189 190 191 192 193

Kolik to stoji playoffs? - Czech Republic vs. United Kingdom !

Wednesday, a day like any other ? No.Clanbase ET NationsCup brings us an exciting match tonight. Japan was succesfull in using one of the less chances to reach the playoffs vs Estonia. Now it's up to United Kingdom United Kingdom. After their loss to France, its up to them to beat Czech Republic Czech Republic. Last chance for UK and last chance for you to watch such a good match. Hodne stestí and see you tonight !

United Kingdom
United Kingdom hentai
United Kingdom Meez
United Kingdom syK
United Kingdom w3st
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom med1xza
0:4. Czech Republic
Czech Republic nindrt
Czech Republic marv
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic cpu
Czech Republic denton

Date: 18.02.2009 / 22:00 ( CET )
Maps: SW_Battery / Supply
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Admins: Germany essAh & France b3ck
Who to watch: United Kingdom Meez & Czech Republic marv
Coverage: Germany essAh
Shoutcast: Czech Republic ResP

It should be the last chance to reach the playoffs for United Kingdom tonight. After losses versus The Netherlands and France they have to beat the czech, otherwise they are out. Perfect teamplay and individual skills will be needed to bash the unbelivable good teamplay of Czech Republic. The team, lead by ButtonBashers' marv has already shown that they are able to beat every team. But the experience of syK and the individual skill of griim and Meez could UK get a win. Pretty close and exciting match. See you tonight, to find out if UK fails like the year before.

#clanbase.et | Ranking

Looking forward to a good match. Good luck and have fun on behalf of the Clanbase ET NC Crew !

Ireland vs Italy - 6(ish) Nations

image: resize_73709

Welcome to Wednesday’s Six(ish) Nations Championship! It’s match week two and the irresistible Italians take on the irredeemable Irish, in what’s being billed as another David versus Goliath mash up. This the first match proper for the Irish, and they’re eager to overcome the doubters and get off to a winning start. Should they lose tonight, it'll be a constant uphill battle to avoid being awarded the Wooden Spoon.

In their first match of the competition Italy enacted an enthralling comeback, turning over what seemed an irreversible lead for the English and eventually clawing their way back from two maps down in order to share the points with the then despondent English. In little over an hours worth of game time, and four maps played, this was a flashback to the glory days of Enemy Territory – as two teams slogged it out, testing their mental stamina to the limits.

The Italians managed to hold England for over twelve minutes on Supply, primarily thanks to an impressive outer defence of the depot, repelling wave after wave of English attacks and holding them outside the walls for over four minutes. Assuming Italy have worked on improving their attack, they’ll be confident of taking the map tonight.

Battery is what throws some spice into tonight’s match, with teams reporting difficulties in practicing, and it being a map not regularly used in competition – assuming Ireland are fully prepared and can overcome the initial stage relatively easily, could this be their map to shine?

Ireland Ireland vs Italy Italy

Competition: 6[ish] Nations Championship
Time: 22:00 CET
Format: Best of three (BO3)
Maps: sw_battery / Supply
ETTV: GamesTV.org

France France
England England
Italy Italy
Scotland Scotland
Ireland Ireland
Wales Wales
Portugal Portugal

Update: having talked to the teams, the majority wanted to play the standard best of three (Bo3) - and so the competition will henceforth. Details on what we'll do regarding the Italy/England result tba.

Tonight, nations collide. Tune in from 22:00 CET!

#6nations | Tournament Bracket

Quake Live at ESL

Yesterday, the ESL European section opend their Quake Live area with the start of a 1on1-Ladder and already over 29 people signed up and played the first matches. The rules are pretty simple. To participate you just need to enter your Quake Live name in your ESL profile, nothing more. With the new Matchmaker it is pretty simple to get a match at the date you want to play.
The matches will be played "Best-of-One" with a timelimit of 10 minutes.

