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ETL [steel LAN series] @ Kaos Lan-House, Portugal

image: bannersteellanseries3vf0

Electronic Tournaments and Leagues LAN event, ETL Lan Series, is now going for the second edition and what an evolution it was! In the first event we gave €375 in money for the first three places and 50 players fighting for them, now we have a minimum of €700 euros in prices and money! Thanks to our brand new LAN sponsor, [steel series] we will have the following price pool (for eight signed teams):

1st place - 200 euros + 5 x SteelSound 4H
2nd place - 5 x SteelPad Qck heavy
3rd place - 5 x SteelPad Qck+
4th place - 5 x SteelPad Qck

This event will take place in the 16th of December, on our Lan-House Partner, Kaos Lan-House. We expect this to be the event of the year for the community and hope you don't miss it!
This is an event by Electronic Tournaments and Leagues with the Supervision of Thalakos Portugal.

On the past weekend Electronic Tournaments and Leagues hosted the "2006 Portuguese Gaming Awards" and SixthSense won the "Team of the Year award" while sexyhot Portugal won the "Player of the Year". Congratulations!

Steel Series - Main Sponsor
Kaos Lan-House - Lan House Partner
WebArtDesign - Media Contents

ESL IPS - The Final Match

image: 30599Today it is time for the last game of the first ESL International Premiership Series season, which will find it's end in the third place duell between the teams of Europe aMenti and Poland The Netrunners. After losing against Europe uQ.Gaming and Estonia idle.ee in a row, nothing seemed to go as planned for aMenti in Europe's biggest online tournament of ET history. But consisting of experienced, talented and motivated players, aMenti has improved a lot over the past few weeks, defeated Germany Team-Helix last Monday in a thrilling three mapper and came back into the fight for third place. Now they need just one more win to end third and get a big part of the 1500 € prizemoney.
On the other hand we have The Netrunners. The Poles put up a nice performance so far and could establish themselves behind idle.ee and Team-Helix on third place. With a nice prizemoney from PGA LAN they earned and achieved already a lot, but today's match should make 2006 even more successfull for them. Since both teams are totally equal in terms of points, DeCL and score only the winner can take over the third place today. Do not forget to tune in when both teams will finish ESL IPS season 1, brought to you live with our beloved United Kingdom TosspoT and with Germany GIGA 2 in front of thousands of viewers!

image: amenti image: et aMenti Europe vs. Poland The Netrunners image: net

Latvia aMenti.Clown
QuoteAfter NETR and FF dominated PGA lan, and us doing good in our matches there is no clear underdog tonight. So it will be a good show for the viewers, i don't know who will come on top, but with IPS 3rd place at stake we will do our best to win this one.

Poland Netrunners.kot
QuoteHere comes the time for our last match in the IPS, this time we'll face a strong and well-known aMenti. Even though we might seem to be the underdogs in this match, we'll do everything to win this game, all in all the 3rd place is at stake!

Europe aMenti: Winghaven, dAv1d, marv, Clown, CrozZ, aCoZz
Poland The Netrunners: kot, buzka, robol, chester, gotti, rio

Time: 23:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, Supply

Live on German TV
GIGA 2 with Germany FlyingDJ: Tune in! ( German )

United Kingdom Radio iTG - TosspoT ( English )
Poland HeadShot Radio - bandiT ( Polish )

image: giga2_klein image: game1694

The Ashes are coming!

image: DeathofEnglishCricketIn Cricket there is a rivalry between England and Australia and each series is called the Ashes, it is ongoing right now. Its called the ashes because a bird was hit by a cricket ball and tragically lost its life, it was burnt and its ashes along with the birds death were to symbolise the death of English cricket who lost that series.

Today ET gets its ashes! Although its unlikely an English player will play, an Englishman (or a pomme) will admin and thats enough to give it this most unoriginal title (It has much to do with the fact Europe has no notable rivalries with Australia!). The popular Atlantic Battle series has possibly had its lifespan as the American's have given up, but the Aussies have come forth and challenged Europe to a war.

The match will take place on December 23rd at 14:00 CET which is 24:00 Australian time. The server is located in California and Australians are anticipated to ping around 200 with some European testers getting in the 150-175 range. The maps will be Supply Depot & Goldrush.The match server is kindly provided by seek from #snd-gaming and #Crossfire will be hosting the tournament itself.

