I’d like to state a word of thanks to some persons, and i’d also like to give a small statement on the feelings that went through me when writing this article. First of all I enjoyed this EC season very much, since it was a ‘challenge’ with so many new teams performing in it. I also like the people with who I ‘had’ to work along. Furthermore I’d like to say that I’ve put quite a lot of sparetime in writing all this, plus interviewing all these people. So to all the flamers I’d like to say: maybe the quality of the work isn’t superb, though the input I’ve set in it, should make it to a ‘good’ work. Last but not least I’m bringing you some shoutouts: thanks to Bartichello for the support in this season, andyF1 for the co-operation, mPg and EDiT for bringing this quality matches, Petrip-TNT for helping me with the crossfire issues, Bruns for providing the magnificant banner (He helped, by making that, in a very direct way to this article! Cheers again mate!), and last but not least bullvox, who was and still is my mentor admin, thanks mate!!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! See you next season!