Rest of the World
  • Israel Israel
  • Turkey Turkey
  • United States of America United States
  • Canada Canada
  • Japan Japan
  • Chile Chile
  • Australia Australia

Then there's the rest of the world left. These nations aren't from Europe but that doesn't mean they are less important or even less skilled. Between these Nations we have a variety of teams going from inexperienced and new to new and skilled to experienced and skilled teams, just as much as any other European team. The only true problem these teams seem to be having are not in their player pools or in their skills, but in the ping issues when playing matches against Europeans...

image: Flag-of-Israel%28boxed%29
Israel is one of those nations which has had its ups and downs in all the NC's starting out as a normal nation, during the time of insanity versus saevus EC final, it was a force to be reckoned with. However, with the coming of time, as with other nations, players retired and the team fell apart. Now there are new captains and players who want to stand up for the challenge regain lost honour for their nation.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Both, since me and mASSiON are both at the army we will play as one.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Already got it sorted, pliss Arik jESUS superjew destiny/mASSiON and 2 or 3 backups that will probably be RenegAde, blitZ and a random jew.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Both of them..(also only a player will be good) being a player in thea team and orgnaize the stuff.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

My main goal is to get and to do the best from what we have (the players) and have fun ofc )
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Well basicly our community here in Israel is dead, 95% of the active players are busted\banned and all others not really known or highskilled, but I'm gonna concider activity, skill(best I can find) but I'll give some chance for new talnets.

No statement released yet

image: large_flag_of_turkey
Turkey is the newest addition to the NC's nations. Gathering their players from their own country and all over Europe, they are an exception to the 3 players from a nation rule. But even due to that rule, they manage to gather a impressive line up of players, capable of pulling of some interesting moments and games.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Since we dont have enough player for team turkey, i will be the organizer and player
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

RazZaH, Tanq, shaky, kazer, banaan, al1
i took these guys "so far" because i know that i can trust them, i wont make the same mistake as the old leader (dont mean tanq) did at the cf nc because he just took some random busted friends of him. i just want to have fun with my team and since we wont win the cup and just wanna have fun, we should be allowed to participate

image: um-lgflag
A way older nation of the NC, the United States have been present for a long time. Being seen by most Euros as less skilled at the time, they have learned from those words. The Americans have shown that they have a large player base to rely on, as well as having skilled players who can compete with Euro's finest as seen in different Quakecon finals, The only difference that could play an issue is the ping difference, but that won't stop the Americans from trying to reach further then before.

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

In short, I'm a pretty cool guy. I know I can't play the game for shit, my aim is bad and I lose track of the match on occasion, but I know the game and the American player base well enough to build a competitive team. I ran the almost-completed North American All-Star and the ill-fated UK All-Star events, ran ETL in its third season, and am a PBBans league admin. I have been an ET captain for a few years now, run and shoutcast Wocen radio, and am a leader and long time member of one of ET's most infamous pub clans, *Evil*.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

I would also be one of a small handful of Americans who can and will put together a team free of cheaters, and I look to regain some of the respect we lost after last NC.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I have a good rapport with the North American community and I like to think that I am well respected as an admin and contributor.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

i see myself in both
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

My main gold i want to reach in this NC is to show USA still got skilled players out there, and we can make it to the end!
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Swizza (im a very very good aimer with good reflex's and im active im knowed in USA)
Bliss (Good Aimer/fops smart player , played in usa nc before)
pAuz (Great rifler knowed in Euro Cups he's very skilled)
Error (Good shot hes my real life friend, very skilled old school player from USA)
Elusive(smart player Great engi , very good teamwork, knowed player)
SpeciaL(u5 player, played in quakecon extremely knowed in usa)
Powder (old school player great shot smart player, knowed in old school clans and is very active)

No statement released yet

image: canada_flag
A participating country, coming after the USA, Canada is the little brother to take in account. Building on allstar and well known within Europe anim, Canada are trying to climb higher and get better every NC. Last season they had some bad publicity, aslo due to Canadians playing with the USA, leading to both teams dropping out. Now there are 3 aspiring captains who can make a new name for the team.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I have the most experience out of anyone else playing for team canada in NC, I have also captained the team several times as well as co-captained it. We have done well and all other applicants have the same idea for a lineup this time around. As a team captain I am fair with picking the right players to play as well as have the best interests in mind for the team.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

My main goal for this NC is to see us make playoffs, something team canada is yet to achieve
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Basically my whole idea is the most active and skilled players who are "clean", our lineup will look very similar to last season with maybe 1 or 2 additions

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

well I have played for team canada for the past 5/6 seasons and was captain once and last time anim was captain we got kicked out
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Atleast reach playoffs which will be a first for canada in all our experiences in NC.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Well the lineup will mostly consist of players who also play against europeans or are on european teams with will help us because of ping difference. Also I already have an idea of the lineup.

No statement released yet

image: japan%20flag
A newcomer with a bang! That's what it is about with the team from the land of the Rising Sun. Coming on the ET scene from an unknown scene they left a very good impression which stayed over the following season. Just like their nation this team will most likely keep rising and get stronger with every opponent they take down.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Kirark RollStone upstate sirokuma Vienna Nonke armk

image: teamchilesi0
Coming in after Canada, Chile is now a well accepted team within the NC. In their debut season they showed what they were capable of and they never stopped at showing that. Will this season be the first were they go one step further then before?

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

im gonna be both player, im the rnade of the team, and the organizer, scheduling the matches, and all the stuff than i have to fix up
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Oue main goal on this NC its try to equal or get more than our record than its was Quarter Finals in teh CFNC, in that occasion we lost against Germany
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

I think we had a good lineup, it had good aim and timing, we know alot about the game and we can be a strong enemy, about the skill i think we are MED+ prolly high( when we are playing really focus) and we had some knowed palyers around the world i guess, first of us its nozz i think alot people knows him, and the other one its me M@x we lay rly active in the American scene, and i ussaly play in euro scene too

image: australia
Another one of the far away skilled Nations, Australia is something that most Euros wouldn't count as being a respective ET country. However, after people massively saw their video of the region's ET final on the internet and their performances in the coming Ncs, they started to realize what they were like and how they were able to perform and we'll just have to see if they can do the same now.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

My primary role will be organiser, however I am a more than capable backup player.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

To progress into the "knock-out" phase of the cup and enjoy "fair play"
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Our best players a well known to the community however I will be asking for our communities feedback regarding the final squad via the ladder forum. The squad will have experienced, skilled, known and active players (as well as "new skill"). We will most likely have practice matches vs team Japan.