Eastern Europe
  • Estonia Estonia
  • Latvia Latvia
  • Russia Russian Federation
  • Slovakia Slovakia
  • Ukraine Ukraine

Eastern Europe has a very divided mix of skilled and less skilled countries to make up. Mostly known for Poland (not included in this article, since they have their own voting) and Estonia, this part of Europe also features dangerous opposition with the likes of Latvia and Russia, while there are upcoming nations at hand as well. The captaincy for these countries is never as much as a struggle as their respective matches are, but there are still enough applications to look at here.

image: en-lgflag
A Nation small, but with a fearsome reputation, Estonia is home to some of the most skilled and known players in the scene. This fact alone has given Estonia the place twice but even without those players (or when they have a day off) it can come up with a place twice. Estonia was last season's winner and now it's all up to the selected captain to keep the gold home and defend the title.

Jack Bauer[/b]]
  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I'm definetly not playing. I'd be the manager.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

That Estonia actually participates in the cup with a competitive and good lineup.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Night - do I even need to explain? Although he doesn't want to be the captain... Maybe he doesn't want to play either, I don't know.
Reload - ...
Luda - Veteran ET player, also has NC experience.
Subb - excellent aimer and was a pretty cool guy last time I had contact with him. The community likes him too. Not sure if he's active right now but i'll always have dj-freeze.
Nugis - I'm not sure if he is playing ET right now but he's a veteran player who is severely underrated and unknown. He is a very smart and good player.
I'll of course check with every player if they like and can play with each other.

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I wouldn't see myself as player unless it's needed ( someone missing etc )
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Win NC , like last time Estonia did
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Most likely the lineup will be same as last NC. I also might consider pownars from squad.ee cuz they've been quite active in ET. I dont think the old lineup Estonia had last season would play with other captains!

image: logo
Featuring an even smaller array of players, it seems that Latvia has about as much people playing ET as they have in their nations Line Up. But that doesn't stop them from playing the NC and they're playing it good. Mostly seen as an underdog nation, they impressivly managed to get place at NC XI (although some rumoured they should have gotten the Gold) against Belgium. With such a small player base they usually dont have any trouble selecting a captain, even with the 2 applies from this season, both players are reasonably sure to get some playing time just as well.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Me sitting comfortably in a huge throne while my peons do all the work. Yes.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Rape opponents, acquire playoff spot.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Hmm, tough one.

- Clown
- fuzz
- dunno
- vinyl
- mata
- coconut / speedy (both suck tho)

With dear regards,
The Director Manager Captain CEO of Team Latvia

No statement released yet

image: logo_teamrussia_cube5
The Russian Federation team is mostly known for its capacity to get people playing who are not current inhabitants of Russia. Boosting enough players from countries like Germany (but with a Russian Birth certificate), they are most known to try and get a team as skilled as possible set up within the rules regarding the max. number of players from a foreign country. When they do succeed however, they got a formidable line up to present! And with 5 applications this season, the battle for the one who may select them , it isn't going to be easier either!

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Guess both like the last time. At least maybe unless i find anyone else who would be able to compete in the team instead of me, but that's unlikely to happen since the choice of russian players is quite poor. And choice of guys able to be captain is even worse, well maybe except for rizzin, but i havent seen him managing anything(team/cup/etc) at all yet + his attempt seems more like a troll attempt to make e0h play NC
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Primary team-russia goal has always been reaching the playoffs. Last time our progress had been quite successful until my ISP had problems and i was left without broadband internet for about a month and eventhough i left all my rights to other guys the team couldnt gather to play last 2 group games. Hope this doesnt happen again
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Should basically stay the same with minor changes eg. to make voice comms 100% in national language(or at least suitable for anyone, there have always been problems since some russian guys never played in international clans so their english coms have been equal to 0 while some guys like hummel or zerender living abroad are constantly losing all their speaking skills so they have to speak in english more and more), delete outshaped players etc., so selection would be based on skill&activity.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

Being a player and also the organizer of the team
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

I want to show everyone that the russian players are way too underrated
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

The lineup will look like this: Joke, Zerender, H8m3, Jago and a 5th russian, not sure yet because of the rule that says there has to be 3 players who are living in russia
They're all known, skilled and active players

No statement released yet

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I think, the organizer mainly because I'm kinda too low.
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

To do the best we can, probably.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Well I wouldn't like to bring old players to the scene, so I'll probably stick with what we have now (though it isn't very much) - that is, e0h team, where I play, banda, joke & jago, h8m3 and zerender ofc. The lineup I'd like to see is : zerender & jago as 2 foreigners, joke. h8m3 is fine too, though he doesn't have a mic, which makes me want to swap him for someone. I guess we don't have anymore famous & skilled players, so I'd take gtakiller as a rifle(because he plays rifle in e0h, and I simply don't know any other russian rifle players) and someone else as a medic guy. For this last place there are some players to take into consideration - ups from e0h, detektor from banda and slaw from e0h. That, I believe, concludes my answer.

No statement released yet

image: team-slovakia
In comparison to its brother, the Czech Republic, Slovakia still has a long way to go in E-Sports country. Only having a small base of players to rely on, they try to get better and surprise every season they compete and improve themselves beyond the role of underdog.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I'm gonna be both - player and organizer... Me, bacause nobody wants to waste his time with organization things..
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

We want to beat at least one enemy.. I hope we can play a nice game for spectators and finally win something because we allways had bad luck :P
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Our ET scene is quite small.. we have some good players like filus, CML and so one.. But there aren't many players to choose from.. So I will just choose the best players from our country.. the lineup will be : filuS bladee kredenc boby masta/pyth9n/bestik/

image: flag-ukraine
Ukraine is one of the latest additions to the NC. Formerly unknown, they have stood up for the challenge and are yet trying again this season to make a name for themselves.

  • How do you see your role as team captain?

I guess I am the best for being the captain, because I have already been a leader of Team Ukraine (Wolrd Cup 3o3, CF NC and CB NC XII (offficialy twister was a leader, but I in-game it looked different).
  • What is the main goal you want to reach with your team/country?

Our and my, main goal is to reach the qualifiers and I think with the team I have chosen I can do that.
  • What are your ideas regarding your country's Line Up?

Lineup has been chosen by criterias of avaibillity, experience and skill. I talked to guys who are not liked by me so much, but still they present a nice level of skill. I guess we can do smth, we can show that Team Ukraine is also a good team in ET. It is the biggest country in Europe and we want to proved that. Regards!