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bani gives green light!

image: etpro for those who remember The Petition, which was made so that United States of America Bani would kindly help us with our current ET situation, I'm very happy to tell you that Bani has now made it official.

Quote by Bani- etpro team does not explicitly endorse anti3 at this time


- etpro won't prevent anti3 distribution
- anti3 distribution must be clearly labeled as 'not an official etpro distribution'
- anti3 users use anti3 'at their own risk', etpro cannot provide support for anti3 users.

if anti3 proves resistant to attacks (and proves it is trustworthy) we may investigate directly integrating into etpro in the future.

So what does this mean? It means ET-Ace can go forward and publish a mod with ETPro features and their own AntiCheat! And if things go really well, we basically have etpro equipped with anticheat while both of them get updates every now and then.
Let's all have our thumbs up for Romania quad and Croatia chaplja and wish them success with this project that might very well save ET!

Source: etpro forums | Related: #ET-Ace ET-Ace forums

fnatic remove zEm and mintR

CDC4 and CGS LAN winners fnatic have just announced some serious teamchanges, just days after a dissapointing performance at the Multiplay i34 in Warwickshire. With a 7-8th, 4th and 9-12th placing at the three major LAN events this summer, things had taken a turn for the worse with tidde stating "that over the weeks we've been splitting up as a team and divided into groups."

According to fnatic General Manager Joe Miller "the teams recent slumps at AEF, TEX and i34 meant it was time for a change in Fnatic". The Swedish team is expected to announce their two new recruits in the coming weeks and are currently left with the following three players:

Sweden tidde
Sweden odyx

Statement from tidde
Quote "We are letting mintR and zEm go. We've been feeling that over the weeks we've been splitting up as a team and divided into groups. Both zEm and mintR are extremly talented but neverthereless we had to make a hard decission to let them go. Me and the guys wish them best of luck in the future and I hope they will find there way to another team."

Statement from mintR
Quote "I've been asked to leave Fnatic and I'm going to do so. These last six months have by far been the best of my gaming months but unfortunately now they are over. I've met alot of nice people through out these past few years and I've been in alot of teams tournaments and finals, to name a few WHO crew, x6, serious-gaming, dignitas, svea Royale and I've been the captain for most of them. When I had the chance to join the ranks of Fnatic with my team I finally made it to one of the best organizations out there. Now when ever things are going great people are happy, when things go bad how ever some one has to be responsible and this time it was me. The others in the team have the ability to move forward and I'm going to step aside and let them do so. I wish those who stay behind and those who come in the best of luck. Thanks to the whole of Fnatic and thanks for a great time."

The team will be looking for 2 new replacements in the upcomming weeks.


i34 L3 Win!

i34 is over, Low Land Lions have won the Call of Duty in an epic 2 map final and defeated Evil Geniuses in the final. The benelux side lost on Backlot but a phenominal come back on crash gave them 6000 euro and their first major tournament victory in CoD4. It was also good news for Qwerty who on the graphic below won the QTOUR.

image: 2bracket_COD4_qtour_uk_2008

Crossfire NC playoffs

image: nc

Having finished the group stage phase of the tournament, the next segment of the nationscup will begin. With potential cup winners Netherlands Team NL coming second in their group after a forfeit loss to Chile, Latvia Latvia not making the playoffs despite a strong place in the previous nationscup, and France France's exit from the cup, we've by no means been short of any surprises. We've also received an excellent spectacle from our non-European peers, Australia Australia, Chile Chile, Japan Japan and United States of America USA who've all made the playoff stages, proving their place amongst the competitors of Europe.

For those of you who've missed anything gamestv and our dearest Scotland pedro have left nothing missing, providing heaps of coverage. Match reports can be found here, whilst ETTVoD is also available here. Results tables from the group phase can be found here.

After issues with France potentially having cheated, the responsibility to take further action against cheats was taken, and as a result of this, thanks to Croatia chaplja & Romania quad, anti3 will soon be available for the remaining matches in the cup. Any questions about anti3 can be asked to chaplja in #crossfire.nc.

As for the playoffs, the eager amongst you will be glad to know that they'll be beginning very shortly, the first match week Monday 11th August to Sunday 17th August. A preview will be available very soon, including details such as which teams have been playing especially well, predictions, and previews of the upcoming games. Details about the cup can be read below:

ClanBase Guid Rule Changes

image: logo_competition_clanbase

In the following days Clanbase will be implying a new rule, about Enemy Territory's GUID system. To reduce any guidspoofing and other excuses, since ETPro guids are totally unreliable nowadays, we urge you to stop changing your PBGUID (this is done by manually deleting your etkey in your etmain folder) Clanmembers / members with PBGuids newer than 2 weeks (not confirmed yet) will NOT be allowed to compete in any cup , or any ladder after this rules takes effect.

