image: oiwy20
image: 347hh5e

Welcome to this Article regarding the aspiring captains of the Clanbase Nations Cup! In the past week the ET Nations Cup Crew asked all applicants a series of questions regarding their application. The reason why we did this was in order for you as voters to make it easier to pick out your favorite player and vote on him or her! The questions that were asked are the following:
  • How do you see your role as team captain
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Over the following pages you can find the answers given by each of the aspirants. You can click on their names to see the answers they have given. At each name there is also a Vote! Button which redirects you to the Vote page of the given player.
Each page in this article will feature a different part of Europe/the World in which you can find them. So do not linger here longer but skip to your region and check out the answers given!