Shoutcasting will be a joint effort between United Kingdom iTG's TosspoT and the Australia Gamestah crew, which should be an experience not to be forgotten! GamesTV.org will lend their irreplacable hand to all things ETTV.

As for the teams? The European Captain will be selected in the coming days who'll then by up against Australia angelus who has been both hard at work getting a team together but also organising things for this event down under!

Be sure not to miss out as ET gets intercontinental once again!

The series is named after a satirical obituary published in The Sporting Times in 1882 following the match at The Oval, in which Australia beat England in England for the first time. The obituary stated that English cricket had died, and the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia. The English media dubbed the next English tour, to Australia (1882-83) as the quest to regain The Ashes.

Palmz joins Team Dignitas

image: dignitasmainjq3
Team Dignitas, recently voted the number one CoD2 team in Europe, have today announced another lineup change. Team captain Mick's brother, Dales, has taken up a new job that will require a lot more travelling and so has stepped back from active play and will be replaced with another ex-Digntias star, Phill "palmz" Palmer. Joining from UK rivals Reason-Gaming, Palmer brings a wealth of experience and an agressive play style that should sit well with his new team mates. Having played for Dignitas earlier this year, Palmer was the obvious choice to replace Dales and despite considering other players such as TmG's Niggle and vCoD superstar mo_Ose, Dignitas opted for the Birmingham-born Palmz.

While this is good news for Dignitas, it has left Reason in a spot of bother but it didn't seem to affect them today as they took down the Italian TooEasy in the EuroCup, bringing back phonic9 to take the spot of Palmz. The team remains motivated and after getting their EuroCup XIV campaign off to a good start who knows how far they will go. All eyes now are set on the Week 5 match up between Reason and Dignitas on mp_carentan in what is sure to be an emotion-filled battle.

Mick gave a brief statement on www.team-dignitas.org.

QuoteLast week dale told me he had applied for a new job which required alot of traveling around the UK thus making it impossible for him to be activly playing in team-dignitas, therefore he has stepped down and become a backup player. We needed a player and Phill asked to join. Having played with him before I know he is a great addition to our team, and I hope he stays for a long time!

Palmz himself added a few words.

QuoteI'm glad to be rejoining Team Dignitas after my six months break from the team! Mick asked me if I would like to rejoin and the offer was just too good like before.

After these changed the new-look Dignitas lineup will be as follows...

United Kingdom Mick
United Kingdom beNN
United Kingdom Raz
United Kingdom Trainee
United Kingdom Palmz

United Kingdom Dales (backup)
United Kingdom Yekoms (team coach)

Mystic's return

image: eurocup What does ClanBase got for us on monday? They got two great EuroCup games coming up. We are starting with Sweden noll8 vs Finland sFx-Monkeys and later on there will be Finland sFx-Murso vs Poland Fear-Factory. This will be a great evening with two great games.

The first game will be between noll8 and sFx-Monkeys. The artists formerly known as Abnormal Monkeys (now sFx) are set to light up the EuroCup stage tonight with an all scandinavian battle against former RTCW legends noll8. Tonights match is the first of a brilliant ET double header and will see the return of half of the EuroCup winning Parodia side sat next to some of Finlands greatest talents.

The talk of the town has been all about the return of mystic and fans of the flying finn wont be disapointed as tonight. After not showing up he's back in all his glory tonight, but more there are far greater things at stake tonight. Tonight's game is one on paper sFx-Monkeys are favourites to win, but with this being their first look at competitive action and combined with the random element of Adlernest the match is a crucial test against a well practiced noll8 unit.

Group D may well be this years group of death meaning every win and every map win is crucial to the outcome of the season and with it both sides will be looking to inflict as much damage prior to matches against high flying Germany Highbot(<<) and Germany Team-Helix. Look to adlernest in round one of the matches this season to potentially being a pivitol moment in the entire season should the group be as close as expected.

