I hook up with the winners of this EC to talk to them about their last match, and their season. First I met drago:
Congratulations drago, you and your team made it to this EC’s champion! A ‘first’ impression? How does your title feel? Does it taste as sweet as honey?

It sure felt good to win, especially after such a tense final game. I think everyone who saw that match can tell that our victory didn't come as sweet and easy as we had expected, in fact it was a long and sour fight.

Your first real ‘hard’ match was versus EDiT in the playoffs, there you overcame them with a 4 – 2 victory. When you saw them back in the Grand Final, did you think you could overcome them once more?

I have to give proper respect here to EDiT, many people including me did not expect them to perform that well and end up in the finals.

We were really confident to take this on the first try and I have to say we took them too lightly. We knew that we could win on our map and that their map would prolly be some luck-based map like Braundorf or Frostbite and especially Braundorf is a map we Germans don't prefer. To be precise we really suck on it, so we had to expect a loss on this one.
As expected we lost Braundorf and when we were about to choose the decider map I told my team not to pick Supply, because it clearly was EDiTs best map (have to be honest here, it is also my least favorite map).
I guess my teammates did not share my disgust for that map (Supply heroes!), long story short, we picked Supply and lost it.

Time has told us you weren’t capable of gaining a victory on EDiT in the first Grand Final. Was it a bitter pill to swallow?

Short answer: Yes. But: We knew we had made many mistakes (especially on Supply) and if we have could succesfully avoided them, we would have played alot better. We had no motivation problems whatsoever, but it was still something hard to chew on. Particularly butchji and aCoZz, who had both never won any Eurocup despite being awesome players, were eager to win.

We saw you perform much better in the Golden Grand Final, your supremacy was quite clear on bremen, and on your supply attack. Did the option of a 2 mapper rush through your mind?

We aimed for a two mapper but we were just too insecure on our Supply defense and then lost it. Looking at it now we did some stupid mistakes again and we could have avoided playing a decider. Well, hindsight is always easier than foresight.

Bremen, some real weird things happened on this map, what is your view on the server resetting twice in the same round? Do you agree with the admins decission? Don’t you think things could have happened a little bit faster and less chaotic?

In my opinion every team would have been as upset as we were (maybe not as much as snoop, but he is famous for it!).
The first restart was arguably bad for both teams, they were jumping for the flag and we had a bunch of guys alive guarding the latter. As for the second restart, I think there is no point in denying that it was bad for us.

To put it simple, they had around three to four free minutes of attacking and thus finding out our tactics and adjusting to it. It is way easier changing your attack than changing a whole defense, so at the third start of the map they just tried a new tactical approach and well succeeded, getting the plant down in the first rush.
I don't want to criticise the admins in any way, it wasn't an easy decision but we would have liked to start from 8:08 after the 2nd restart. Excuse us for any hard words and childish comments made, it just happened in the heat of the fight.

Who was the person you feared the most in the EDiT team? And tell us why?

Definitely mAus. In the two final matches he simply played superb, nothing more to add. I voted him PotM for a reason!

At frostbite you sort of ‘saved the day’. Without your tremendous panzer EDiT would have set a much better time? What went through your mind when you saw the objective and its bodyguards killed by your panzershot?

The moment I killed them I did not realize that it would cause such a ruckus, I just wanted to get the bloody objective back. If it wasn't for butchji holding it upstairs and then returning the objective we still could have lost it.
My point is, you win as a team and you fall as a team and I believe that every player has 'his moment' in such a match. Mine just happened to be quite spectacular and at an important moment of the game, but I am more than happy that I could 'save the day' for our team.

Any more shoutouts ?

I'd like to thank all our fans and supporters! Thanks to all admins, shoutcasters, news writers and co, you keep this game alive. A special shout-out to our backup players and mental coaches anna, Clown, ernie:D, Hatred, ohzor4, rapture, _shy, Midas and adi.

Thank you very much for the interview, and once more congratulations to you and your team! Hopefully we can see you guys play more in the future!


Next on was aCoZz:

Hello aCoZz, pleasant to meet you. Your victory is behind us since some days now, how do you feel about it at this moment? Is there still some glorious feeling inside of you? Or are you just feeling ‘cool’ again?

Hello Koe, it's pleasant to meet you too. About the victory..huh, yeah it's still hard to believe that match was so tense, EDiT certainly did their best and made us all to really give an effort to win, which felt great because before that official in the 2 months I played since I came back too ET, we had no real challenge in 6on6. All I can say is that I'm really happly I finally had the pleasure to add an EC win to my list of achievements, it would be really dissapointing that after 4 consecutive semi finals and finals I fail to take the last step..

You are known to be one of ET’s best riflers, did you think your performed well this EC? Better or worse than previous cups you’ve played?

Well I played OK most of the games, but I wasn't consistent enough to be pleased with myself. In the last 2 games versus EDiT I had ping problems due to routing, which made it quite difficult to play but still I managed to perform good on some maps, especially supply. Better or worse.. I'm always better on LAN so I guess I performed worse. :P

We saw some nice rifling from your side on maps as supply, sometimes you did tremendous things with that wonderstick of yours, many people see you as their ‘hero’, do you have any advices for fellow riflers who want to become as good as you?

Advices... well the best advice I can give about playing the rifle are the spawntimes. If you know the times opponents need to get to certain stages, or if you know the places where people usually play, you have a big advantage with it. That's kinda the whole story about it, if you can predict how others are going to play, you can do some huge mess with it. You can forget about improving your aim with it, it's point and click only, eventhough you can get some crazy long range hits. I also think you shouldn't be completely aggresive with it, you should combine both the offensive and defensive style of play according to certain map stages and spawntimes. That's the best advice I can give about it!

We saw you play versus your (ex-)teammate mAus, was it a hard job to kill him?

Yeah a few times it certeanly was.. the way he plays, and the positions he plays combined with his superb aim just make him a hard obstacle to pass sometimes, especially because he is one of the luckiest players I know, since the spam has the tendency to avoid him alot + the positions allow him to get alot of unchallenged hits, and those hits he doesnt miss. :D However.. he probably is the most complete player I had the chance to play with, in every way a great addition to every team.
EDiT was able to make two wars out of this final, would you have agreed with them beating you, or was it something impossible to lose to them?

We just weren't ourselves in the first match. I think a few germans played under some pressure which made a big impact on our gameplay, it just wasn't our day, and a few well pulled spawnkills from EDiT totally messed us up. We never gave up after the first loss, and never had any doubt we would win the 2nd game! I meant... to fail with AzA's nick behind mine, let's be honest, that's impossible.

Will we see you play for your nation in this edition of Clanbase’s Nationscup?

Yeah probably, eventhough I don't know what will the lineup be, because of the 3 players per team restriction. :P

Thank you very much, and good luck in the future with team Croatia, if you have anymore shoutouts, go ahead!

Thank you aswell Koe, was nice talking to ya!
Shoutouts to : Teams mPG, aMenti, cortana, EDIT, TAG, and to keep it short everyone I know and people who are still playing ET and therefore keeping it alive!