedback in our forums at ETQWPro Forums

Also Linux server admins, please give feedback about any server crashes, the binaries got compiled in a slightly diffrent way this time!

Stopwatch :
ETQW:TV : myhannes.info:27777 (you can watch ET:QW TV without an online account)

Download: MyHannes.info
Changelog: Wiki Pages

ETQWPro 0.55a

This is a very small update this time. I only fixed the few bugs reported and adopted the autorecord from splashdamage.

This update now should and can be used for competition.
Report bugs to our forums please.

Download here

wiki here

Our Public server has been updated already:
Official ETQWPro Public: (custom content download enabled)


* Fixed third person Crosshair not showing up anymore
* Fixed readyteam bug
* es_autorecord now stops at the end of round

==New Features==
* es_mod_grenade_count has been reworked. 0 = vanilla grenade count, 1 = etqwpro grenade count, 2 = 2 nades for every class, 3 = no nades
* now displaying the time that remains, until a locked vehicle is useable again!
* autorecording will now use Splashdamge's way of demo naming. (g_autoDemoNameFormat)
* Megatextures are now downloaded to the base directory, and not the mod directory

ETQWPro 0.5 is live

Hey there, its me again!

Im very pleased to announce that the ETQWPro version is now live on our update servers and will get installed as soon as you start ETQWPro 0.4 the next time.

No, its not that easy but there is indeed some great change in the whole mod. While I was focusing on the whole GFX stuff to get you guys as much FPS as possible, I had blaze to work on the restrictions and NA / EU compatibility.

Blaze joined the ETQWPro team about one month ago, and I cant think of coding alone anymore.

So whats new, whats fixed where can I download it?

Update: Pub for you to test:

Ultraviolet and Smireboule shows off!

image: uvlogokx0

Hey there!

Now that my exams are over, -Max- and I decided to lift all Ultraviolet secrets.
This time we do not have a new movie for you guys, but a lot other intresting stuff.
We decided to release all the fancy stuff, all the programs and even our beloved configs.
In addition, we can proudly announce the new Camtrace 3D Beta version.

What you get when you read on:

[*]Movie Mod for ETQW
[*]Limited Movie Mod for ETQW -> Promod
[*]Ultraviolet Movie Maker GOLD (with HDR and ETQW, ET, RTCW, COD, COD2, Quake3, Doom3, Quake4 support)
[*]Camtrace 3D 0.9 Beta
[*]Hannes ET config
[*]-Max- ET config (will get added later, -Max- was just too drunk after clubbing hard)

Update 1: -Max- cfg has been added.
Update 2: Movie Maker supports now Image, uninstall the old Movie Maker, download it again ( same link ) and install it! Choose image in the Dropdown List

ET:QW Promod 0.03 Public Beta

After the release of the ET:QW Promod 0.02 the modding team planned to wait for the SD competition mod to built their mod on the SD source code. Bad things delayed the SD mod and since CDC #4 is pretty near the Promod team started to finish the next release, 0.03.

And here it comes, the newest Promod version including new fireteam functions, a working spawnsystem and many more. After a week full of beta tests the version is ready to release and you can grab it here

You can test the mod on the following servers: Team SPEED-LINK ETQWPro 0.03 by FSHost.de Team TIER ETQWPro 0.03

We consider this to be the mod played on the CDC4 Lan in Enschede.

A Full Changelog is


- Fixed Screenshots being black at the end of the round
- Fixed a message Overflow (caused client crashes)
- Fixed spawn Select
- Fixed class selection (see later)
- Fixed ready Team (there may still be some issues)

- Removed player class (weapon) restriction (broken)

- Demos are now named like "date_time_map"
- Demos will start when countdown starts
- Demos will end as soon as the map ends or @ a match reset
- FireTeams now show Members HP
- latched Classes
- Hitsounds are really hearable now
- weapons spread adjusted

- Introduced Pause function.
Every team has 3 Pauses which can last 2 minutes.
Only Team Members and admins can unpause
Unpause will have a delay of 5 seconds

- Introduced setSpawnPoint / setspawnpt
setspawnpoint will print all available spawns!
setspawnpoint <id> will let u spawn at the chose spawnpoint
setspawnpoint -1 will let u spawn at the Frontline!

- Introduced class Command
class <classid> <weaponid>

- ClientClass reverted back to normal
clientClass <classname> <weaponid>

- Introduced aliases.
pause -> pauseGame
unpause -> unpauseGame
readyteam -> teamReady
setspawnpt -> setspawnPoint

Download Links
Mirror #1
Mirror #2

Quakewars Impressions Trailer

image: uvlogokx0

Europe Ultraviolet Productions are proud to present their first official Enemy Territory Quake Wars work.

