West Europe
  • United Kingdom United Kingdom
  • Iceland Iceland
  • France France
  • Switzerland Switzerland

In the area of Western Europe there isn't so much struggle for team captaincy. Two countries with just 1 applicant, one with 2 applicants and then there's the UK with 5. But that doesn't make this election less exciting. As most of the experienced NC players/spectators/followers know is that the rivalry for UK's finest is a spectacle to follow which makes for the lack of battle amongst the other countries. Newcomer is Iceland with 2 applicants and it will be interesting to see what they can come up with.

image: team_uk_2
As stated before, the UK is mostly known for its rivalry and internal battle for the spot of team captain. And with 5 applicants this season, it seems to be going the same way as well. Unfortunatly, the nation's team itself has always seemed to suffer under these factors. In all the cups, the best they have achieved was place at the NC VIII. The 5 aspirant captains that will try to revive these glory days are:

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I will be in the lineup, no point in having a captain if he isn't playing and believe me ill boost morale through the roof my son.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

I truely think we will win nc if im chosen
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I get on well with every English player and will choose only the best. Starting lineup will consist of the solid English boys. West, Ross, Sqzz, Mztik, Tekno,myself etc etc. I will have the main lineup based on activity and open trials for anyone who thinks they would like to give it a pop. I hereby promise that Meez and Hentai will not even get a trial since they have cheated in the past and that isn't how the best country in the world rolls.

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I see myself as they guy who puts the team together adn orginises the matches. I dont see myself playing at all! I'll also look at getting a server and own vent server to help the team out.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Goal for the UK would be on the top 3. We havent had a good finish in a few seasons so this years im hoping will be differnt.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I have a rough idea on who i want in the team and i know who i would ask to lead in game. That would have to be w3st as playing with him before he knows his stuff and gives good precise calls throughout the game. Other players I would ask to join up would consist of Ross, Hype, crumbs, meez, griim, sqzz and rAzbo.

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Keyplayer 8D
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Want to get at least bronze
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Already put it in my application – Me,w3st,ross,griim,sqzz,crmbs,tekno

image: iceland2
A surprising uprising in ET's nations, this year Iceland looks to compete with the others as well. Not having the same problems as their banks, this nation has 2 applicants who want to lead their nation to a first time ET glory!

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

image: TF_CB
France, who of yet to win any achievement in the Nations Cup do have some players to show what they're worth. Having few known players in the past, with time the number of 'skilled players on their side has grown and so have their chances to make a peak performance of France. There is but one applicant to lead them to it, so he better be up for it!

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I am not a player in the team, i'm more like a manager. I care about the atmosphere between all the players, about scheduling matches and stuff. Like I did last year by the way.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

To reach the play off, like we did last time, and have a lot of fun.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I took the last NC lineup, and i have substituted players who were inactives. That's why i have selected emorej, maxuh and Straf (like last year). Karibuu is substituted by Karnaj, and drTank by Rizk.
This lineup is skill and brain based.

image: cbteamlogodk3
The Swiss are mostly known for their ever returning National Team, consisting of the same vast group of players. As a nation they dont have much players in the ET scene, but enough to make well knit and skilled group of players. This is a team to look out for on a good day.

No statement released yet