  • qzdm6
  • qzdm13
  • tourney4
  • tourney6
  • tourney7

If you don't have a Beta account yet for Quake Live look through the Crossfire journals or check out the Fragster-Board if you are able to understand german.

ESL news

Lettu to Bash!

ButtonBashers last week posted that they were looking to replace Belgium dAv1d in their starting lineup due to his work commitments and this week it was confirmed that flying Finn Finland Lettu would be the man to replace the former CDC Champion. Lettu brings a wealth of experience to the line-up having played top level ET for several years and in the eyes of the team, will be able to return them to the activity needed to compete at the top level.

He had this to say;

Quote by lettuI'm happy to join this experienced and skilled team, and cant wait to play etmasters and other cups with them. Joining such team is nice also because of incoming lans like cc6 which might be my last ET-lan because of army. After my army i think i will be playing Wolfenstein if it doesn't get delayed much and is a good game.

This leaves the side with the following roster:

Spain Winghaven
Belgium mAus
Latvia Clown
Italy Xylos
Czech Republic Marv
Finland lettu

HB WC final results

image: hbcup


Europe S.N Battalion (HB WC Champions)
Europe H2k (CC5 Champions)
Croatia Team Croatia
4th Netherlands Overload

In the last days Europe S.N Battalion have shown an amazing performance, with an end result of 4-2 in favor of the Battalion, ending the HighBot WC 2009.

Europe H2k lost their first game under the flag of the Multigaming Organisation, and we will all be looking forward to the big tournament in the future called ET-MASTERS which is starting this week.

Thank you to all teams which were a part of this Winter Challenge, and we had very few forfeit wins, showing a good reputation for ET.


Europe S.N Battalion vs Europe H2k 4 - 2

We wish every team the best of luck in ET masters.

#HIGHBOT @ Quakenet Regards Admin HB WC Crew

ClanBase presents the OC/EC Spring 2009 Cup Season

As winter begins to draw to a close, we here at ClanBase are looking to brighten up your Spring. Yes, it is what you have all been waiting for, the chance to play some of the best players in Europe in any game of your choice on ClanBase. So, without further ado ClanBase proudly presents the Spring 2009 Cup Season!

The full list of both the OpenCups as well as the select few EuroCups are detailed below.

image: ocec_announcement_xix

ET Masters: The day is coming!

image: header2

The last but by far not least deciding qualifier matches will be up tonight with the surprising Denmark nSens facing the old and glory France dESIRE and France gZcon trying their best to get over the close loss against Finland mASCULINE MANS from Tuesday with facing United Kingdom verS. Both matches will be on ETTV so make sure you tune in!

Lower Bracket Round 4
Denmark nSens - dESIRE France (ETTV)
France gZcon - verS United Kingdom (ETTV)

The Groups are up!
Finally, the groups are up with all their matches and proposed match dates. Due to issues during the qualifiers with server choice and nations cup schedule. Therefor the first match week is delayed by 1 week. If you already agreed on a date, don't care about this change and just play your match.
:: Division 1 Group A - B - Matches // Group A - B - Rankings
:: Division 2 Group A - H - Matches // Group A - H - Rankings
:: Division 2 Group I - P - Matches // Group I - P - Rankings

Last notes
- To report scores use this document.
- Players can only play for one team, allowed player lists will be released Monday or Tuesday
- You can add as many players as you want before the first matchweek
- We have transfer periods, read the rules if you don't know them
- If your clan is not playing anymore, tell an admin about it!

We wish every team the best of luck and much fun in their matches during the ET Masters Season 2!

ClanBase Controversy! Canada Kicked From NC, USA Withdrawn

Crossfire tonight learned that the struggling USA team will be withdrawn from this years ClanBase NationsCup XII - amid howls of controversy and scandal engulfing the entire North American scene! This a move that will further compound what has been a torrid time for Enemy Territory stateside.

Although details are currently sketchy, reports from across the pond are that United States of America alea, though American, not currently on the US roster, and Canada anim, team Canada's captain, covertly played for the USA team in their first match week loss to Slovenia Slovenia.