It's been some time since our last ET movie, but we did it once again. With this brand new Trailer Europe Ultraviolet Productions are not an ET only Production anymore.

This Trailer will show ingame footage from Enemy Territory:Quake Wars.

With frags performed by Team Speed-Link, Team Dignitas, 4Kings, Kompaniet and Stofftiere Online, you wont be bored i hope.

I am very happy to show you even one more ETQW Artwork! Its a new map, done by iceweasel and recamed from us. A map you think, wow boring! Actually it is not! Those 60 megs are def. worth downloading.

Enough talking, here are the facts:

Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 1:16
File Size: 43 Mb
Release Date: Monday Januray 7th 2008
Video Editing: Hannes
Codec: x264
Frame Rate: 30 FPS
Resolution: 1280x720

Special Thanks to our beloved Tosspot for the exciting cast!

Trailer: Download from MyHannes.info
Map Artwork: Download from MyHannes.info

Cometh the hour, cometh the mAx

image: uvlogokx0

Ultraviolet Productions are proud to present their third official Enemy Territory movie, and also the third official Enemy Territory movie of the Belgian supremo - mAx in mAx Chapter 3.

Almost two years since the release of the previous mAx movie comes the latest installment. With November 2004's mAx Chapter 1 and July 2005's mAx Chapter 2 being made by mAx himself, the responsibility of making the third chapter to complete the trilogy belongs to Ultraviolet Productions Founder -Max-.image: thumbnail0jc3

Not long after the release of -Max-'s previous movie one4one Decimated in August 2006, -Max- and mAx began discussing fragmovies. Originally not interested in a single player fragmovie, the two found that they shared many ideas. With -Max-'s previous movie stretching over 22 and a half minutes, including a storyline, it was time to explore something vastly different. With a player of mAx's skill and the possibility of a much shorter, fast-paced fragmovie, the offer was too great to turn down and the project then evolved into mAx Chapter 3.

Work began on a soundtrack in the closing months of 2006, one track of which would reflect some of the style of the previous movies, with mAx's love for hip-hop. When editing began around February, one ambition of -Max-'s was to bridge the gap between the content-orientated movies and editing-orientated movies. The comparisons between the likes of one4one Decimated and Souvenirs by Ganon, motivated -Max- to find a middle ground.

Since the frags were to remain important, it was decided to include in-game sounds, to give a better representation of the quality of the frags themselves, and to add some extra tension. However, with the level of editing that was required being so high, this was not possible. So instead -Max- has spent a lot of time adding sounds manually from the pak0.pk3 file. While a much more efficient solution, it required the sacrifices of several elements of what would be present otherwise. For example, the sound of opponents shooting back would simply be impossible to do to a high standard, though we've tried to make its absence as unnoticeable as possible.With the inclusion of multiple streams, the gamesounds are optional - not included in the second stream.

Movie Information
Starring: Belgium mAx
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 8:00
File Size: 329 megs
Release Date: August 20th 2007
Editing: Scotland -Max-
Text: England eTerNal
Codecs: x264/FAAC | XviD/LAME MP3
Frame Rate: 25 FPS/50 FPS
Resolution: 1280x720/720x400

Software Used[/b]]
Adobe After Effects 7
Magic Bullet Look Suite
MeGUI Modern Media Encoder
Motion 2
Multi Frontend
Smireboule Camtrace 3D
Sony Vegas 7
The Foundry's Keylight
Ultraviolet Movie Maker
Ultraviolet Movie Mod
Ultraviolet Media Manager
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2.60b Patch)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Extended Demo Viewer

Please Support Us

Ultraviolet Website | #ultraviolet

Ultraviolet mmMod RTCW

image: uvlogokx0

Ultraviolet mmMod RTCW 0.1 Build 32 Final

Well first I was thinking about a little moviemaker mod for RTCW that supports our all loved Camtrace.
Since the response and the feedback was so huge I decided to add some more common features. The biggest change is maybe the new Console Popup, which will from now on support 8 popups instead of 5. If you got questions, feel free to ask @ http://myhannes.info/wordpress/?p=19 in the comments or in
#ultraviolet @ quakenet.

Latest version: 09.03.2007 - 17:50 CET
Fixed the teamkill bug and removed blood completely /mm_bloodflash 0

So no more talking, here you go download the mod: http://myhannes.info/ccount11/click.php?id=8
a short sample for the popups: http://myhannes.info/stuff/movie/uv-mmMod/Tests/RTCW-OwnPopUpsOnlySample.avi
a short sample for a recam: http://myhannes.info/stuff/movie/uv-mmMod/Tests/RTCW-BeachRecamSample.avi
README as PDF: http://myhannes.info/stuff/movie/uv-mmMod/mmMod-rtcw.pdf
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