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CDC Warsow Map Pool Confirmed

Netherlands ETR has today announced the warsow map pool for CDC3 and it features some flair from the past and from the present. So without further ado here is the confirmed map pool for the tournament.

wdm2 - wdm5 - wdm6 - wdm14 - wtest15

The tournament will be played in a best of 3 format with elimination for the decider if it is required. Warsow will operate differently to ET in that players will get the chance to chose their maps and eliminate for the decider, unlikely the random draw used in ET. Maps are 10 minutes long. There are still spots available in the warsow tournament should anyone want to signup.

Clanbase Eurocup is Live

image: ec15lanlogoAt the WZZRD gaming center in Enschede the Clanbase Eurocup XV the temperature is rising as four of Europes top guns have arrived in Enschede for one of the most coveted crowns in gaming. Matches are quite spaced out as there are only four teams and much of the tournament was played online;

Germany Speedlink 16-6 Netherlands H2k

The germans came saw and conquered an H2k side that didnt look too hot. After a disapointing Wonderbase H2k were hoping to gain ground on home soil, but it appears lady luck may not be with them this morning.

Belgium tempkids 17-19 Europe TeK-9

A thriller from the benelux as Knaller and Sticky treated us to an entertaining match on Burgundy. It went from end to end, and after a close first half it looked like temp had enough to pull through and win. Not the case as a spirited Tek-9 fought back took the match to overtime which TeK-9 were always in control of.

Speedlink face TeK-9 at 10PM CET in the Winner Bracket final, with H2k facing Temp in another benelux battle.

€ 2700
€ 1500
€ 1000
4 - € 800

:: Gotfrag Coverage

cZar marches once again

image: czar_logo Right after the merge with Finland Logitech.fi, cZar.ET is was left alone and spend their last days under the flag of Netherlands Zerobarrier.
After the split of Belgium Finest, the Belgians and the Swedes decided to pick up the mp40's once again.

cZar.ET will be competing at the biggest event the European scene has ever seen, Crossfire Devotii Challenge III @ Enschede, with the following line-up:

Belgium mesq
Belgium vila
Belgium lio
Belgium acid
Sweden blaze
Sweden eddie

With only 2 weeks left before the event, the team will do everything they can to be as orginised as possible. Squad leader Belgium mesq had the following to say:

Belgium mesq:
QuoteWe only have two weeks left to prepare ourselves for CDC 3. That's not really enough but despite the fact that we don't have much time left to pracc, I think we will do very well at CDC 3. I hope we can surprise at CDC 3 as we did with zerobarrier.

Best of luck to cZar.et, enjoy your stay @ Enschede!

mIRC: #cZar

No more Team Logitech

image: tlgtvc4One of the most successful Call of Duty 2 teams of the last few years,
Finland Team Logitech has today called it a day. Team Logitech is most well known for all their challenges to Netherlands Serious Gaming (digitalMind) at almost every LAN event over the past few years. Not to forget the latest CODQCUP where they were able to take down the Dutch powerhouses in the finals. They were seen as the strongest Call of Duty 2 team from Finland for the past few years.

Even though there is talk about Call of Duty 4, changes are slim to see the team kick off with their old Call of Duty 2 lineup, seeing three of their players are entering the military.

Quote by Antti "Sec" SinisaloEvery once in a while, a period of success and joy comes to an end. That is what now happens to LGT Call of Duty 2 team, who with this statement announces that they are not participating Clanbase Eurocup XV Lan finals next weekend, due to various reasons.

As an addition to this, all three, Aki "orp" Ritvanen, Joni "jonzku" Ruuskanen and Sami "sacrim" Nieminen will be starting their military service next January, and therefore there is no reason for LGT Call of Duty 2 to continue with CoD2 anymore. That is why we are announcing the closure of the Call of Duty 2 team of Logitech.fi, atleast for now. We do not know whether we will see Call of Duty 4 team in Logitech.fi or if any of the latest CoD2 players of LGT will continue their journey into the upcoming and hyped CoD4, only time will tell.

It is sad that with the promising new player, Micke "EPLO" Anker we never really got the chance to prove ourselves, and the whole Call of Duty 2 era is closing up, but who knows if you will see some of playing together in Call of Duty 4.

Untill the next time, thanks for everyone who supported us and made us who we were.

TGL's ET:QW Scorched Earth Demo competition

image: scorchedqs1

The TotalGamingLeague is proud to present yet another ET:QW demo competition, the prizepools are amazing for a game not even released yet, however there are already various competitive teams active and waiting eagerly for the release of the game. The league will be focused on USA teams, well known names such as United States of America Team HOT, United States of America 20ID and United States of America Check-Six have already signed up.

