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CyberGamer With $750 Tournament

image: 2a4r9tc

Efforts to get activity back to our scene can not only be found here on Crossfire but also in the land down under, Australia! In a first attempt admin Australia biggz got a respactable number of 27 teams back to activity playing regular ladder matches. Now there has been a tournament established that even caused interest over here in Europe.

Maybe also known for recent cash prized tournaments within the CoD4 EU scene, it is the CyberGamer League that now put a total of $750 cash for Enemy Territory up for grabs. 12 teams battle in a Premier League as well as an Amateur League for the desirable jackpot.

Sleeperz going to Rage

image: 74605HMP2025Founded in February 2008, the Enemy Territory team Sleeperz went a long way up to
the top of the scene. Starting as newcomers back then, the team can now be called a
Top5 team in Europe, being also one of the most stable teams around. With numerous EuroCups and ESL Major Series's they have been taking part in, the allstar team now prepares for another season and can once again exhibit a step forward.

The team has been taken up by the Dutch based gaming organisation Rage Gaming that is already host for a professional Call of Duty 4 team (recently ranked top7 in Europe) as well as the fourth coming UK ESL Pro Series CSS team. With the support of Rage we can expect the team to attend all the upcoming LAN events for Enemy Territory. The deal can also be seen as a first success of the recently started Project Phoenix which aims to give ambicious teams the chance to play for professional gaming organisations.

Speedlink welcomes Potter

image: 31115HMP2021Leading German side Germany Speedlink was recently forced to search for a replacement for their long time member krest as a new internet provider with limited bandwidth did not allow him to keep on playing like he used to. The gap in the line could be eventually filled with non other than former Crossfire.ATi as well as zeroPoint! Gaming player Michael 'potter' Kantringer!

The team now aims to improve its performances such as the recent 5th coming at the Antwerp E-Sports Festival in Belgium. As the new EuroCup and ESL Major Series season is already waiting, the goals are set and the motivation should be high enough. New LAN events such as CC8, AeG or a possible tournament in Croatia are - if they happen - planned to be visited as well.
  • Germany SPEEDLINK | duKe_
  • Germany SPEEDLINK | Bl4d3
  • Austria SPEEDLINK | Potter

QuoteAs I really missed it to play seriously and to have the chance of going to larger events, the offer from Speedlink came perfectly right. After some games with the guys it bacame clear to me that this may appeal to me. I hope I can contribute a lot to play at the top with the team. I will give my best for certain. - Austria Potter


Rockit takes a break

image: 386514HMP2024The Antwerp E-Sports Festival was a great event for rockit as well as for the whole Enemy Territory community. Seeing our team really enjoying to be together and to be at the event was a pleasure for us. We are extremely proud on the ET side as a third place at such an event is a great achievement. Next to our ET team also the Day of Defeat: Source team was doing great by beating zeroPoint! Gaming and with that winning the ESL Major Series recently. Both teams announced to take a little summer break to re-gather motivation and then come back in fall for the big competitions.

Rockit as an organisation will accompany the teams and take a break to get new strength as especially the last months have shown a high level of inactivity within the managing staff at rockit. We will try to make use of the summer break to get back to where we wanted to be with an improved online service, probably new teams and some surprises.

Sleeperz wake up again

A team that truely has made a name for itself already, reforms now to make an impact on ET's top scene again.
Fourth coming in last EuroCup, the team has already shown what it is capable of. Now the team recently placed third in Evu Cup and is also awaiting the Grand Final of the Clanbase WinterCup this sunday. The team has managed to improve the lineup with two additions coming in form of suVi and euruz and now looks like that.
image: shead

image: snews
  • Europe Sleeperz.et
  • Belgium zZz Lazio
  • Norway zZz Eirik
  • England zZz Griim
  • Estonia zZz euruz
  • Croatia zZz suVi
image: snews
image: sbordersho

image: 5216HMP2039
image: sfoot
zZz signed up for EuroCup as well as the EMS Major Series and also plans to attend one or two of the upcoming LAN events that surely caught the attention of many top teams out there. With all that top teams coming back to activity one might pity the admins and their job to find out the very best for this soon to start EC. Invites, qualifiers and prizes will be announced this sunday for your attention.

Rockit News
Crossfire Team Profile

ET LAN in Denmark (Update)

There are plans in the making for a LAN event in Denmark featuring Enemy Territory and Call of Duty 4. I was asked by the organizers to get a feedback on general interest by the community espacially the ET scene, hence this post. To give you more information about the event here is a list of facts.
  • Name: TBA
  • Date: October 15-17, 2010
  • Location: Aalborg, Denmark (Click)
  • Prize purse: €5.000
  • Entry fees: No exact fee determined yet but not more than CiC7
  • Structure: Groupstage + Double Elimination
  • Accomodation: Discount at a nearby Hotel (cheaper than the CiC7 bunkers)
  • Travel: Train, Car, (Plane)
  • Conditions: At least 10 ET teams needed to make it happen

The event is aimed to be more of a community event rather than being a pure competition tournament. To go more into detail with the prize ditribution, it will be different to what we know from CiC7 for example. For each win a team will receive a special amount of money. The first two teams of a group get money as well as any winner of a play-off match. The total prize money is variable as more attending teams mean more prize money. About the accomodation I was told that the hotel is about 2km away from the venue and busses are driving each 15 minutes. Regarding the train travellers, there is a special train taking off from Hamburg dedicated for this event where the players will recive 20% discount on the trainticket.

