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Deceivers Rejoin Webone After Managerial Foulplay

image: COD2%20large%20logo
In a complete reversal of their decision made only two months ago, the French superstars, Deceivers, have returned to their old home. Webone. This decision was met with shock from the community but this was nothing compared to the surprise when the reasons for the move were revealed on Gotfrag. It turns out their manager Karko, who had been with the team for more than two years, was working behind their back to sabotage the team.

Deceivers were one of the teams to receiver the honour of a direct invite to the upcoming Outpost Lan and Steven Leunens (aka dfb), the CEO of Tek-9, was the man dealing with the invites. Karko's team that he played in, Shock.fx, had not received an invite to the event and were unable to get tickets as the demand was so high. Karko saw an oppertunity and took it.

He spoke to dfb and told him that Deceivers were going to be unable to attend the event and that Shock.fx could take their place. Dfb was sad to hear this but agreed as Karko was after all the manager of Deceivers. The players in Deceivers had no idea what was going on when they received a good luck message from dfb however. The treachery was quickly unveiled and a fierce confrontation ensued.

In the words of Anthoo, the team captain,

QuoteWhen we found what karko had done with the Outpost Lan, we realised that Karko's interests lay with his own team, shock.fx , so we decided it was best to go our different ways

Read More for their full roster and the move back to Webone

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BoB 3 Finals Clash Established (UPDATED)

image: bob
Battle on the Beachead 3 has kept up its sintilating reputation with some stunning matches in the build up to the grand final and at last we now know our finalists, but it wasnt easy!

Last night witnessed the second semifinal match of the BoB 3 RtCW Tournament. Four thrilling games were played on Assault between two very talented North American squads, Team Affliction and West Side Wolves (aN). Despite the final scores, the match was as close as you'll ever see. The action doesn't get much better than this with countless skilled frags exchanged throughout the night in an attempt to control the map. Dominant sniping, long range panzers, incredible aim, and clutch saves are all present in this classic showdown. The demos are relgious viewing and you can get them here:

WTV Demos

Semi Final Scores

United States of America wSw(aN) 3-1 United States of America -a-
United States of America -x- > United States of America united5 (forfeit)


Shoutcast provided by RadioITG

Summer Cup 2006 --> next news


Summer Cup start will be 22nd June..
And we search admins/newswritters to our cup! If you :
- know CB rules
- speak English
- be fair
- and have more time...
...You can try. Signups to our cup coming.. If you want add you clan to cup, you must write: clan name, clan tag, lineup, channel irc and website of clan.
And send this to PolandBart.
23 clans added to our cup yet! 3 of them are:
Quote- Germany pstarZ
- Israel eSrael
- Germany oceans6
IRC of cup: #sc2006.et
Website: CLICK
Added clans: CLICK

Number of clans: 30/40
Sign up: OPEN
Date: 22 June-20 July 2006

CoD Patch Released

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Soon after the lackluster 1.2 patch Infinity Ward has followed up with an allbeit small but new bugfixing patch!

The patch is another case of a developer going back after the previous patch and repairing it. Whilst the game is very close to being in good condition, it does still require some minor fixing to get it into working order!

Pardon this gamer for sounding old, but they dont make them like they used to! (As in, released in working order!)

You can download it Here

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Read on for the Change Log

The show must go on

image: challenge_cup2Challenge Cup 2 - Polish Enemy Territory tournament - is approaching at a rocketing pace. Signups are open until Saturday, 24:00 CET, and every European clan is welcome to take part in the tournament. If you are not convinced whether to play or not, keep in mind that:

Italy AgonyRealm,
Finland Fatal Aftermath,
Germany pstarZ,
Poland uAznia Team,

and many other good teams are already in! All Cc`2 crew will try to fulfill all ET teams needs and assure 100% fun. It is worth mentioning, however, that Challenge Cup 2 is against any unfair practices, thus every team must fill in all players` full ETPro guids. We will check them strictly, so you can be sure that fake-nicking won't appear in any case.

Are you still confused? Visit our website and IRC channel (#challenge-cup) and believe us that second Challenge Cup edition is going to be a great success on ET scene.

Return of the beleaguered giant

image: etcomlogoshort0sn

If I told you, there was a website out there for Enemy Territory, not run by a massive games network, such as GGL or GameSpy, but one which had attracted close to half a million registrants in its 3 year tenure, you'd probably not believe me. And you'd also have good reason to, after all, without Crossfire present there's very little left for people to desire. But in a quiet little corner of the web, the site which left TosspoT lost for words has been trundling along without making much fuss, despite a few unfortunate cases of people trying to break in.

