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Crossfire 3

It is the stuff of legend. A myth in its own right. However, the web's very own version of Duke Nukem Forever is, unlike it's mysterious counterpart, just around the corner, so we at [flag=0] Crossfire Towers thought it just about time to give you non-uber citizens a taste of what's been happening these past few months, and what we have in store to come.

5on5 vs 6on6

ET is at a crossroads right now, crossfire is going to analyse the 6th player debate, take some opinions and work out whether the 6th player could be responsible for Wolfensteins demise!

I've been playing Wolfenstein since it first came out and in clan format, I can rarely remember the 5on5 debate ever coming near to practicality. Infact, in RTCW I cannot even remember when this idea was really contemplated.

Even more photos...

Almost a week past their expiration date, but here's a small amount of photo's from the CPC.

Some were already upped by Anaconda (who was kind enough to stay home to help me out at first), cheers!

Supervise this!

In a matter of hours, or days, the ET community will receive one of the most important pieces of information of the year. No, it isn't what the new-look idle lineup will be, nor is it a press release on the forthcoming GTV.ORG2. It is one which will affect all echelons of the game, right from the top level EuroCup sides to the to the teams who play purely for fun. It is the announcement from ClanBase on who will become their newest Enemy Territory supervisor.

The Idle.ee Revelations

As I scythed through Ronner's front door to meet amoung other people the Idle.ee team, I had no idea of some of the bombshells of information that were going to land right in front of me that very night. Perhaps it was knowing that here were players who had won a EuroCup and Quakecon twice; a team with nothing to prove and nothing left to win.

dMiZE point of view !

Hi everyone ! I'm back and black at my pc after a long travel. Came home yesterday around 23h CET, had a shower, ate something, and sleept untill few hours ago. =)

This is dMiZE's story, with pictures included.

Friday :

More Photos, photos

Well i added a journel yesterday, and updated it today with all my pics. I noticed foonr made his into a column so i copied him!

I got Mavs video and i will cut it together into a small video which includes the "WhineingDJ and urtier" footage, which has been widely rumoured about.
Please be a little patient with this. I will add it here when its done.

Also Arachon is editing his recorded interviews from the evening, so when he is done i will ask him if i can include a link to them here also.

Photos, photos!

Here are my photos from the lan, hopefully I didn't annoy too many people because I have it on good assurances that my flash was the most blinding of everyone's! Sorry about that...

So here we go:

[*] unblind laughs at the dutch metro
[*] levi loves his metro
[*] TosspoT breaks the first pc of the weekend

CPC - A short summary (updated!)

Hello there,

since everyone is posting his on journal about the LAN and all of them are with more or less the same content, but at then end still slightly different, I decided to sum all the impressions by the people who were at Rotterdam up a little.

If anyone already got some pictures uploaded, or will do it in the future, please send me the link (qnet: Melkor) and I will put them in to this column.

The following url's are all the current journals made, in the order they were posted.

When the going gets tough...

...the tough get going. And if any one of these teams want to win they're going to have to raise their games to the next level. We have 6 games to play today, including the grand and consolation finals, which can mean only one thing: teams will be eliminated for good. Gone is the safety net of yesterday where a single loss would only result in relegation to the lower bracket, and in come to the pressure games where money is won and lost.
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