The prize pools:

1. $ 2500 from Activision
20 slots Ventrilo for a year at NationVoice
12 month subscriptions to GameRail Network for six players
TBA by Logitech
TBA by PCGamer

2. $ 1500 from Activision
20 slots Ventrilo for a year at NationVoice
6 month subscriptions to GameRail Network for six players
TBA by Logitech
TBA by PCGamer

3. $ 1000 from Activision
20 slots Ventrilo for a year at NationVoice
TBA by Logitech
and another sponsor (or two) to be announced

One major drawback can however be found in the ruleset:
Quote by 3.2 Map List and Valley Specific RulesThe ETQW demo map is Valley; all demo tournament matches will be played on Valley.

The TGL Scorched Earth Website

QWL ET:QW Demo Cup

image: QWLBanner

With the release of the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Demo just around the corner (read more..) it wasn't a long shot to say that there would be one or two demo cups popping up - and here is the first (and so far only) one. Just as they were the first to hold a ET:QW Beta Cup, QWL are now presenting their very own, ET:QW Demo Cup.

QuoteThis Demo Cup is primary intended as a promo cup. A lot of clans are already confident that Quake Wars is THE clan game for the coming years but there are also clans that are not yet sure about it an need some extra push to get the right feeling about the enormous potential of Quake Wars. With this cup we hope to give clans this extra push.

We will play with a 6 vs 6 setup with a Quake Wars as it is, so no changes on vehicles or other game settings. Just like the Open Beta Cup.

Of course clans are allowed to agree on certain changes for their match (like not using any flyer) but our intention is to play Quake Wars as it is intended by the developers so we are not restricting anything and are not applying weird rules anywhere.

Their last cup was something of a disappointment as both the final and bronze final were won on forfeit due to various reasons, such as players dropping out and QuakeCon - but let's hope on a better finish for this one.

Sweden Team 621
Greece Greek Operation Forces
Poland Team Delta
Germany pain4ever
Poland Betsson Voodoo Gaming
Europe team-dignitas
Sweden / Denmark Copenhagen eSport
Spain Team exilium
Germany progressive eSports
Europe Junk52 Theatre
Netherlands hardMethod Gaming
Germany Ocrana
Finland 4th.Rangers
Europe Team-Desire
Finland Team Pelit
Spain OverGame
Germany roYality
Austria TheyKickAss
Germany KomaCrew e.V.
Italy n1ce.it by Sapphire
Europe Druidz
Bulgaria vicious gaming
Italy goD's PuppeTs
Germany raGe
Germany Fallen-Soulz
United Kingdom infused Gaming
Germany Pain is Coming
Germany one.magic
Germany TIER
Europe te4m
Finland Arcane6
Sweden NINJA
Spain 4Frags.Gaming
Finland Ntech[/hide]

Whether all vehicles and deployable's (at all times) where meant to be used even in competitive play by the developers as the QWL admins says is still open for discussion. But this could prove to be a very interesting cup and it could give us a final hint on which teams that will stand out when the retail version of the game finally arrives to Europe on the 28th. The Demo Cup is currently open for 64 teams and prices are to be announced when QWL-admins know the amount of teams willing to participate so stay tuned.

Scoring in Quake Wars League matches will be based on the best of 3 rounds. The format for the matches is stopwatch settings where one team attacks and sets a time for the round which the opposing team must beat. During the first round the "home team" will attack first while the "away team" defends. In the second round the "away team" will attack first while the "home team" defends.

After a match is completed the following point system is used:
The winning team will receive 3 points in the Quake Wars league.
If the match results in a draw both teams will receive 2 Quake Wars league points.
The losing team will receive 1 Quake Wars League point.
Matches that result in forfeits will result in 0 points for the forfeiting team.
If a team experiences an exorbitant amount of forfeit losses during the system they may be removed from the league at the staff's discretion.

Match Days and Times
In case of an "Open Schedule Cup" clans can challenge each other for any date and time. The challenged party is allowed to do a counter challenge if the date and time does not fit the clans schedule.

Unknown at this moment. This will be communicated as soon as possible.[/hide]

Find out more at:
Quake Wars League

CDC Tournament Changes

After alot of careful consideration we've changed the dates of CDC3 Part 2 - The Call of Duty edition. Initially scheduled for November 16-18, we have now moved the event to the weekend before Call of Duty 4's release, November 2-4.

We initially scheduled these dates back in May, long before CoD4's release dates were becoming public knowledge. Considering the dates became public and quickly impeded our event, we've decided to make the move. The event will feature a prizepurse of 10,000 Euros for Call of Duty in partnership with Devotii. The LAN will also feature a 1500 Euro RTCW QCUP should signups permit. Entry Fees per person are 40 Euros for CoD, and 30 for RTCW. There will be no qualifiers for either tournament.

