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CB EC/OC signups reminder

Signups for ClanBase's EC/OC Spring 2010 Cup season are due to close on Sunday the 21st at 23:59 CET, have you and your clan signed up yet?

image: 4t9des

Mystic Returns for Impact Gaming

Impact Gaming has a habit of bringing back old legends.
And this time is no exception. Finnish allstar - or should I say superstar - Finland mystic has rejoined the Impact ranks to strike down once more. His comeback from inactivity will undoubtedly not go unnoticed, and when this one-man-army is backed up by possibly the best medic of all time, Wales sqzz, you really have the perfect recipe for success. If this isn't oldschool enough for you then perhaps mix it up a bit with the old legendary Sweden zP rifle Switzerland gifty, plus the master of engineering, England Sheep, who turned planting a simple dynamite and some mines at CPC4 into a true modern art. Spice it up with some Malta toxic herbs, and you have yet another tasty Impact line up.
image: 21987eh
The Impact Gaming line up:
  • Malta toxic
  • Finland mystic
  • Wales sqzz
  • Switzerland gifty
  • England Sheep[/b]

  • Backup United Kingdom R0SS
Impact Gaming manager United Kingdom eVo has yet again managed to put together an allstar team that will definitely be amongst the top contenders for the next big tournaments. They will be competing in the upcoming CB EC and ESL EMS, and will be present at the upcoming LAN's such as AEF and the Denmark LAN.

Team Rockit Announce Call of Duty 4 Squad!

Today, we're both excited & proud to announce our new Call of Duty 4 squad! After much speculation surrounding the final 5, we can now officially announce who they will be.

After our Enemy Territory team placing 2nd at Crossfire Intel Challenge, we knew we had to find a Call of Duty 4 squad to represent us at future LANs and prestigious online events.

With a mixture of former Infused & NCE.i3D players, this lineup is highly motivated and experienced. This ensures us they will deliver the results we are looking for. The team have been placed as number 3 seed in the ESL Major Series qualifiers, and already sit at the top of their group for the competition.

image: rockit_small
The Rockit.CoD4 lineup is:
image: ie Darren "wannabe" Borrow
image: ie Seán "Zajaki" Kilbride
image: gb Robbie "robzje" Heaton
image: gb George "raivz" Marsh
image: de Patrick "puNi" Stemmler

Time for Antwerp!

[img|left]http://i39.tinypic.com/2qmi1jk.jpg[/img][img|left]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2343/transv.png[/img]I've been in contact with Steven Leunens, CEO of Gamevibes BVBA regarding the upcoming Antwerp eSports Festival.

First off, what's Gamevibes? Gamevibes describe themselves as an innovative new media and entertainment company specialized in connecting companies with the industry of video games. Their main objective is to become the number 1 in their field of the Benelux. You might already have been in contact with this company as they started TEK9 in 2004 as a competitive gaming team which has now become one of the largest eSport websites in the world. Nowadays they focus on running events connected to eSports. In the past we've seen two different types of events: More community-based events (the Outpost on Fire series) and bigger scaled events with a huge international appeal (the Antwerp eSport Festival).

The first type is much like the Crossfire LAN's, held in the Outpost Gamecentra, focussing on the community while still having world class competitions in the meanwhile. As the organizers like to put it: Outpost on Fire is all about the community coming together for a couple of days of high standard competition, world class action and a couple of good Belgian beers to round of the evening. The event is set for its fourth iteration, which will be held next year. More info can be found here.

[img|left]http://i39.tinypic.com/ir8g2v.png[/img][img|left]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2343/transv.png[/img]Just to give you a small introduction to what Antwerp eSports Festival exactly is, you can visit the official website. Basically the 2008 edition came down to this: the first iteration of the Antwerp eSports Festival was one of the most prestigious LAN's in Europe, hosted in the amazing Hilton hotel right in the centre of Antwerp (Belgium), boasting a prize purse of € 50,000 for just two games, CoD4 and FIFA08. Teams had the possibility to rent rooms inside the Hilton at a discount rate, and various side tournaments were present, such as the ability to play vs. the top CS 1.6 players of the Benelux in bootcamp sessions. Booth babes didn't stay away, and if I recall correctly, there even was a body-paint stand for babes who felt like going a bit wild.

