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YYT oust Jere for wiadro

Lovable belgian star Jere has been ousted from team YoYoTech just 24 hours after the CC7 payment deadline closes. The team have decided to go with polish player Wiadro to bolster their lineup ahead of the event, for Jere it is bitter sweet having been with the organisation for a long time and having been apart of the lineup that got them into one of the largest multigaming organisations supporting ET.

That leaves YoYoTech with the following lineup:

United Kingdom Ross
Malta Toxic
Belgium Worm
Finland twidi
Poland Wiadro

The move is seen by many as something of a transfer coup by YoYoTech who are rumoured to have snared Wiadro from under the noses of Team Rockit who were planning on bringing in Wiadro and Xylos into their lineup - it is rumoured that Wiadro stated to Rockit he couldn't practice with them tonight due to a family problem, only to show up in YYT's lineup. Prior to being linked with a move to Rockit, Wiadro was also penciled in for the new lineup of eCW.

YoYoTech confirmed that the removal of Jere was down to his connection issues hindering their practices for 2 weeks with him being constantly 999 and the team unable to prepare properly.

:: Meez has provided this visual explanation of tonights events
:: Homer has Interviewed Jere and R0SS

Jere had the following to say:

CIC7 ET Seeding Tournament Details

image: ciec

The groups have been drawn at random, much like the FIFA lottery system. Each group has one team from each seeding pool. In other words, each group has one top seed, one high seed, one mid seed and one low seed. The only exception to this rule is the two extra low seeds which were added to two randomly picked groups.

Group 1
Benelux Plug & Pown
United Kingdom Trial and Error
Belgium Nothing is impossible
United Kingdom Validus
Group 2
Europe rockit
Belgium oceans6
United Kingdom Infinitus Gaming
France famas
Group 3
Poland polagz
Germany ePROX
Netherlands Boondocks
Europe EU United Soldiers
Group 4
Estonia nOu
France dESIRE
Germany aGu
Group 5
United Kingdom yyt
Germany reveal
Belgium nkNn - angeldust
Europe Normality
Group 6
Netherlands pstarz dNan
Germany AoW
Czech Republic inteRaction
Europe TEMR
Group 7
United States of America blight
Europe Phantoms
Greece plasa
Germany Lost Soldiers
Europe section9
Group 8
Benelux myRevenge FIF
Germany logiX.et
Europe perception
Germany eXcess energy-WAVE
Europe enLANced
Read more for the tournament schedule, rules and maplist.

Update: Technical problems have been resolved, start scheduling & playing your matches!

Going enLANced

image: newpicpAfter reading other news section, you might have expected that 1 team will have non-european player in it's roster. I've got an honour to say - isn't it cute? But it's WRONG! Another team has picked a Canadian (even two!) to a five-man squad in order to come to Enschede. Working like a beaver guys wish to make a couple of surprises.The time to bring their lineup to light has come. Europe enLANced team consists of following players:
  • Germany Felix
  • Canada anim
  • Canada sHAUN
  • United Kingdom Scarzy
  • United Kingdom Panic

CIC7 ET Seeding Tournament Seedings

image: ciec

These are the seedings for the Crossfire & ESL Intel Seeding tournament:

Top Seeds

United States of America blight
Europe rockit
United Kingdom yyt
Netherlands pstarz dnan
Poland polagz
Benelux myRevenge FIF
Estonia nOu way
Benelux Plug & Pown
High Seeds

Germany logiX.et
France dESIRE
Europe Phantoms
Germany ePROX
Belgium oceans6
Germany AoW
Germany reveal
United Kingdom Trial and Error
Mid Seeds

Europe perception
United Kingdom Infinitus Gaming
Netherlands Boondocks
Belgium Nothing is impossible
Belgium nkNn - angeldust
Czech Republic inteRaction
Germany aGu
Greece plasa
Low Seeds

Europe section9
Europe EU United Soldiers
Europe Normality
Germany eXcess eSports / energy-WAVE
United Kingdom Validus
Germany Lost Soldiers
France famas
Europe enLANced
Europe Team Even More Randoms

Some things to pay attention to:

From a couple teams we still didn't receive the ESL account information, so we can't add you to the seeding cup manually. These teams should pm me as soon as possible with their ESL account.

The teams are:
  • Boondocks
  • Section9

ALL OTHER TEAMS: Make sure you got all your players added to the ESL team account asap! Your full line up has to be on the ESL team by Tuesday!

CIC7 Tournaments Full!

Tonight saw the closing of signups for CIC7 with a real flurry of last minute ET action to take the team count to its highest ever! 34 ET teams have either paid or have contacted to say they will have paid by Wednesday. 34 is an unfortunate amount as we tried to stop at 32 when we received two last payment proofs - we will limit the tournament to 32 teams, on the assumption that two teams will fold/not pay. If that doesnt happen then two groups will have 5 teams. After this point all teams that have contacted us after the deadline, or without proof will be put onto a waiting list - apologies that we could not seat everyone however we were caught unaware by the last minute rush! Unfortunately a number of teams ignored the statement regarding payment, payment proof or requested an extension and we cant facilitate them until after we have more space in the tournament.