The favour was returned with United States of America theend playing for Canada in their victory over Hungary in Group C.

These revelations leave ClanBase in a sticky position as to their next move, with a minimum red card for both teams (i.e. forfeiting matches played with mercs) seeming a certainty. This fiasco also leaves many asking as to possible repercussions for the NA scene, with ClanBase due shortly to announce their first North American ladder.

6. Freelancing (playing for 2 different national teams at the same time or as 2 different players, even when having both accounts linked), is not allowed. All matches where the freelancer has played will be turned into a forfeit loss. The freelancer will be banned from the cup and will receive a temporary 3 months ban from ClanBase. In case of a returned freelancer, he will receive a further ban. In case a freelancer has 2 different unlinked accounts, his newest active account will be deleted and the other one banned. This may also lead to the exclusion of the clans involved from the cup.
7. Any attempt to mislead a referee or a supervisor will be handled according to ClanBase's Abuse policy.
8. Any player caught faking his nationality in order to play for another nation will be considered as misleading the Supervisors and receive a temporary ban from ClanBase.

Team USA are currently sitting bottom of Group D after losing their opening encounter against Slovenia, and are scheduled to play Croatia Sunday night, 21:00 CET. It is unlikely that this match will be played.

More details to follow!

Update: Following the initial bans imposed by ClanBase C&A on the actual players, the ClanBase ET admins have now acted and have kicked Canada out of the competition.

Quote by ClanBaseSince the situation with both teams has been handled by our C&A division we are now taking the step of removing both teams from competition. After banning the 2 involved players Anim and TheEnd Canada will be removed due to the person involved being their teamleader. For team USA the request was made to remove them by Mistaken, the American team captain. While it is regrettable the fault is theirs alone. Playing for a nation that you do not belong to will be punished severely.


Highlights of Sunday's Clanbase ET NC !

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0
Russia h8m3
Russia jago
Russia JokE
Russia rivz
Russia slaw
Russia freezer
vs. Germany
Germany snoop
Germany drago
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
Germany urtier
Germany wEAK
Germany RoXoR

Lineups are taken from Gamestv.org
Date : 15.02.2009 / 18:00 (CET)
Maps : Reactor / Goldrush
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Russia JokE & Germany snoop
Admins : Germany mUnduS & Poland szczurek
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: None yet !

Konnichiwa - Japan vs. Estonia Tonight - Ai !

The third day after Friday the 13th, will it be a nightmare for Estonia? Today 2 great teams are fighting each other. Clanbase ET NationsCup will bring us the clash of Japan vs Estonia. If Japan loses, it will already be hard for this seasons crowd favourite to make the playoffs. See you tonight, Japan vs Estonia, the battle for the playoffs.

Japan Kirark
Japan MiRUKU
Japan sirokuma
Japan Gabriel
Japan RollStone
Japan vienna
Japan Remishi
vs. Estonia
Estonia RELOAd
Estonia bff
Estonia hell
Estonia euruz
Estonia scyter
Estonia Night

Result: Japan Japan 4 0 Estonia Estonia

Date: 17.02.2009 / 17:00 ( CET )
Maps: Reactor / Goldrush
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Admins: Poland szczurek & Germany Shoes
Coverage: Germany essAh
Shoutcast: None yet

Crowd favourite Japan Japan is willing to beat estonian superstars Estonia Night and Estonia RELOAd. Clanbase' NationsCup has shown a lot of interesting matches so far, and we can count this one in aswell. Will MiRUKU be able to be as good as against Portugal in their qualifier ? It might be the only chance to beat Estonia tonight. They gotta win atleast 1 map, otherwise it’ll be hard to get into playoffs, their minimal target !

#clanbase.et | Ranking

Looking forward to a good match. Good luck and have fun on behalf of the Clanbase ET NC Crew !
189 190 191 192 193