If you would like to signup you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Signups for CoD2 and RTCW will close on Sunday September 26th. More information can be found here

The subsequent changes have impacted upon the Devotii Fnatic GameIdol tournament which competitors should be aware of. The schedule and the groups can be viewed Here, Round 1 is starting on September 10th so competing teams should make themselves aware of the tournament revisions.

Unfortunately we've had to make some changes to CDC Part 1 - After some major drop outs in Quake 3 (Only 4 players paying entry), the Quake 3 CPM tournament has been cancelled. We'd like to thank promode coder ix-ir for his time and efforts in trying to make this work. As mentioned when we announced the ET prizepurse increase, the increase was dependant on signups, at this moment we're still short 4 of the 24 teams, which will impact upon prizepurse. However we're unsure how so (if at all) at this moment as some teams are still trying to attend. To confirm the ET map pool, bremen will be played on version b1.

Tommorow we'll have some exciting news for those poker players at CDC Part 1 as we announce our new partner.

C-MaxX Enlarged LAN 2007

image: enlarged_banner_01

On the 5th-7th October, in Hessenhalle Alsfeld Germany, we see the opening of the latest incarnation from C-MaxX Enlarged LAN 2007. The biggest LAN event for our beloved Enemy Territory in Germany with over 800 participants. Next to the ET Tournament there will be different WWCL tournaments.

With 2,500 square meters, the event also features side events alongside the gaming arena. This will include driving simulators, console corner, catering,
and the ever famous “Bobbycarrennen” as well as much much more!

The C-MaxX offers attendants a truly great gaming experience, as well as providing all the comforts you would expect from an event such as this. A separate sleeping hall, for the few who decide to actually get some sleep, plus safety-deposit boxes are among a few of the comforts available to you at C-MaxX.

Related Links:
Lan Page

ET: Quake Wars demo release date confirmed!

The demo version of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will be released on the 10th of September - in under a week!

A press release with more info will be released later according to ET: Quake Wars community manager Badman. The release date is quite surprising, as Splash Damage earlier announced that the demo would be release mid-September.

I will update the newspost when the press release is published and more information is available.

Source: http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showpost.php?p=121857&postcount=49

i3D Cup Quarter Finals

image: i3d

Things are starting to heat up in the i3D Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta Cup, with the quarter finals including what many would consider the competition's true final coming at an early stage. Only 3 games are being played this weekend, as Sweden xGx dropped out of the cup, giving Poland Team Delta a free route to the semi final, where they will meet the winner of Europe The Last Resort vs Spain Team Exilium

With Sweden Copenhagen eSport taking on Europe Team Dignitas on two teams who wish to assert themselves as the number 1 side in Europe go head to head. However, this match will take place on Valley, a map which is very doubtful to be played in the game's full release. This, combined with JaKaZc and Reload's heavy CDC3 Enemy Territory practice schedule have seen Dignitas' schedule somewhat lighter than it perhaps should be, especially in comparison to Copenhagen's, whose heavy practice schedule has brought them success so far, including victory twice before over Dignitas on Sewer, and on Valley, a victory in the 2nd inQuake Cup, where they defeated TLR in the Final. Summer is drawing to a close, and with the return to work and studies for a number of players, it will be interesting to see whether they can not only continue such a strenuous schedule, but also to avoid burning out. Although individually they have less top-level experience than Dignitas, who also performed well on Valley at Quakecon, they will fancy their chances of continuing their strong series of online performances in a game which could go either way.

That is not to say that the winning side will have a free route to the final, or even to the overall championship. As the two remaining German sides go head to head, it's difficult to see any result other than a convinving win for Germany Ocrana, former Cause we Can, over Germany Pain is Coming. PiC aren't competing on the same level as any of the other remaining teams, whilst Ocrana will not want to disappoint under their new name, and its hard to see that happening, with strong teamplay and some of the top infantry players, something which the victor of the match between Dignitas and Copenhagen will need to compensate for in their semi final, Copenhagen having experienced this in the final of the Clanbase Cup on Sewer.

In the other match, Europe The Last Resort takes on Spain Team Exilium, and the latter will be looking to cause an upset. Neither team seems to have been as active on Valley as on Sewer, but TLR seems to be taking the competition more seriously than Exilium, who could be a surprise in this match, after being absent from all other recent competitions. Exilium defaulted past Afterlife, whereas TLR had an easy victory over Stofftier. TLR go into this game as favourites, but Exilium shouldn't be written off.

Quarter Final Matches[/b]]
Denmark Copenhagen eSport [2:4] Europe Team Dignitas
Germany Ocrana [4:0] Germany Pain is Coming
Poland Team Delta [1:0] Sweden Xtreme Gaming Xperience
Spain Team Exilium [0:4] Europe The Last Resort

Cup Page
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