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Major change in EC XXII invites

image: 31507r6
Europe baserace.et has folded just before EuroCup XXII invites were announced. We had to make a last minute change. Now, Malta toxic has informed me that Europe wonderland won't participate in this season. Since I didn't want to simply switch them with another team, I have decided to revolutionize EuroCup Qualifiers pretty much.

ESL Wire Anti-Cheat: Open Beta

image: eslwacSome of you might know the ESL Anti-Cheat tool Aequitas from games such as Counter Strike or the Call of Duty Series. There it is used in all major leagues as client side anti cheat tool to protect from abuse in ESL matches. The big problem about it is that it only supports a few selected games.

But this is about to change now! With the public announce of ESL Wire Anti-Cheat and its Open Beta phase. The goal of this Open Beta is to test the performance of ESL servers, before going for the official release. When this official release is in place all current Aequitas users will change to Wire Anti-Cheat. But not enoug with that.

From day one ESL Wire Anti-Cheat will support almost all games on ESL. The limitation to the following games only applies to the Open Beta:
  • Counter-Strike:Source
  • Counter-Strike 1.6
  • Starcraft 2
  • Call of Duty 4
  • Combat Arms
If you want to help and test Wire Anti-Cheat with one of the listed games head over to the ESL Newspost where everything is explained in detail and a download link can be found.

Contrary to expectations of ET ESL users; ESL Wire is very user-friendly and easy to use!

CF Update Live

Welcome back ladies and gents, apologies for the downtime this evening. However we've had to put live a major security update to the site to protect from dark and evil forces out there on the internet.

Additionally you will see further updates such as a renewed user permissions system and a 1 day cup section. This is the beginning of a gradual update to CF as we walk down the road to CF 4. So whilst I know some of you may have been hoping to come back to a full on overhaul, its evolution rather than revolution here on Crossfire Street!

I'd like to thank Adrenaline for his coding master work on the site, everywhere you see the word 'we' you should really sub in the word 'Adrenaline' as it was his man hours that saw this through (with help from Krosan too!).

We welcome and appreciate any constructive feedback as we further fine tune this update!

Known Errors

- PM bug
- Add movie bug
- Update profile

OC 2on2 & 3on3 Groups Announced!

image: ocannouncmy8
Today the five leagues for 2on2 OC and the seven leagues of the 3on3 OC have been revealed. Some people might feel that they have been let down by the admins while others feel they have been over rated by the same admins; it is however not enough for people to start flaming the admins trying to run the OpenCup here and there.

EC XXII with the invites

image: 31507r6

This season's EuroCup has the longest discussion ever. Clanbase Supervisors, led by Poland Homer, making EC qualifiers for the 3rd time in a row, have talked about the amount of clans which should play in the cup's groupstage and clans that should receive a qualifiers very long. As usual, some clans were not questionable but filling in last spots brought way more uncertainty than in the previous seasons. Finally, when we came with a solution we believed was good, one of the teams we wanted to invite, unfortunately called it a day bottoming up our preparations. After a last-minute meeting, we are ready to present direct invites and qualifers for EuroCup XXII.

EMS VII: 8 teams less

image: bannervii

After the first round, we got a picture of the teams that could get in the ESL Major Series VII Groupstage. However, this round will tell us for sure the first 8 teams that will qualify into the Groupstage, but also the first 8 teams that will say farewell to this season! We already know the name of the first two teams that left EMS VII, Polandsavak and Europebaserace.et, due to internal and line-up problems. Stay tuned to see which are the other 6 teams that will be eliminated but also the 8 teams that will qualify in the EMS VII Group Stage.

14 matches will be played in this second round of the ESL Major Series VII Qualifiers. Sunday will be the night with the most EMS matches, 8, followed by Monday with 4 and Tuesday with 2 matches. I must add that this will be the final round when we'll have 16 matches being played in just 3 days, so tune in to see them all, as the fight is intense in all of them.