What am I talking about? The true home of meez, lotix, necuz and unblind, the great bastion that is Enemy-Territory.com, which yesterday relaunched itself in version3, following a string of security breaches on the old software. Yes, the old phpNuke system has gone, and in comes the lovable cms 'e107', which not only looks better, but is more secure and easier to use than anything we've had before. The staff are hoping this is the beginning of the rebirth, to times where there were 50 news stories a month, 20,000 registrants each week, and download stats were reaching into the hundreds of terrabytes. Whatever stigma the site has lent itself to you (especially the sponsor '4players.de - who don't really understand too well the concept of help), let us break bread and thank the lord that this great site is back in business, and looking so mighty fine at the same time. Just how do they do it?

Quakecon Officially Not Cancelled

image: quakecon05
Quakecon has taken the time out to put rumours of its demise to bed, and confirm that the 11th Quakecon will take place in 2006.

United States of America Aaron 'Alric' Ferguson - the Executive Director of QuakeCon had this to say on the issue

QuoteThere have obviously been a number of rumors circulating recently, but this is to let everyone know that QuakeCon 2006 has NOT been cancelled. We've had a number of issues securing a venue and dates that suit the needs of the event, the attendees, and the staff. This has taken many turns and longer than expected, but we are working very hard to get everything wrapped up and announced very soon.

The rumours all originated from a post United States of America 'Nate' Borland - Director of Competitions made on the QuakeCon forums a week ago saying;

QuoteI want to take this time to take back everything I had said about QuakeCon 2006 in the past. At this time, I can't give you a definite yes or no on the event taking place.
I apologize for my very enthusiastic comments in the past, but until very recently, it was a 100% sure thing.

But gladly it seems everything is now under control and the dates and competition info will be released shortly, although some are stating that it is becoming too late for alot of european clans to arrange sufficient travel arrangments with the presumed final date being so close yet with no official word for clans to tell hopeful sponsors

Good news for all fans of the event and it will keep the distant dreams of every RTCW & ET player out there alive of one more shot at the con!

myLegend Gaming

Belgium Brussels, Belgium -- June 06, 2006 -- Legend, an eSports association founded in 2001, owned and operated by myLegend Royal Gaming Network Association, is proud to make the following announcements.

myLegend is pleased to announce the return of Europe myLegend.ET, consisting of some old and new players, they hope to progress into RTCW2 when the game is published. The team consists of the following players:

England Mike “Sheep” Gibbs (Team Leader)
Finland Juho “Rhoc” Laulajainen
Finland Tuukka “Tunesa” Sadeharju
Portugal João “sexyhot” Maria "Carvalho"
Finland Perttu “Reikkeri” Männistö
Belgium Kevin “Ar+ea” Verhulst

Europe myLegend.ET will continue its excellent track record and be sure to follow these guys closely when they make their entry into RTCW2! Supported by Cyber Athlete Gameservices Netherlands (www.CAGS.nl) they will also be able to extend their offline training conditions into online play.

Hit Readmore for information on the team and their new CoD2 addition!

Summer Cup 2006 !

Today begins the sing ups to the Summer Cup 2006 ! It is the second edition of this cup. Admins of this cup are PolandBart, PolandNekris and PolandMario. Summer Cup 2006 is a 6on6 ET cup. Start 22th June. Admins give invite for 8 clans:

- Sweden noll8
- Poland FBI
- Poland coltz
- Hungary underscore
- Europe demiurge
- Czech Republic singularity
- Poland 4FuN Yellow Team
- Poland dFiance

For matches will be share ETTV and shoutcast ( Pr3dS.radio).
If you want sign up your clan, you must write name of clan, tag of clan, players, channel irc and website to Bart. You must be fast ! There are only 32 positions !

channel irc: #sc2006.et
website: CLICK
admins: PolandBart, PolandNekris, PolandMario

Tragic News

image: rage
Marcus 'Rage' Welfare, passed away on the 19th of May aged 19.

He was swept out to sea in severe weather conditions and later found on the shore.

For the 3 years he played RTCW, he was a regular on the forums, the leagues, and on many servers, being well liked by all.

A wonderous sense of humour and wit, kind heart, and being just an all-round real great guy means he will be extremely missed by those who were lucky enough to know him.

Our sincerest condolences go out to his family and close friends.

Rest in peace Marcus,

from all of POW.

Update: This news has also been featured on the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/dorset/4999072.stm
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