[img|left]http://home.arcor.de/bullvox/o8.jpg[/img] image: am
Sweden noll8 versus sFx-Monkeys Finland
Time 21.00 CET
Admin Netherlands bullvox
Sweden noll8: Blaze, Eddie, Gjerry, Kris, Keran and Sexyhot
Finland sFx-Monkeys: Tiigeri, Jauhis, Xpaz, et1, Mystic and Torspo
[img|left]http://home.arcor.de/bullvox/swgoldrushteoq6.jpg[/img] image: adlernestsk9

Here are two short interviews with
:: o8`Blaze]
What do you think about the game against a-monkeys?
A-Monkeys is a strong team with great players. But we are well prepared and i am confident that we can beat them. Well anyway i think it will be a great game to watch xD

Some of your players are playing in the NC too. Is this a problem for the team?
Well it happend a couple of times that we lost a "potential praccing hour" here and there. But it have not been a major problem

Who is the player you fear the most in A-monkeys?
I would have to say Tiigeri he is so handsome that he might seduce me in the middle of the match xD

Group D is considered as the group of death by the community do you think the same about it
Well to be honest i dont. I would say group B is the hardest to pass. But i think the groups are very well made, nice worke admins xD

Whats the team you fear the most in your group?
I believe we stand a solid chance against every team in our group. By the way what is this F.E.A.R? that doesnt exist in noll8 xD

:: sFx-Monkeys|Jauhis]
What do you think about the game against noll8?
I don't know much about o8, but they have eddie so they have to be good! I hope that it'll be an exciting and tight match though we are still a little rusty.

Noone from your team is playing in the NC besides Tiigeri thats backup for Team Finland is that an advantage for you guys compared to some other teams that got some players playing in the NC?
Nah i don't think so. I think that most of the guys who play EC put their own team first and play NC matches only when they have time. Of course sometimes they won't be able to prac if their NC team has official but i don't see it being a big advantage to us.

The whole community is expecting that you guys can give a good fight against idle. Do you got the feeling after the weeks (tell me im wrong if it are days/months) your praccing again that you can give idle a good fight?
Actually we haven't played that much because saintt is playing too much WoW :( and we had to recruit Et1. Also when we were just getting used to 5on5, they changed it back (i like 6on6 more). Of course i think we can play tight games with idle, but first we'll have to concentrate on the group phase.

The group your in in considered as the group of death. Do you got the feeling to that your in the group of death?
Not really. I haven't followed the scene that much lately, so i don't know much about the new teams. We'll just go match by match forward and try to improve.

Who do you fear the most from noll8?
Eddie of course! His 4-man rifle kills in the past have convinced me :).

Whats the team you fear the most in your group?
Someone asked me the same question earlier and it's kinda hard to answer that one, because i don't know much about rewind and o8. Helix is a pretty good team though from what i've seen, but we'll just try to concentrate on one match at time.

The idea of a "comeback" was that made because of the change from ClanBase to 5v5?
No, though it was easier to find players at first because we wanted to be finnish only. We just thought with Xpaz that it would be cool to play some again and this is the outcome.

A lot of people are wondering about it. Did Raveneye never had the motivation to come back again?
No he didn't, he's busy with Q4 :/.

What are the goals for this team? Are they going for EC and CPC2 only or will it be for a longer time?
The first goal is definently EC, after that i'm not sure of. I can't say much about CPC2 except that i wish we'll get a team there.

The Best of Germany

image: eurocup Tonight there will be the first game in the group of death. After noll8 vs sFx-Monkeys being rescheduled to Monday 21.00 CET after Mystic didn't show up its up to Germany Team-Helix and Europe Rewind to decide who's going to take the first point in this group of death.

Group D may well be this years group of death meaning every win and every map win is crucial to the outcome of the season and with it both sides will be looking to inflict as much damage prior to matches against Finland sFx-Monkeys and Sweden noll8. Look to adlernest in round one of the matches this season to potentially being a pivitol moment in the entire season should the group be as close as expected.

Rewind known as HighBot before had some small changes in the line-up in the few weeks before EuroCup. Team-Helix on the other hand got a stable line-up for quite a long time. They are seen as one of the challangers for idle this season together with cdap-pi and sFx-Monkeys.

[img|left]http://home.arcor.de/bullvox/hx.jpg[/img] image: rew
Germany Team-Helix versus Rewind Europe
Time 22.00 CET
Admin Belgium Bartichello
Germany Team-Helix: biqq, drago, evil, conan, riddla and ramin
Europe Rewind: criatura, humm3l, fireBall, viol, ohzor4 and silent
[img|left]http://home.arcor.de/bullvox/swgoldrushteoq6.jpg[/img] image: adlernestsk9

EC14: Netrunners vs uQ

image: netruq Today's noteworthy game comes in the form of EuroCup Fourteen, where a highflying Poland Netrunners team comes off the back of PGA success against a somewhat turbulent Europe uQ side who have a higher tally for roster changes than games played at the moment.