*Reminder* After this round, the Lower Bracket Matches will need to be played till Wednesday, as you might know, this is the short week from our schedule. So we advise teams to try to schedule their match as soon as they find out their opponent in the Lower Bracket. Thank you for understanding.

*UPDATE * ECWinners, also known as ESLWinners, have just been added to the ESL Major Series, season VII. They will start from the Lower Bracket in Qualifier 4, and their first opponent is Back 2 kill, a decent polish team. With their current line-up, they look promising and we are expecting them to qualify in the EMS VII Group Stage. These been said, tune in on Tuesday to see their first official match!

ET Represented in TEK9 Sapphire Movie Competition

Enemy Territory has been represented in the latest Tek9 movie competition, with no less than four entries. The movies are in real need of your votes - with Call of Duty movies having the best chance of winning, due to Tek9 being a CoD4 community, ET movies will need everyone helping out to stand any chance of being placed well, the general feeling is they will be marked down by most non ET players!

Most people feel that Poland requem's production of "Woody and nothing more" is the pick of the bunch, giving us a nice mix of cams and editing as well as smooth clear frag scenes - below you can view the movie.

You have until 30th September to vote for this movie

EC XXII Invites & Qualifiers Tonight!

image: cbecxxiiSimilarly to the previous season, we won't be announcing this season's EuroCups in IRC. Instead, the show comes live and exclusive on ClanBase Radio.

You can tune into ClanBase Radio through one of the following methods:
The show will be hosted by CB Radio's very own NetherlandsDJ Neur0 (host of Weekend Kickoff) and United KingdomDJ Apoc (host of Friday Nite Delight). Along with the announcements, the show will also include interviews with people from the gaming scene and prize give-away.

#evu.cup 6 Finals

image: 1756

The groupstage of #evu.cup 6 is finished. The last matches will be played by thursday. The tournament have shown a potential and weakness of some teams but has also delivered a nice pack of a decent games. Due to a failure of all tourney.ccc pages, you can find all results and tables here with an info about remaining matches that will decide which team will finish on which place. I would like to remind that SLAC is forced and not scheduled games by tomorrow will be put on thursday. You can use 1 player that has played for other team in the cup in the last, playoff game. Both clans choose 1 map from mappool.

WCG2010 USA Online Qualifiers - Day 2

We're on to Day 2 of the WCG2010 USA Online Qualifiers. Last night, we saw some close games and some ragequits, the latter coming from United States of America Team HOT who returned to the game after leaving it around 2 years ago, United States of America Team FATE spoiled HOT's "never been defeated by an American team" claim to fame by more or less destroying them and forcing "America's greatest" to teamkill each other in the spawn out of frustration, needless to say, HOT won't be returning to this tournament.

Another "top team" seen leaving was United States of America Team Decimated, again crumbling to a solid FATE squad, however, they showed more sportsmanship during their match by actually playing the whole game. We also saw some nice teamplay from United States of America The Art of Warfare as they gave FATE a scare on Quarry, which some may have expected given TAW's experience as "pub players" on such a "pub map", props to them.

image: game21178 image: wcg image: game21179

Round 4- Tonight @ 21:00 EST (03:00 CET)
Starting tonight's coverage is the match that probably most of us are anticipating; United States of America AmeriMIX vs. United States of America Team FATE on Salvage, an infantry based map. These are the 2 stronger teams in the tournament, but FATE carry more experience as a team than AmeriMIX, however, don't let that fool you, they have good players who could take the win in what will surely be an epic match.

Round 5 - Tonight @ 21:50 EST (03:00 CET)
The final round (assuming there are no teams drawing on points after it) will be United States of America AmeriMIX vs. United States of America The Art of Warfare on Sewer, a map which requires a lot of determination and teamwork from the attacking side, and flawless communication from the defending side. Although AmeriMIX enter this one as the favourites, don't rule out TAW.

Enjoy the games tonight, to check up on last night's matches, read yesterday's news post.

NB: This has been posted for those who are interested in spectating, if you have no intention to reply in a constructive manner, then do not reply at all. Users seen disobeying this rule will be warned then banned if they continue.
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