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image: 200px-Cor-jesus
The American RTCW scene is being kick started back to life by former Atlantic Battle star and Quakecon Finalist United States of America Hollywood.

Doing the work of Jesus, Holly is slowly but surely converting people to his new religion which is based on regular worship to an RTCW server near you at least 3 times a day!

Driven by the glimmer of hope that Quakecon may well chose RTCW this year, and with the help of long term RTCW site Planet RTCW Holly states that his biggest obstacle so far has not been rejection, but the fact that CD Keys have been lost and people cannot actually get back into the game because of this!

Follow The American RTCW revival:

#WolfPUG on Gamesurge

And for all Europeans, the number 1 RTCW server of all time is still up and running using This Rotation -
jolt.co.uk - (3) War Maps (OSP 0.83)

#ET-Cup showmatch: uQ take on xtraZone

image: et-cup-showmatch

Fresh from the perils that is the #ET-Cup fast gaming cup, both uQ and xtraZone have been looking to improve their performances, with neither side managing to get past the semi final stage. In that particular competition the sides didn't meet, having been knocked out by 141 and STAR respectively. But while the clans might have finished their tournament, the work continues for the #ET-Cup staff.

This Wednesday (March 29th), 4th generation uQ will play against xtraZone in a showmatch on battery, designed to test the way ET plays without the mortar, or any mines. It's a controversial experiment, but if any map is capable of showcasing the results, it surely has to be Battery. Due to the nature of the 'showgame', we are very interested in peoples's reaction post-game, i.e, after you have watched the match on ETTV. As an incentive, the poster of the best contructive comments will receive a 20 slot teamspeak server for several months, and possible we might chuck a bnc in there too for the runner up. If you wish to post feedback, the forumthread can be found here. But of course, to stand any chance of winning, you'll need to watch the game first!

Quote[/i]Match: Belgium xtraZone vs. Europe uQ-Gaming
Date: Wednesday, 29th March @ 21.00 CET
Maps: Battery / Battery
ETTV: GamesTV.org / id 341

xtraZone: lioco, snot, guest, kevin, acid, mesq
uQ-Gaming: razz zeto ziff senti second Ati_

Don't forget to add your comment in the forumthread!

Qraigu does it once again!

image: rewind_news_logoEurope Team Goliath, a recently created clan consisted of experienced RtCW and ET players proved - although not in official matches yet - that it has lots of potential and what's much more important - that it's not just another so called 2 weeks clan.

Luckily for them and hopefully for Europe Rewind aswell, Germany Qraigu's eye noticed them and it didn't take long till Goliath became part of Rewind.

I asked their squad leader, Croatia aCoZz, what he thinks about this move:

QuoteWell, after negotiating some time with the manager qraigu, we decided to join rewind as their new et squad.
Surely everyone knows the legendary rewind.rtcw squad and their achivements, however they didnt have such luck with previous ET squads. We are hoping to change that, and in the meanwhile have a pleseant stay as part of team rewind.

Believe it or not, but they managed to keep the same lineup as it was announced here, a month ago!


Croatia aCoZz
Belgium dAv1d
Croatia gmx
Croatia p4h
Slovenia JaKaZc
Slovenia illy-ya
United Kingdom VeXx
France emoReJ

Finland bm // Honorary member
Germany Qraigu // Manager

We're really excited about this move, says the leader Croatia aCoZz, it's the highest target I've ever set myself in this game.

Knowing how ET community reacts when someone joins a well respected clan, it's clearly that it won't be an easy move for them. They'll have to work hard in order to prove that they're worth wearing the almighty [<<] tag!

What more should I say except wish them much luck in rewind and future matches!

Go Goliaths!

diablo Has bo0bs calls its day

image: dhb

The reason i post this as a news item is because i personally think it's worth it. Diablo Has bo0bs has been around since the beginning of Enemy Territory, so in my eyes they deserve a great goodbye. I wish all of you guys many luck in the future, and hope to see you guys around sometime!

Ronners statement:

snoops - Kris ET Movie

A journals not good enough for the first major production of 2006! Kris (and snoop) crave their moment in the lime light. Hours of work and dedication have been put in, to not only produce a great movie, but in practicing to create some amazing frags.

