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EuroCup: Playoffs kickoff

image: ecbw4

game's rescheduled to thursday -_-

To everything comes an end and so it did for the groupstages as sunday Europe Impact and Europe FatGames played the very last match. The match was quite highly anticipated as it was going to be the match of group B. Unfortunately though, FatGames weren't exactly up for the challenge and were overcome by the allstar lineup of Impact quite comfortably. That left FatGames in second placing for their group meaning they were to take it up against the team that placed first in group A, Germany MegaProGaming.

EuroCup: group D final

image: ecbw4

Group D has so far this season for me turned out to be one of the most thoroughly upsetting groups I have ever witnessed in the history of ET EuroCup (I smell some nostalgic comments coming up!).
From the start Finland Vicious and Evil have definitely been favorites to come out on top whereas Poland FearFactory X-Fi and Croatia Cortana were to fight it out for the second place leaving Europe ephix at the bottom.
Nothing has been more besides the truth though as right now only FearFactory is certain of a playoffs spot and ephix tonight have it entirely in their own hands to get the second spot.
Moreover, v&e will even bow out completely if ephix manage to get the better of Cortana tonight, allbeit with either 4-0 or with a decider. So, Europe ephix obviously have it all to do tonight and I for one will be very interested to see how things will end up for this group.

First, though, we will be starting off the evening with Europe Tag taking it up against Europe FatGames. Group B has been lagging behind and has a lot of catching up to do. Tonight will be the first of three matches that still need be played for this group.

EuroCup: OVERLOAd beats Kirwa

image: ecbw4

OVERLOAd 4 : 0 Kirwa

I don't know about where you guys are, but down here the weather just keeps getting better and better and my regret for promising I'd cover the entire EuroCup on crossfire keeps getting bigger and bigger =). No time for whining though, tonight there is another big game on schedule in the form of Belgium OVERLOAd versus Europe Kirwa as well as a second game for group D.

Yesterday Germany MegaProGaming once again proved too strong for their opponents as they made Finland Incomplete! bow out of the season with a 4-0 loss. This means that we now have our first finished group, namely A. MPG have very easily and convincingly made their way through the groupstage winning all of their games without losing a single round. Second through came Netherlands Team CoolerMaster who were significantly less convincing as they won only played two matches (Europe 8bits unfortunately had to fold from the EuroCup) and won only one of those two.
They will be back in the playoffs nonetheless though and perhaps they will be able to improve their game before their time comes again.

Concentrating on tonight again, as said there are two games on schedule; Belgium OVERLOAd versus Europe Kirwa Kirwanderin Kirwurit definitely being the match of the evening, and Europe ephix hardboys, who have quite some catching up to do, will be playing versus Poland Fear-Factory Xfi.

EuroCup: Incomplete vs MPG

image: ecbw4

EDIT: MPG 4 - 0 Incomplete!

After last night's shocking display where three out of four EuroCup matches were rescheduled tonight will offer a bit more certainty as there is only one game to be played which is Germany MegaProGaming versus Finland Incomplete!

The one game that was played yesterday was highBot versus n1ce where the latter managed to grab a win so as to finish third in their group. Arguably, Germany highBot had already sort of given up on Enemy Territory EuroCup and were more involved with their Wolfenstein game later on that evening but not to take anything away from Europe n1ce as they came through with a nice and clean 4-0 win.

That was then though and tonight there is something entirely different on schedule as the very last groupmatch for group A is to be played. The Finns of Finland Incomplete! will have no alternative but to win their game tonight if they are still planning to go to the playoffs. If they do, they will have come up on top of Netherlands Team CoolerMaster by points. Whether they will be able to do so has yet to be seen as their opponent for this evening is not one to take lightly...

EuroCup: Sunday ET evening

image: ecbw4

After a rather long break of three days it is time to get things back on track and round up the group stages. There are quite a fair few matches still to be played and in theory they all need to played by the end of the next matchweek. Tonight will be no exception as there are three matches scheduled to be played over the course of this evening.