ET Teamlist[/b]]
  • rockit
  • YoYoTech
  • Blight Gaming
  • european elite
  • pstarz dNan
  • polagz
  • ePROX
  • AoW
  • reVeal
  • Phantoms
  • Plug & Pown
  • dESIRE
  • Nothing is Impossible
  • inteRaction
  • Infinitus Gaming
  • Boondocks
  • Lost Soldiers
  • EU United Soldiers
  • Team Even More Randoms
  • enLANced
  • Normality
  • Validus
  • nOu
  • Trial and error
  • aGu
  • eXcess eSports / energy-WAVE
  • oceans6
  • Fama$
  • FiF
  • Section 9
  • nkNn - angelDust
  • perception
  • plasa

ET Waiting List[/u]]
  • valkyrie
  • team lightning
  • vae victis
  • Les treize
  • VIP Gaming
  • eesti-veri
  • nove lamy masters

Anyone not on this list did not provide either a request for an extended deadline or a payment in time and will be put into a waiting list.

The Call of Duty 4 tournament will have its final slots announced tomorrow when we can see who has paid for what. We've been well contacted by a number of teams and have been reading all the various forum comments and will be making our final 48 team list tomorrow, it doesnt look like we'll need the random draw as I think we'll be over subscribed with paid teams as it is. The full update will come tomorrow.

We put a limit onto both tournaments because we're going to be having 80 teams in total across the two tournaments and in the interests of making sure we're not biting off more than we can chew we had to put a block on.

RTCW: Pressure on 118

image: abc
image: 33yqg7m

The last semifinal of the Late Xmas Cup is between United Kingdom118 and EuropeNo Pressure. The winner goes on to the final against Europechaos, the loser is up against EuropeRewind for the 3rd place.

As in every match 118 are going into this as huge favorite. However their last match against SwedenKiH was as close as never before. Additionally crumbs and merlinator are heading to cc7 and play et most of their time so No Pressure could be in a better shape.

EuropeNo Pressure


United Kingdomcrumbs
United Kingdommerlinator
United Kingdomsharky
United Kingdomnecrostix

image: game15697

GamesTV.org upgrades its services

image: 442_1199624672 Dear community,

GamesTV.org is proud to announce some major upgrades which do not only affect our crew and our broadcasters but also you, the viewers.
The biggest factor that made all this possible, GTVd, is almost ready to be released since the internal betatest showed very promising results. Like ettvd did a few years ago, GTVd will revolutionize the way ETTV (and other games pending) works:

ETTV - Live Casts
One of the biggest changes is that ETTV servers will not run 24/7 cycling through old demos but only run when they are really needed. This may sound bad for some of you at first, but hold on a sec: This frees up valuable resources which go (more or less) directly into the renewed onDemand system - read more about that a few paragraphs below.
The TV servers behave almost the same as you know it, mapevents are still announced with a timer so you always know which team did what quicker, you can follow whomever or whatever and discuss the failings of the players with your co-viewers through the chat, but mind the new anti-spam system:

Demo / Frag Scanner / Cutter

image: 20fvvyc

If you are a passionate Quake3 or Wolfenstein Enemy Territory player, then this software will definitely help you to keep track of your demos.

Media Manager allows you to sort, scan, search, manage and cut your id Tech3 net demos. It is designed to maximize speed, efficiency and reliability! With Media Manager 3.0, it is only a matter of minutes to find your favorite frag scenes!

If you have troubles starting the Program after the installation is done, let us know! Please run this Program with Admin rights if you have installed it into a system directory.

Read all about the Software here: http://myhannes.info/page/media-manager/

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CIC7 ET Signups now CLOSED

image: ciec
Seedingcup signups and CC7 signups are now CLOSED

Not playing in this cup means you won't get seeded for the LAN tournament.

If your Crossfire clanname differs from the one you use in the ESL make sure
to pm Belgium krosan to be sure to be added to the seeding cup!

The teams that are in the seeding tournament already are these:

  • rockit
  • YoYoTech
  • Blight Gaming
  • european elite
  • pstarz dNan
  • polagz
  • ePROX
  • AoW
  • reVeal
  • Phantoms
  • Plug & Pown
  • dESIRE
  • Nothing is Impossible
  • inteRaction
  • Infinitus Gaming
  • Boondocks
  • Lost Soldiers
  • EU United Soldiers
  • Team Even More Randoms
  • enLANced
  • Normality
  • Validus
  • nOu
  • Trail and error
  • aGu
  • eXcess eSports / energy-WAVE
  • oceans6
  • Fama$
  • FiF
  • Section 9
  • nkNn - angelDust

[*] perception

If your team isn't in this list, send krosan a pm, and we'll figure it out!

In order to be considered for the Crossfire Intel ESL Seeding tournament you need to have paid your entry fee. If you are planning on paying your entry fee in the coming days you must provide a screenshot to prove your payment. Blight gaming have requested to pay next week and this is an option for known teams with a proven CC track record, again if you're going to do this you MUST provide a screenshot and this extension only lasts until Wednesday and must be approved.

Blight.ET Private ETTV

image: v5impcimage: transvAfter releasing their configs & settings, the Blight ET team has now come up with their second community contribution in the form of inviting the community to watch their practice matches.

They will hold a weekly ETTV practice session every Tuesday from 20 until 22 CET starting on the 26th of January.

So if you want to see how pracs are going amongst the top teams of ET, or if you want to see if Estonia Night or Sweden ferus always got their gameface on, make sure you don't have anything to do on Tuesdays!

In order to get the password to the private ETTV server, you only have to idle on #blight, and ten minutes before the match you'll be given the password.

Estonia Night had the following to say:
QuoteLately we have gotten a lot of messages from people wanting to spec us and we thought this is a nice idea.

This is just the beginning, they have loads of stuff planned!

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