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#ET Draft Tournament Finished

After the signup phase and live draft picks on a IRC channel, we are ready to move on to the next stage which is: a start of the tournament! We're starting at 18:00CET with first live games broadcasted by GamesTV.

RtCW sunday night action with return of TsN|DeeAy !

Another sunday night with RtCW Fall Cup 2012 stream! We are already finished with the 2nd round of playoffs. Tonight's focus is on the loserbracket games and aswell the return of the one and only Canada DeeAy going live at 20°°CET with pre-game show! Read more

A new W:ET mod: ETrun

What is it?

ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod.
The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.

#ET Draft Tournament

Last week, we saw the launch of the #ET IRC channel - a place for the community to gather together to not only maintain but also build on the current activity level of our favourite game. It's great to see so much interest, approval, contribution, and overall involvement from so many people in the community as well as the contact that has been made with communities outside of Crossfire.nu. Peaking at 220 idlers in only a few days, #ET has shown us that there are still enough active players remaining to try running some cups which have been requested by our community.

CB ET NationsCup XVI: Groups Online

The ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI groups have been made and are now online!

We've tried our best to make the groups as fair as possible based on the information available to us.

The revolution of RTCW will be televised!

Thats true, Return to Castle Wolfenstein will be televised by United States of America Warwitch yet again on this sunday 20.01.2013! As we know the show takes off at 20 CET with some pre-game talk and at 21CET 1st revolutional game takes place. Did YOU really thought that we are done here? Ha-ha, not even close!

RTCW Playoffs Action and Stream Tonight!

image: rtcw234

CB ET NationsCup XVI: Captains Announced

After three weeks of applying, one week of voting, and a few days of decision-making, we are proud to announce the ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI team captains!

No less than 484 votes were cast for a total of 85 candidates and 34 nations.

CubeCast Archive

It has been almost three years since the last casts were on CubeCast, and over the year or so that we were active, there were a lot of games casted! If you ask any of our casters, they will tell you how I would poke them until I got the mp3 of the cast after they finished, and they were placed on the website.

#ET is alive

Have you ever dreamt of having an IRC channel on Quakenet for everything related with our beloved game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory? We were always wondering why channel like this has never existed...
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