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  • O_o
  • Lives in Costa Rica cr
  • 18 years and 2 months
  • Profile hits: 7987
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Recent News (4)


image: b5arss4wres0rp9rk

When worlds economy is going down the drain and people are slipping into depression, We have decided to save at least us - the et players. We're here to host TEAM LATVIA 100 BILLION ZIMBABWE DOLLAR ET CHALLENGE 3on3 cup. The winners of this cup will receive one bank note(actually a special agro-cheque) worth ONE HUNDRED BILLION ZIMBABWE DOLLARS.

Recent Articles (2)

How to make Bremen better.

Yesterday, my column got deleted, which honestly, I expected to happen, but I thought that it would at least raise some bigger discussion about the way maplists are decided for major tournaments. Seeing that it didn't, I decided to throw out one more issue that's been bugging me in the interest of seeing how will people react to it.

As the title says, it's a column about how to make Bremen better...

Recent Journals (4)

  1. Adroits prizemoney 27 Feb 2013
  2. Lan car ride 2 Oct 2012
  3. Car ride 25 Sep 2012
  4. HB dAv1d! 12 Dec 2011

Recent Comments (7)

  1. Thanks for... 30 Oct 2022
  2. I like your style... 2 May 2016
  3. Think it's... 18 Mar 2016
  4. You'll need... 18 Mar 2016
  5. Inet went down, gg.... 17 Mar 2016
  6. I could stream on... 17 Mar 2016
  7. https://streamable.c 3 Jan 2015