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GMPO and humM3L are full of confidence

Any team that has just lost the first round of the winners bracket is bound to be affected. Not according to xfire favourite humM3L. Speaking straight after their defeat to TLR, humM3L was full of positivity. "No, I really don't care. Come on, its TLR, theres no shame in losing to them". In fact, he revealed how his GMPO team has played TLR before in pracs, and drawn quite a few of these games. "Next time it could be completely different.

Onside with Arachon

In terms of the CDC series, you will struggle to find a more seasoned attendee than Arachon. This friendly and helpful character has been a part of past Crossfire events in both playing and adminning roles, most notably including his part in the CDC2 team ALIS. This situation puts him a unique position of being able to judge events from both sides of the fence, and understand the needs of both players and spectators.

CDC Live Log pt2

Fridays log here

00:55 - the poker tournament is running, the games are over for today
00:55 - after an exciting 3 mapper TLR beat dignitas
00:05 - roars aplenty as dignitas pull off an incredible comeback over TLR on goldrush
00:03 - nellie is trying, drunkenly, to chat up a less than averagely attractive girl at the bar. comedy at the highest level
23:00 - the McPoker tournament is going to start

Defining moments for SRP

SRP have arrived in Enschede backed by legions of fans and expectation resting upon their shoulders. Certainly blame is quick to flow whenever the performances do not meet demand, or signs of weakness emerge. But in truth, times have moved on from the superteams of old, and we must not expect the famous names that glitter the SRP team to illuminate the scene in the same way.

n1ce work

Three games, three wins. Thats the sort of form that gets you noticed, and n1ce have certainly proved they are no pushovers so far this friday. Despite this impressive start however, the mood in the camp remains distinctly calm, and certainly the team is not getting carried away. Nevertheless, they can afford to be pleased with themselves.

GMPO vs v&e match preview

GMPO and Vicious and Evil are set to go head-to-head tonight in what promises to be a headlining event of this first day of CDC action. Now that the early games of the day are been and gone, we are beginning to gain a greater understanding of the importance of games, and the form of teams arriving in Enschede.

CDC Live Log!

A popular feature of coverage from the last CDC, here you can find a live listing from the event being updated by several admins. This will be a vidiprinter services of some scores and general small event updates throughout the event;


03:00 - finally finished only 10 hours behind schedule!
00:46 - "cZar where good, ferus was better" TosspoT, SRP take adler
01:06 - The teams are on the server warming up & the maps are decided: they'll be Adlernest & sw_goldrush_te

Sod's law strikes

Ah my friend, the inevitable. My third lan to date, and pre-setting off I had been determined to cover the mistakes of CPC1 and PGA and arrive with absolutely everything I could possibly need for the weekend. That was the plan anyway.

Beware of the fork

The birth of ET and Call of Duty came within months of each other. The Activision titles were released within 6 months of eachother and for the RTCW community it presented a fork in the road. Now in 2007 the fork is back as Quakewars and Call of Duty 4 arrive on the shelves just 6 weeks apart. Which path will you take?

Is money the answer?

These past couple days we’ve seen a few people come up with frank summations of the games future along with degrees of disgust at the way things are going. The war against cheaters within ET has been lost in many peoples opinion and that has caused many amongst the community to look for an alternative.
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