This aint no NetCoders production, there be no hacking here - simply a supernatural ability to shoot the head!
image: 1115_thumb

Lengh: 12:22
Resolution: 856x480
Size: 404mb
Video Codec: x264
Audio Codec: Lame MP3 56kBit/s
Projectsize: 180GB


Click “Read More” for an in-depth review by our resident movie critic United Kingdom Max

Fast Gaming Cup - Stage 5

image: smallbanner

5th Cup sign-ups start today and the cup kicks off on 2nd April at 14.15 cet as usual.

Previous Cup Review
It started with some drop-outs in the first round. One excuse was:
QuoteWhere the f*** do I see when we have to play?!

The three dominating teams were:

image: smallcup United Kingdom ultimate Quest
image: smallcup_silver Europe HighBot
image: smallcup_bronze Europe oceans6

Former Europe outRaged now known as Europe oceans6 offered some great matches but couldn't play the final because of a misjudgement by me. You can see the reason in this journal: http://www.xfire.be/?x=journal&mode=item&id=10063
But anyway, the final was really exciting. Europe Stars.et a.k.a. Europe HighBot performed a good job on the second map (braundorf_b4) by nearly beating this cups' winner - United Kingdom uQ.Gaming. In their next chance (et-cup) they could beat them though.

The mappool for the 5th cup will be as following:

Signups: 27th - 31st March
Cup: 2nd April
Slots: 16
Because the signups close on 31st March there may be more than 16 signups so there will be of course a selection.

For more informations you can visit our website

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site: www.et-gather.be

Signup for 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2006

What does idle.ee Estonia, intense e-sports Benelux, Routiniers Netherlands, Prodigy Benelux and Ghosts of War Europe have in common? They were the first 3vs3 ClanBase champions!

Now it's time for you to battle for the SpringCup title and have fun in this great competition scheme.
This season's map list is going to be chosen by the signed teams where each clan decides wich map they most wish to play. In the end the most voted maps will be added to the map list!

Don't miss this competition, just signup for ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2006.

A Quiet Night In


Returning for another night, GAMESTV.ORG is lining up a show that even your granny would use an excuse to download ET.

Europe ClanBase ET Crew vs Europe Warleagues ET Crew
20:30 CET :: GTV // id 324 :: Shoutcasted by Germany FlyingDJ

An age old feud that began the day Warleagues thought they could outrun ClanBase. (Sorry.) Clashing for the very first time to put a round score in between the passive bitching and fighting, CB will face WL in a "winner-takes-it-all" showdown. My money is on ClanBase, obviously.

Belgium Belgium vs Latvia Latvia
21:30 CET :: GTV // id 316 :: Shoutcasted by Netherlands lunachick

Following a double-reschedule, the 1/8th decider match between Belgium and Latvia will take place tonight. Belgium are the obvious choice to win this match and Latvia aren't far their own wooden spoon. But does this really make a difference? We've seen lesser teams beat bigger foes!

Be sure to jump onto ETTV and the available shoutcasts; especially when Im pwning Yancho.

ClanBase Spring OpenCup 2006 Announced

image: cblogo_160wA warm, loving welcome to yet another season of the ClanBase Enemy Territory OpenCup. Once more, ClanBase will play host to the largest "common-man's" Enemy Territory competition available. Working on the success and er... mistakes of previous seasons, the Spring 2006 OC will aim no lower than it's usual record of 450 signups.

Signups for the Spring 2006 will be opened from Monday 27th March until Sunday 9th April. Clan leaders and trustees can sign their clans up by clicking here!

The Map List


While some may say the maplist is incredibly varied this season, the new additions are sure to make for some very interesting play.

Related Links


Warleagues.com RTCW Cup of Nations

image: nationsc

Warleagues are pleased to announce we will be hosting our own Cup of Nations!

Signups will be opening shortly for a Nations-cup. This was requested a few months back on the forums, and with clanbase not going to host another, we thought why not.

Anything to help keep this old girl ticking over! :)

Depending on the amount of interest we recieve, will be how the cup is set out, either a straight knockout cuptree, or two / three qualifying groups, which lead to knockout stages.

Apart from our usual League rules, there is just one extra rule that will apply.

No more than four players from one clan can compete for their nation.

Signups will be open shortly, check warleagues for more details
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