  • Netherlands
  • Belgium

Only 2 countries to show here, but what 2 pair of countries they are. Small countries compared to some of the other nations competing, but what they lack in size, they most certainly make up in skill. These 2 countries boost a proud past of awards and skilled players. Both countries having won previous NC's at least once, the pressure for results will certainly be on these captains! With an astonishing sign up of 20 Captains, there seem to be enough candidates to take up that task.

image: logo_teamnl
The Dutch are a nation with a proud history of players, but also the darker side to them. Usually consisting of an all-star skilled Line Up, the Ducth always managed to finish the group stage easily, but after that struggle in the play offs, whether it's due to cheater issues, internal struggle or trouble with the admins. They have managed to win place once, in the NC IX and thats what these captains all want to achieve again!

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Winning NC again!
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Mix between the active players from last seasons + 1/2 new & active talents who deserves a chance! Ofcourse will this be discussed with others, won't take decisions on my own!

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Gonna pwn hard with unknowns, underdog!
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

unknowns & online-only

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Well about my role in the captain, I see myself as organizer of the team. I will not play in the team myself, since that would not help my team. I am very active, but I also know my own skill and so know I shouldn't play myself but let the so-called Pro's do it.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

The main goal I want to reach with the team is of course the golden globe, but since we have to go step to step I would say to at least reach the place of last year (so the playoffs).
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

My idea's about the country's line up are to keep in active, very skilled people. And to place the old lineup for a bit, but also to give other people who have become way better lately a chance. We won't come any further by just trying again and again with the same oldschool lineup. They don't have to be known, as they have to be clean (and if possible lanproof).

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I think I definetly proven myself to be worthy of playing on such level, although, im not the kind of person who would choose myself above someone even if he'd be more skilled, I think (as rifle speaking) everyone has their good and average maps, I'm gonna use this to create an even better team. and of course, organizing is a huge part of being the nation's captain.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

As everyone else, my goal is of course to win this NC with team NL. I think I can create the lineup to be able to do so. rage some estonians and fins is a big part of this goal ofc !
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Well, I'm not that known myself due to short term of playing, mostly got my 'name' due to my brother's big name " Lun4t1C ". I barely play a year, though I managed to play against clans of the top level (not being best but yeah I can certainly manage through) and there are more people like me most likely, who are certainly getting the oppertunity to prove theirselfs. (looking at previous achievements, matches etc.) ofcourse those whom have played for team NL are big candidates once again this year. If they're active enough most of them will be selected. I'm not planning to set a lineup full of new faces. really planning to look on performance, who'd fit in with eachother, etc. (based on classes and such)

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Based on the right mix of players, meaning active till a certain degree, know is not an argument. Might add a unknown player. People with cheat history will try to be avoided.

image: belgium
Just like the Netherlands, the Belgians are also a small nation compared to some others, but their history is impressive nonetheless. Rising up in the ranks of ET in the recent seasons, their players have left an impact on the clan scene as well as the past Nations Cups, having won place twice with a close loss. Will this season be the time for their first Gold?

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

As 2 seasons ago, i will merely be organising the team and making sure games are played and well organised. I have no intention of putting myself in the lineup
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

I wanna reach Top 3 spot with a splending wellform team
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Im not gonna announce the lineup, but it will only contain those who are capable of making a difference in this cup : meaning : no lowbies who think they r like highskill.

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I would be a back-up since there are more active/better players than me atm.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

The main goal is gold medal ofcourse, we have very good players in our country so we can win the NC
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

My selection for the main line-up would be : mAus lio Worm Jere Kevin , these guys have the most experience on the highest level. They have all went to lan and have played several EC's. I'm sure everybody agrees about this line-up. I just need some thinking work about the backups.

No statement released yet

No statement released yet