Central Europe
  • Germany Germany
  • Czech Republic Czech Republic
  • Austria Austria

Middle Europe consits out of 1 experienced and veteran country in the ET scene, 1 upcoming nation and 1 country with a famous history of players. Germany is one the most consistant nations in the past cups, each time performing as expected with an experienced and skilled Line Up. The Czech Republic are a nation in the rising in terms of skill, causing some few surprises over the last seasons. And last, but not least it is Austria which has a famous history of ET players to remember themselves to.

image: ger
Team Germany is one of the most consistant nations out there in the history of the Nations Cup. In total they have managed to win both a as a place in respectivily the NC XI and IX. Last season's performance ended with a debacle as Germany dropped out due to a miscommunication regarding their play off match versus Japan. It's up to the German captains to restore honour this time around.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

beeing the organizer, jump in if we struggle to get 5 players in time. what i strongly doubt. But mainly picking the players, keep in touch with the cb guys and stuff like that.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Since most if not all of the kuraigu guys still are boycotting the clanbase NC it will be hard to go for gold. Still the tier 2 players in germany are good enough to compete on a high level and i know a lot of guys out there who have been waiting for their chance. I want to push them to their limit.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Well, as far as i know, regarding my talks with haZer, drago and kuraigu, the guys from last season will boycot this years NC so there will be new faces this year for sure. If i can get some guys form last years Team with NC experience theyre in for sure, cause thats something you cannot underestimate. furthermore since the cup is played in 5on5, aim is more crucial than in 6on6. of course it will be important to have active guys with knowledge of the 5on5 system but the skill is the most important factor. i will still prefer some known guy that i know i can rely on based on his skill even if hes inactive for a year over some unkown aiming machine whos prolly a cheater and has no competitive experience.

the final lineup based on the fact that guys like sNoOp, drago, haZer, urtier, wEAK, fireball and ofc butch are not available is not finished yet, since i am not the captain yet.

the guys i am thinking about are reaz, who played a decent EC with sublime, Sight who played in last seasons EC Final with snb and RoXoR, who made his comeback to the scene playing some stunning matches with his team pstarZ. The last 2 lineup spots in the Team will most likely be filled after some test games i will arrange. got a few other guys in mind, but thats not yet thought through.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

As captain i think u doesnt have a big role for playing , i just want a team with upcoming players who deserved it. As Organizer i try of course all that the best player can play on time.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

After the boykott of last NC we want with a basicly new team a good place , top5.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I would invite people who deserved it and can fight against good teams like BE or FI .
There are many good "newcomers" outside who could play for TEAM-Ger like 1-2 NC's ago but they had no chance to prove their skills.

My Lineup would be a suprise and a team who can reach a top5-top3 place!

If YOU vote me i swear there gonna be fair chances for player to play in Team-GERMANY!

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I'd like to be the organizer, not a player as my individual gaming skills aren't good enough.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

My main goal is to reach the playoffs as Team GER usually did the last years.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

As our old lineups' players stated they won't play the next edition I'd go for some "new talents.
My current lineup would consist of:

reAz (velerion,IDK.et,sublime)
KRESTi (AoW/Highbot player)
FLoPJEHZ (AoW/Highbot
Bl4d3 (AoW/Highbot)
virtu (Highbot)
boNg (dark & beyond)
whiskey (lost soldiers)
s1LENT (european elite)

If old players agree to play sth like:

zerender(if possible)

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

being the player
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

1st place ofc
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

activity / skill / known - no inactive guys that only come to play NC

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

more organizer than player
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Germans did pretty good in the past. let's continue and win the upcoming season
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I prefer known and skilled ppl, old tradition like. maybe 1 newcomer for playing backup spot or smth. dunno what to add more. if you got a detailed question, find me in #ls.et

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I'd be the organisator as I've been in all previous teams. As I'm not skilled enough I'd pick like 7 players who can compete with the best nations in the world
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Obviously, as german is the strongest ET nation in the world, I'd like to win the cup.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I've already got a lineup in my mind. It consists of player which have been active in the last competitions. So activity > achievements.

No statement released yet

image: czech-flag
The Czechs might not have been known that long for their ET skills, but over the past seasons the have proven a force to be reckoned with. Getting several clutch wins versus more 'skilled' and 'known' nations they themselves are now known as an underdog nation, able to get even the toughest opponent down. It's up to the new captain to keep that name and fear up!

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Well I see my role as a playin captain cause I was playing captain and there is no reason to change it...
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

We want to reach 8th place like every year...
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I want to choose players by activity and skill thats all

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I see my role as team captain to being a player and organizer together.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

My goal is play-off.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

LU can be good ... I know about a lot of well playing players and the LU can be strong.

No statement released yet

No statement released yet
image: austria2
Austria is a nation with one proud legend in the Nation Cup, which is their place at the NC V way, way back in time. Since then they have shown up at different NC's to play and compete, but never being able to relive those times again. Not expecting this season to be different from the others, doesn't prevent them from trying to achieve something..

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

If im going to be captain i will be organize it and i will play in main lineup too due to a lack of active austrian players.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

my main goal will be to show the community a nice performance. our famous aut players are inactiv (like potter) so its no point in saying we will reach quarter finals or anything. we are going to show how a much of not so known player still show some nice games
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

our lineup will be: