Well, how you turn or twist the situation, this match would be the last match played in this season’s EC. Both teams wouldn’t get a second (or third) chance to claim the title, it would happen ‘hic et nunc’!

The first map was bremen, it was picked by mPg out of the mappool. First of all I want to clear something out, this map contained some big errors, making the game a bit choatic in the beginning. But mind that this chaos will contribute to the tension of this game, and it will show how stressed both teams were!
But back to buisiness I’d say. Bremen wasn’t a real thriller in my honest opinion. It was a nice match to spectate, but mPg got the round without many real big issues. They had set a time of 9.43, which isn’t bad, nor good, let’s keep it on average! It was now EDiT’s turn to go for the truck. EDiT rushed to the flag, and shortly after they were able to capture it, though they weren’t able to establish the scene in favour of them yet, when all of the sudden the server loaded the map once more! Everyone was astonished on what had happened, and though many people think otherwise, the admins started immediatelly taking action. They talked to their superiors who gave them the needed instructions, and who confirmed their thoughts on what they had to do. Though some problems still occured concerning the exact time that was going to be used. Meanwhile both teams were flaming one another, which was in my opinion the sign that this match had much on stake! After settling the problem the round started all over again, and once more EDiT was able to take control of the flag quite quickly, when faith struck again. The server blacked out again, and we were being set for an unsolvable question: what the hell was happening with the server. Both Koe, and andyF1 (admins of this match) decided to give this server a last try before moving on to another gameserver. This time things stayed normal, and no issues occured! MPg dominated the further map, and EDiT never came near to being a real threat!

Next on was supply! We had already seen what EDiT was capable of on this map in the previous match, but now there was yet even more on stake! If they didn’t make it on their own map, they would never make it to the final! That’s why I was rather suprised when I saw that mPg was bashing on the EDiT door quite hard. EDiT disappointed on the Main and Command Post stage. Though were we the witness of an extraordinary 4 man airstrike kill set by lio. aCoZz on the other hand, brought in his weight aswell when he made some nice riflekills which not much other riflers would be able to handle as he does! Nevertheless EDiT soon had to fall back to the upper defence, hoping to beat off as much attacks set by mPg as possible. Many thanks and credit in this stage goes to mAus. He acted as a lean mean killing machine with barely missing any bullets. EDiT could keep mPg busy for some time upstairs, but eventually they had to give this stage out of hands aswell.

This could be the last round for mPg, if and only if they held off EDiT long enough to prevent them from doing the objective. Despite the fact that their attack was quite strong, their defence was even worse than the one set up by EDiT. They had to give in first stage 9 seconds earlier than the time they had set (which was quite quick aswell). Shortly after they lost main and east gate when EDiT made a plant all out of the blue. The belgians had some problems with driving their truck, but with 5 minutes left on the clock, they almost made a first grab on the controls. This time it was aCoZz who prevented them from doing so by timing a riflenade very precisely. Few minutes later, EDiT finally hit the jackpot, although snoop tried to steal their money by holding an entire team off for quite some while with only having his luger left.
MPg couldn’t hold EDiT away from the truck, and with still two minutes left on the clock, it was EDiT who forced a decider to be played.

A weird, and rare decision, but EDiT gave frostbite a try. They made a rough start, in which they had to deal with much problems. But one by one they overcame those issues, and merely seconds after they constructed the Command Post, they were in control of the documents. It was vila who had sneeked through, and who now was in possession of the docs. It seemed as if this map would get a quick end, when mPg wasn’t able to set up a proper defence near the transmitting room. Though they were able to hold off EDiT long enough for drago to spawn. And as most of you will know by now, it seemed that having drago spawn was more than enough. He was able to make a magnificant panzerkill on vila, and his bodyguards, who tried to infiltrate from above, and with having them killed he saved the day, and the objective was back in hands of mPg. Less than a minute after this all happened, EDiT took the documents for a second and last time. Drago almost saved the day again, when he made yet another panzerkill, but this time he didn’t have the finishing touch to secure it. A time of exactly 4 minutes was set by EDiT.

Within this 4 minutes we would know who was going to be the new EC XVI champ.
MPg started with a good old german attack on both gates. They bashed their way through, and with having lio selfkilling on fullspawn EDiT had a weak spot already! MPg took advantage of that and managed to construct the command post very soon. From here onwards they battled themsevles a way through, which went quite easily. EDiT failed to set up a proper defence stage by stage. Eventually they had to give the objective out hands, and rush towards the transmitter room. Though they never really made it that far. Many of them got spawnkilled, and yet another time they weren’t able to defend properly. It was mPg who took the objective, and ran towards glory by securing it! MPG is the new EC XVI champion and will remain it forever!

For the full report on this match, or to watch the results of the potm-voting check: