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Signups Open ESL CoD4 League!

image: 2504 We are happy to announce the beginning of a new league in the ESL Call of Duty 4 section. Starting this Spring, the Call of Duty 4 league will be open for all teams to join.
Positioned below the ESL Major Series it will give clans of all abilities the chance to compete in an organised league and it will also be an opportunity to qualify for the next season of the EMS.

To participate in the league requires the following:
- Every player needs to be registered on the ESL (see our getting started guide)
- Every player needs their CoD4 PB GUID registered
- Every player needs to join their team on ESL

That's all!

Signups Open!
> Signup here <

Key Facts
Unlimited number of teams - All teams can signup
Multiple divisions based on skill
Groups of 6 teams - Every team plays at least 5 matches
Double elimination playoffs for each division

ET EMS: signup reminder

image: et-ems With the end of CDC 4 the time has come for a new chapter in Enemy Territory's online competition history. The next weeks and months will be full of hot and enthralling matches at several competitions, headed by the ESL Major Series of Europe's most important league. While other leagues are featuring prizes only for the best team or just some hardware prizes, the ESL Major Series promises a higher prize money of € 1,000 and prizes for the best three and not only the winning team. As announced previously, the ESL Major Series is open for all and it's up to you to take the chance and win more than just a golden_cup.gif to your team profile.

The signups for the ESL Major Series Season II are open already for about two weeks and will close Sunday evening 23:59 CET. Premium will not be required for any stage of the EMS, the only thing you need is an ESL player and team account. If you need help for registering at the ESL, please check this page or contact an admin in #esl.et. Detailed qualification information will be published next week, some of them can already be found in this newspost.

But before the signups will close at Sunday midnight, we will see the third and last Sunday Night Cup starting at 18 CET. This is the last possibility for your team to get an advantage in the seedings for the EMS Qualifiers. For more details please check the original ESL newspost.

ESL Major Series Sign Up
ESL Major Series Teams
ESL Newspost: Sunday Night Cup #3
ESL getting started guide

Eurocup ET Notice

image: banner_xvii

In order to avoid situations like last season I'm asking every team that has big lineups on their profile to put them in groups and putting the intended lineup of the OC/EC in one group. You can name them everything you want as long as they aren't some stupid throw-together of numbers and 'ET team'/'inactive' would be best.

You can make the groups and put people in it as a clan leader or a trustee. Go to your personal admin page on the top of the bar with your account. you can add clan properties there if you are logged in on the correct account. create a new property as group and give a few team names( fi. team, management , inactive). After this confirm and go to member properties and select which player goes in which section.

This is so we can make the best decision of who to invite to this cup. All players can only play for one team so for players that are aware of their teams fighting over a place in EC I suggest choose one and stick with it.

Clans that ignore this request might lose their chance at qualification for the EuroCup so don't come complaining afterwards.

Also remember sign ups close this Sunday the 9th or March. If you still want to sign up be quick.

Presenting Cortana

image: cortana

The clan started back in September of 2006 and to this day 21 players have made their mark in the clan history. With four players sticking together from the previous EC season 5th place winners, and now adding the latest two I present to you our EC squad.


Croatia aCoZz
Croatia calisto
Croatia frozz
Croatia gmx
Switzerland GuNnEr
Croatia komar
Croatia rimi

The team will compete in EC XVII, ESL Major Series and ET Masters in the hope that they will progress further than they previously have.


Impact returns to the scene

image: impactbanner

In the past we saw what was left of the United Kingdom Impact Gaming squad make the switch the the UK organisation United Kingdom TLR. Having been to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 lan in Holland and returning with Gold for the organisation they have now decided to move back to Impact Gaming. The reasons for this are not something either organisation wish to publically talk about however differences of opinion are the main reasons.

Moving forward United Kingdom eVo has brought across the team back to his own organisation United Kingdom Impact Gaming. There have however been some lineup changes.

Finland Iron will go to the Army at the start of the summer and therefore it made sense to make that switch now and it is expected that Sweden feruS will move back into CSS.

The new United Kingdom Impact Gaming lineup is as follows:

Malta Toxic
Estonia Night
England Sheep
Finland Matias
Estonia r3vers
Belgium mAus

The squad will now look to push forward in the forthcoming EC and ESL online tournaments along with any other major tournaments that are announced before returning to Netherlands Enschede in September for the next Lan event that will be held there.

Thx to stilez for the updated banner <3


Oceans6.. Back on Track

I am once again proud to announce a new lineup of Germany oceans6.
Hopefully the team can maintain the reputation of o6 that has been built upon previous teams.