At least that was for the last instalment during 2008.
This year AEF will make its return, albeit with some changes. To quote Gamevibes:

Back to the roots: Vicious and Evil with ET Team

image: vae_back_vx60d

It's been a long time since the last Enemy Territory team played under the Vicious and Evil flag. Today we are proud to announce that we are going back to our roots. Our team only consists of finnish folks, who just signed up for a spot in the upcoming ClanBase EuroCup, aswell as the ESL Major Series. They all got experience in teams such as Insignia Cadre, Button Bashers or Team YoYoTech. They just signed up for the evu cup 5, which starts this Sunday, so you will have the opportunity to see our team in action for the first time. We all wish them good luck and a nice stay in Vicious and Evil.

Lineup of VAE:
  • Finland Jussi 'twidi' T.
  • Finland Leo 'Lettu' H.
  • Finland Harri 'Iron' L.
  • Finland Ville 'kapaa' K.
  • Finland Perttu 'Reikkeri' M.
  • Finland Tino 'chmpp' V.

Wocen Ladders Open

image: wocenladders

In the wake of excitement coming from Crossfire Intel Cup 7, wocen.org has decided to open up ladders for Enemy Territory. There are 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 ladders to satisfy the needs of the community. Our hope is to reach out to 2.55 players and players who are interested in going up against the best ET players North America has to offer so we can expand on current competition and possibly infuse new interest into the game. Each team may also play one European player per match, which we hope will encourage cooperation between the two communities. Teams can sign up now and begin playing matches next Wednesday, 3/24. All players must have a wocen.org account so we can keep track of their GUIDs. Team creation is easy and challenging is as easy as posting a topic in the forums.

Teams may have two European players each, but only one can play per match on each team.

Wocen Ladders:

EMS VI signups reminder

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The signups for the upcoming ESL Major Series Season VI for Enemy Territory featuring 750 € as prizemoney will close Saturday night 23:59 CET. There will be no chance to make a late signup as the qualifiers will start right away Monday 22nd March! So make sure to sign up in time.

The return of FPS-Radio

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Today I am happy to announce the comeback of the radio station that I have casted for throughout my whole casting career. I started casting on the ET scene when it looked like TosspoT had thrown in the towel for casting ET, and there were no other English speaking casters and I had some success as a caster(in the ET scene). Today I return as a caster, and plan on casting as much as possible starting with the Clanbase nationscup. The recent resurgence of the ET community following cic7 has motivated me to come back as a caster, which I think is a necessity in the community. Anyways, FPS-Radio plans on doing a weekly ET talk show with multiple casts each week in ET alone. We also plan on covering cod4, CSS, cs 1.6, and the European CoD 2 scene.

Thanks for reading those of you that did, and hopefully more people will start tuning in to the casts, be sure to tune in at www.fps-radio.com and to idle in #fps-radio on quakenet or gamesurge!

PS: For those of you that would like to request a cast, or coverage, a feature will be added on the site shortly, and for the time being you can just pm me on xfire or contact me in irc.

PSS: Also give me some music reccomendations here, otherwise you guys will just hear lady gaga and land of talk :o

Casting for you,

United States of AmericaMistaken

Former Fear Factory X-Fi is back!

image: Zmiany-w-dywizji-CS-w-Fear-Factory-X-Fi-

That happened in 3 minutes, after some converation with Rafcio a.k.a Poland Wrobel
old Fear Factory is back, but we are only known as Fear Factory not playing in this multigaming anymore.

Lineup is as follows:

Poland Wrobel (c) (fops/medic/browar)
Poland wiesiek (headshot/medic)
Poland n00n (fops/biceps)
Poland zMk (vodka/rifle)
Poland Templar (medic/backrape)
Poland uf0l (medic/PanTaifun)
Poland Xanah (medic/leszczyk:D)

wish us good luck and visit our channel in irc #BERZA

#evu.cup 5 SIGNUPS

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EuroCup XXI season is on it's way. With 206 signups already, making qualifiers for the most prestigeous online tournament is not an easy task. As you may have noticed, I'm back to Clanbase, at least sort of. I will be responsible for solving EC conflicts out if they appear. Hovewer, my remaining 2 duties are creating a mappool and doing Qualifiers. I think that the Qualifier system I used in last EC was a good one, so expect the same in this season. As I browsed current signups, I've noticed several newly formed teams consisting of players somewhat known. Since inviting-to-pracc-to-see-how-a-team-is-doing didn't really work before last season, this time I decided to give you an occasion to show your skills and to prove you should be considered in EC Qualifiers. Therefore, I announce #evu.cup 5.

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