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Latest Enemy Territory transfers!

The summer is over, the first snow is falling down and a lot of player activities are noticeable. I want to gather some of the more interesting movements and new teams in this post. Click read more for all information!

Clash between Team Decerto and Kings!

With 29 matches broadcasted on GamesTV.org the past Sunday may enter the hall of fame as one of the more entertaining evenings. But the new week was not bad either. Ten matches overall on a Monday with one being a close and excited CB EuroCup game between Estonia k1ck and Poland high5 which ended 2:4 in favor of high5. Today is Tuesday and an explosive match is on every image: et Enemy Territory fan`s agenda.

As yesterday so today!

The Adroits Lan just finished with a big bang final yesterday evening and that was not the only thing to remember from last week because a browser integration for image: et Enemy Territory is currently in the making with anti-cheat and hopefully great streaming possibilities. Thus we can move the dark thoughts aside and cross our fingers for some more years of delightful ET gaming.

Team Rockit with a new Enemy Territory team!

Today I am proud to present to you the new Team Rockit image: et Enemy Territory team which will attend the upcoming Adroits LAN. The team is made of highly experienced and well known names within the ET community and they will try to achieve at least the same position our last squad gained two years ago @ the Antwerp eSport Festival.

CB EuroCup - IYA vs. Sticked!

The Clanbase EuroCup just started and with the first qualifiers already played we got some interesting and surprising results and with two games scheduled for tonight this evening might bring even more astonishment.

Upcoming #et.tourney top-matches

The week has just started with a big 6v6 one day cup final between Queens and Almighty and just 24 hours later we do see another big battle between four more or less equally skilled teams. I am talking about the current #et.tourney games with Europe BDSM fighting against Europe bSTURZ for the last spot in the upper bracket final in division 1 and the clash between the CGS lan performers Europe Devastation and the all-Finish side of Finland Keskus Rikos Poliisi. On paper and according to the GamesTV.org odds there are two clear winners but I am sure no one of those four teams will be satisfied with a runner-up spot and thus try to push to their limit.

Today's top ET games!

Today is Sunday, it is summer and it is hot - not just outside but ingame! This sunday will bring us a hell of image: et Enemy Territory action with - up to now, 14 games overall broadcasted by GamesTV.org. Thus means you can chose between 84 players or 28 teams who to spec! And that`s not an easy task because we do have the CGS Seeding tournament running, the Clanbase SummerCup is under way, the Australian CyberGamer ET Draft Cup got it`s big final and the ESL Evolution Challenge is, with it`s upper bracket round 3, at it`s peak.

Clash between OVERLOAd and BDSM!

With Netherlands OVERLOAd vs. Europe BDSM the #et.tourney second edition is at it`s peak! Those two teams have battled their way through the double elimination bracket without a single round loss but today at least one of their winning sprees will end. Both teams have undergone some changes due to the summer- and vacation time but according to GamesTV.org they managed to activate one of the finest image: et Enemy Territory lineups one can find nowadays and with great stars like sqzz, FLoPJEHZ, saKen or twidi (to just name a few) playing I am sure most of you will find a suited player to spec and learn from!

GtkG-Series - Community thoughts!

image: eview

The current image: et Battle for Berlin II tournament is running like a clockwork and the whole admin- and coverage team is doing a great job with daily news, impressive reviews and a soon to be released "Frag of the week" clip. With that in mind you might ask yourself what can be done to make this event even better than it already is and I am here to reveal it - I want to give you some more insider information right from the participants and thus I need your opinion and questions!

BFB 2 Teams Overview III

image: headrzr

Overview: Part III

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