People that will not comply with this rule due to reason's like:
- Format
- HD crash
- my brother

will not be accepted unless solid proof of this is given (HD crash ONLY) if you format its your fault.... the date of the guid is the day they register it at CB (or Yawn, or ss of when your etkey was created)

Back with Beta 3

image: battery_beta3

Being back from my holiday in Turkey since 4 days now I present you the release of Sw Battery Beta 3. The changes that took place make the map much more playable and even for both teams. But without too much talking I will show off the major changes & fixxes that took place from beta1 on, with some pictures and of course the downloadlink.

(picture) The beachdoor placed at the old Bunker MG should already be old & known since the first releases of sw_battery. It can be destroyed by allies dynamite and gives an extra entrance to the bunker flag.

Team France bow out of CF NC

In a surprising course of events, Team France has withdrawn from the Crossfire Nations Cup after discovering they had played their group stage games with a cheater.

After captain France milit decided that fellow Team France player France keeji was doubtlessly cheating, he chose to withdraw his team from the cup, also resulting in all other teams gaining forfeits against them. The action is a first in ET's history, where a team captain takes full responsibility for letting a cheater play under his command. So far,France milit has been applauded for having the courage to apologize on behalf of his team to the community and withdrawing their results, despite some of his teammates disputing this.

This means that Malta Malta are now second in the group and will progress to playoffs.

Info regarding France keeji can be seen in the following threads by our beloved Malta Killerboy:

Au Revoir France
FRA.Keeji busted

QPAD partner with Crossfire for unique QTOUR!

The QTOUR Championship, the most prestigious 1on1 aim tournament in the world will come to the United Kingdom for the first time at the famous i-series lan parties organized by Multiplay.

Compete for £500 plus products, honor and glory. QTOUR Championship UK will host a professional 1on1 Counter-Strike Source and Call of Duty 4 tournament. The best COD4 and CS:S players at i34 will be invited by Crossfire.nu and Cadred.org to compete on the legendary QTOUR stage, visited by some of the most famous star players in the world! The tournament takes place on QPads unique 1on1 aim map!

CoD4 Players invited by Crossfire

Canada robwiz
United States of America deny
Sweden zem
Sweden tidde
Sweden mint
United Kingdom blackmane
United Kingdom raz
Netherlands joepoe
United Kingdom nreo
United Kingdom soclon
United Kingdom lookzor
United States of America wombat
United Kingdom juszn
Netherlands qwerty EG
Reason Gaming
Reason Gaming

James "wilzOOO" Wilson | Birmingham Salvo
Lewis "Hughsy" Hughes | London Mint
Edouard "SmithZz" Dubourdeaux | emuLate!
Elliot "weZ" Welsh | Birmingham Salvo
Tomáš "wt" Herout | Reason Gaming
Sam "RattlesnK" Gawn | Birmingham Salvo
Luke "KritikaL" Green | Fragmasters
Richard "shox" Papillon | emuLate!
Jonas "nordQvist" Nordqvist | Four-Kings
Pete "pt" Wright | Birmingham Salvo
George "hudzG" Hoskins | London Mint
Carlos "dumbazo" Garcia | k1ck
Laurent "AsP-" Gautier | emuLate!
Will "RedH" Manson | Team Infused[/hide]

If you have been invited you need to confirm your interest by sending a Crossfire PM to This user with your email address, MSN & Phone Number so that you can be contacted by the event admins with the tournament schedule (which will be built around the i34 match schedule). The 14 invited players are autoberthed into the finals which take place on Sunday.

If you have not been invited and wish to compete you can qualify on location at i34 by going to the QPAD booth and qualifying for the final spot on Friday & Saturday! Former Clanbase admin Sorcerer will be administering both tournaments. The winner of the tournament will walk away with £250.

Game-Hosting Summer Sale

image: ghbanner03_468x60
Crossfire sponsors Game-Hosting are running a late summer sale on Clanservers! All of their clanservers are now down 7 euro from 32 euro to 25 euro. This includes Game-Hostings unique multilocation support format, meaning that you can place your server wherever on their 6 european wide locations you want and move it as and when you please!

The offer is valid until the 31st of August so make sure you check out Game-Hosting.com

Mamut win Quakecon

This years Quakecon has flown by and whilst it went off without too much of a bang on the competitive community there were still some big prizes to be won in Dallas and some familiar faces took home the big prizes in the Anatole.

Quakewars PC

Slovenia Mamut $8000
Sweden Kompaniet $4000
United States of America H2O $2000

Quake Live 1vs1

Belarus srs.Cypher $5000
United States of America SK.Zero4 $3000
Canada Griffin $1500

There were also Quakewars on XBOX and Quake Live CTF and you can grab those results on the Quakecon site. Quake Unity had some coverage of the event which you can catch on demand on their site.
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