ESL EMS signups end soon!

image: 40025HMP2027

The ESL has given Enemy Territory another ESL Major Series season to prove itself being a professional and highly competitive community. Due to great admin work and improved activity numbers at the European ET section, the ESL improved the prize money by €250 making it €750 cash in total for EMS season six. With that ET gets the same amount of money as eSports disciplines like DotA, TF2 and DoD:S.

Nevertheless the signup numbers have been a shame for our community so far. 50 teams have signed up for either the Spring season or the Major Series (signups close on March 20th). The EMS is what people from outside our community look at to see what teams are top contenders of the game (next to the EuroCup) and is almost everywhere seen to be more important than EC for example. The ClanBase EuroCup has a long lasting history within ET though and is something that simply belongs to it eventhough the level of professionality has decreased year by year remembering there where LAN finals and the elite of any game present in the past. The OC/EC season can already be seen as a success by taking the age of our game into consideration, as there are almost 200 teams signed up so far.

CiC7 Top3 Predictions

image: 10yl6wkHead of Team Rockit Fabian 'SPU9' H. recently sat down to ask 24 community members for their opinions on what teams will achieve top placings at the upcoming Crossfire Intel Challenge7 in Enschede.

The result of the gathered information is a top three ranking with Blight and rockit on top with exactly the same amount of votes followed by YoYoTech and 'To make odds even' making it a top four ranking actually. The outcome of the ranking itself does not come as a surprise eventhough some might ask for ESL Major Series finalists of nOu Way! who were, together with dNan and Phantoms, not given enough points. What might be more interesting for the readers of Crossfire are the given statements from some of the asked people.

QuoteI think this years might end up being a little bit more distant a top two than ever before. In previous years there was an Impact or H2k to mix things up and if not always beat the top two then at least challenge them, I cant see that happening this time around it'll be a straight fight for the top spot. - United Kingdom TosspoT

Find out what the others had to say and read more over at Team-Rockit.com

rockit go straight through =118=

Team Rockit have snapped up another team today after recent talks with top RtCW team =118=, it was clear that their style and attitude in gaming were of the highest order and fit straight into the rockit family where we hope they will continue their reign within RtCW! For the readers not knowing that team, one could only say they have dominated the entire community and competitions that are left in the game for about three years now. Their passion for the game they love, the similar roots we are coming from and the connection between yet two guys and rockit - being Clown and MerlinatoR - had a big impact on our decision to take those fantastic guys in.

The new rockit.RtCW team already won the latest RtCW LAN at Crossfire Challenge 6 along with other online competitions including the just recently finished 'Early Xmas Cup'. The side heavily features the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 champions one.soldier lineup, with 5 of those 6 players in the team - chronos, crumbs, juncie, MerlinatoR and sharky. With other top players who have a wealth of experience in the side the team has every chance to continue putting 'faces in the mud'.image: picture-13
image: shead

image: snews

United Kingdom rockit.RtCW

United Kingdom Joe 'chronos' H.
United Kingdom Sam 'dusty' C.
United Kingdom Ali 'NecrostiX' G.
Netherlands Tommy '2d' D.
Netherlands Maikel 'juncie' M.
Netherlands Marc 'SeN' W.image: snews


United Kingdom Richard 'crumbs' W.
United Kingdom Adnan 'conker' C.
United Kingdom Lewis 'MerlinatoR' H.
United Kingdom Dan 'sharky' W.
Latvia Janis 'Clown' Z.
Austria Thomas 'Def' D.
image: sbordersho

image: wolflogo
image: sfoot

Intel LanCraft Silesia

image: lancracfc

LAN events for Enemy Territory have become rare these days. The one and only LAN event will probably always be the Crossfire Challenge in Enschede, will it? Some people out there work their arses off to get ET played at different LAN tournaments being smaller and local ones most of the time. Germany, Poland, France and the Czech Republic bring some ET offline action to life once in a while and there we are again. The Czech INTEL LanCraft in Silesia announced Enemy Territory as a tournament game some days ago and community workers like Czech shoutcaster smOke or Polish news writer and ClanBase admin Homer try to get as many teams there as possible.

As the tournament itself will not feature high cash prizes and it is set to take place simultaneously to the Crossfire INTEL Challenge 7 in Enschede it is hard to attract many teams. As this can be seen as a chance to promote the competitiveness of ET for further LAN events there are still some teams interested to go to have fun and gather some LAN expierience. The following teams registered to attend the event so far.
  • Czech Republic NecroRaisers
  • Czech Republic Confis eSports
  • Poland 1stCav eSport Club
  • Poland Fallen One
  • Poland Vae Victis
  • Poland Trivium

Further information about the Enemy Territory tournament look like this:
  • Date: 5.-7.3.2010 (Should be played on Friday)
  • Krnov, Czech Republic (Near the Polish border)
  • 5vs5 Tournament (Rules to be announced)
  • Double Elimination (Loser bracket & Winner Bracket)
  • Prizes to be announced (Prolly depending on signups)

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