The groupstages are starting to draw to an end and for group C and D we can even already tell which two teams are to advance to the playoffs, although which one will come out on top is not quite written in stone yet.

No one will be left out tonight as there is a very action packed evening ahead of us, here is an overview of what to expect:

EuroCup: cortana versus vae

image: ecbw4

We've had a very easy-going start for this week's EuroCup action which has much to do with teams taking full advantage of their wildcard-option; often much to the annoyance of their opponents...
Yesterday was no different as Belgium OVERLOAd for the second time this season found themselves disappointed shortly before the match would have to be played.
Hopefully tonight will be different though, as again there is only one match on schedule as we have the Finns of Finland Vicious and Evil taking it up against Croatia Cortana.

Both teams arguably have had a disappointing start of their seasons, one more than the other perhaps. However there is all still to play for in group D as all four teams still have their shot at the playoffs, needless to say tonight will be another important match.

EuroCup: n1ce versus Kirwa

image: ecbw4

After Germany MegaProGaming made Netherlands Team CoolerMaster look like a division 2 team yesterday to grab their second 4-0 win this season and Finland Incomplete! taking a win of their own over Belgium 8Bits, group A is nearly coming to a finish. If Team CoolerMaster dont make any mistakes in their game versus <[o]> they should be able to place second in the group. That would have MegaProGaming advance as first and Coolermaster as second just as most of us predicted, god we're so brilliant at times!

Anyway yesterday was a bit confusing for me as there were three games, and one of the teams told me their match would be wildcarded. Later on I found out that the game in question didn't get wildcarded at all, but one of the other two did. I'm sorry for the mix up! Today luckily we wont have that problem as there is just one match on schedule, namely Europe n1ce versus Europe Kirwa Kirwurit Kirwanderin. This game was wildcarded earlier on this week and was rescheduled for today.

EuroCup: sunday evening

image: ecbw4

After a brief weekend break we are getting ourselves back in to business with EuroCup XVII and in some fashion.
Tonight the second matchweek for group A will unfold and there is a very big clash on schedule between the likes of Netherlands Team CoolerMaster and Germany MegaProGaming. Furthermore we have the first outing of the new lineup of Europe FatGames which will go up against a Europe Tag.ET side which has had a harsh start to their season and who will be looking to turn things around tonight. The team certainly does not find themselves up against the easiest of opponents in their group and tonight is no different as FatGames are looking stronger than ever. Whether looks ones again prove to be deceiving we will see this evening!

EuroCup: an action packed evening!

The title does not lie as tonight you will all wish for an extra pair of eyes with a very full schedule. No less than three matches are planned to be played this evening!

Yesterday evening saw a very strong Belgium OVERLOAd with a performance that surpassed anything I've seen of them before to date literally steamrolling a disappointing Germany HighBot with lioco taking a predominant position. The Belgians' decision to take on two foreigners turned out to be a good one as they confidently took adlernest only to go on and fullhold the Germans at the tank defence. As it is now the Belgians seem very likely to take the first place in their group and appear determined to improve last season's placement.

Tonight the sides comes in action once again as they take it up against a renewed Europe nice. Other than that it is group D's turn to dig in to the second matchweek...

EuroCup: overload versus Highbot

image: ecbw4

OVERLOAd 4 - 0 HighBot

Yesterday the first match of the second round offered little surprise as Europe Impact-gaming did what they had to as they did the day before. They have now worked themselves up to a solid top placing in their group and team Europe FatGames are the only ones that can do anything to change it. Whereas their previous lineup on a first impression did not quite seem up to that challenge, perhaps their new additions will give them just the edge they need.
Tonight we have other things to focus on though as tonight it is group C's turn to step in to the spotlight. We have a big match for you on schedule which may well turn out to be the most important one of the entire groupstage...
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