It wasn't an easy step to get here, alot of mixing and matching was done. The core lineup of United Kingdom Sa!nts had to trial numerous people prior to this moment, but they finally decided to inject some more experience into the team and go with a well known multigaming clan. So without further to do, here is the team!

United States of AmericaGermany kuRAIGu (paid the cost 2 b the BOSS)

Netherlands Frenky (manager)

India Hype (ex Team UK, sublime, n1ce)
United Kingdom FaTaL (ex Team UK, riZe, uQ)
United Kingdom clarkje (tacky, sublime, dtekt)
Norway Lakaii (Team Norway, morrigu, dtekt)
Finland besche (ex Team Finland, sublime, roistot)
Hungary Nonix (Team Hungary, gods inc, underscore)
Sweden tornis (Team Sweden, dtekt, uC)

Quote by HypeI think there's a nice team here, bags of experience, we have all played at a top level in one form or the other so I see no reason we cannot achieve great things. Our main goal will be to at least get a Eurocup qualifier and maybe even attend CDC5 :>

update: due to misunderstandings ohzor4 wasn't part of this team. therefor tornis of sweden rounds it up ;)

#o6 @ irc
o6 @ internetz

image: o6-logo2

Live2Win - fnatic vs Four Kings - Backlot

This Thursday we return to Call of Duty 4 once again for the Live2Win Playoffs Round 2 with the newly crowned Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 Champions Sweden fnatic vs United Kingdom Four Kings.

Thursday 9pm CET - Sweden fnatic vs United Kingdom Four Kings - Backlot

image: mp_backlotWith Sweden fnatics previous victory in the Crossfire Q Cup followed by a 3rd round exit in the CallofDuty.se Q Cup they have fought hard to prove themselves to be the number 1 team to beat in Europe.

They did this by securing a victory last weekend at CDC4 in Enschede. Taking the Grand Final over United Kingdom The Last Resort 16-13 on Backlot. You can see the Finals match as well as many other matches from the event at the Video on Demand section of QuadV.

United Kingdom Four Kings have a relatively new line-up and will have a lot to prove in this match. They came through the group stages with ease topping the group but this will be the biggest match they have ever faced in Call of Duty 4 to date.

You will be able to watch this match Live on Video with Deman & Kee_RinG at www.quadv.com TV1

Fastswitch switch

image: news

The number one Norwegian Call of Duty 4 team fastswitch have had to make some recent changes follwing hardware and internet problems that nitrAm is currently having.

Decemebr 2007 saw Norway become reinstated on the Call of Duty map when team fastswitch were created. Starting with the initial lineup of: Norway PSIR, Norway Gizzor, Norway ajzZ, Norway robon and Norway Nitram however Norway ajzZ was released to make room for Zenith and the team are going from strength to strenght since.

nitrAm has recently had notorious internet problems over recent weeks and has unfortunatly been replaced helping the team secure a degree of activity which any team needs to survive and prosper. The team decided to bring in NorwayAlex to the team and officially welcomed him.

Look out for team fastswitch at the Norwegian LAN event The Gathering at the end of March where NorwayAlex will be making his LAN debute under the fastswitch tag.

The current lineup consists of:

Norway PSIR
Norway Gizzor
Norway robon
Norway Zenith
Norway Alex


Eurocup XVII prize fund

image: banner_xvii

Today clanbase has announced the prize money for this years EC. Both ET and ETQW will get a 750€ cash prize, whereas CoD2 and CoD4 will receive 625 and 1000€ respectively. All prizes this season will be paid out in vouches for gamestop.eu.

QuoteThe prize fund for the Spring 08 season has arrived, and this year, everyone in ALL of this year's EuroCups will have a chance to win a prize, and even some of the non-EC clans will get a shoot at the prizes. With the signups going strongly, we hope that those who haven't yet signed up will take this as the final incentive to do so. Just think, one of these prizes could be yours for the taking! Signup now to avoid disappointment.

More information about the prizemoney can be found here

CDC4 is over!

The doors have closed on the biggest event to hit Crossfire yet, after hundreds of matches and some nail biting moments we have our winners!

Final Rankings

Call of Duty 4
Sweden Fnatic (3000€)
United Kingdom The Last Resort (2000€)
Czech Republic eSuba (1000€)
4th France oXmoze (500€)

Enemy Territory
Europe The Last Resort (1500€)
Europe New Project (1000€)
Belgium EDiT (500€)

ET: QuakeWars
United Kingdom Dignitas - (1500€)
Sweden Epsilon - (1000€)
Germany Speed-Link - (500€)

Netherlands scoobz
Netherlands h1o
Netherlands jannis

For all the CoD4 brackets and fixtures, please visit here and here.

For all the ET brackets, please visit here.

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