This is the first game for either side in group A, and with zeroPoint taking the early points in a hard-fought clash with Morrigu earlier in the week, both teams will be looking to record meaningful victories that would see them keep pace with the early leaders, an essential task in a group comprising of only 4 teams.

Netrunners Poland vs Europe uQ Gaming
Maps: gold/adler

Malta Toxic: I think that it will be a very close match as NETR proved how good they are at LAN but uQ have also been playing well and picking up a 4-2 victory over amenti recently proves that they are no pushover either. Since you are FORCING me for a prediction i'll take a risky one and put my faith in my favourite jew [yes i said jew!] lion. 4-2 win for uQ.

Switzerland Melkor: Since uQ had grave lineup changes recently and NETR showed a great performance the last few games, I'd go for a 4:0 for the polish dudes. But maybe the spirit of Odin will flow through chaoz and with that plus the power of the almighty urtimat® he will win a map for uQ.

Israel Lion: NetRunners have proven themselves as an extremely strong 5on5 team, yet I do not know how their transition back to 6on6 will effect them. On the other hand, uQ had to rebuild itself during the past three weeks. I guess the match could go either way. 4 - 2 for Netrunners.

United Kingdom Quag: btw what does uQ stand 4? (gets told...pause)
imo, netrunners are gna 'wtf ngr plz' own uQ, purely because i, yes q-to-the-g, are giving them my full support. This, coupled with the backing of once UK number 1 #bux, is more than enough to inspire netrunners to an emphatic victory, after which i will accept generous donations for my whole-hearted support. Once again gl the runners, and always remember; FRAG 4 QUAG!

As for myself, Netrunners seem the obvious choice but you cannot simply ignore the knocking of uQ. Sure they're nowhere near as stable as NR, but they have players in the form of lion and lightning who have the ability to change games. The question is, can they whittle down the heavy fortified resistance of Netrunners? I think not.

Quakewars receives unprecedented preview

Today my copy of PCZone magazine arrived through the letterbox, its usual 3 days ahead of the shop delivery dates. Removing the plastic packaging and cardboard support I had a good look at the cover, noting with interest their month's chosen subject: Enemy Territory - Quakewars.

"The shooter that obliterates Battlefield!" yelled the banner, and quickly flicking to page 50 I saw what can only be described as a mammoth preview. PCZone is a magazine notorious for its hardline review and refusal to be swayed by industry pressure, delivering definitive and above all honest depictions of the games they play. To hear "quake zero with Wolf ET style gameplay" is very reassuring. Anyway, I of course scanned all the pages, you can read each of them in high-resolution by clicking on the thumbnails below.


Monkey business in EC tonight!

image: game1667The artists formerly known as Abnormal Monkeys (now sFx) are set to light up the Eurocup stage tonight with an all scandinavian battle against former RTCW legends noll8. Tonights match is the first of a brilliant ET double header and will see the return of half of the Eurocup winning Parodia side sat next to some of Finlands greatest talents.

The talk of the town has been all about the return of mystic and fans of the flying finn wont be disapointed as tonight he's back in all his glory, but more there are far greater things at stake tonight. Tonight's game is one on paper sFx are favourites to win, but with this being their first look at competitive action and combined with the random element of Adlernest the match is a crucial test against a well practiced noll8 unit.

Group D may well be this years group of death meaning every win and every map win is crucial to the outcome of the season and with it both sides will be looking to inflict as much damage prior to matches against high flying Europe Highbot(<<) and Germany Helix. Look to adlernest in round one of the matches this season to potentially being a pivitol moment in the entire season should the group be as close as expected.

Be sure to look forward to a cracker of a match and an evening as Christmas comes to Enemy Teritory. This is the first of an iTG double header with the ESL IPS Finals following after!

Match Wildcarded by sFx

ESL IPS is coming to an end

image: 30599The time has come for the showdwon in the ESL International Premiership Series. The absolutly highlight at the end of the ESL IPS will put face to face Estonia idle.ee and Germany Team-Helix. Both teams started out in the IPS as the most expected teams to win the pot of 1500 € and they haven’t disappointed anyone yet with their performance. Only Team-Helix showed us some weakness when they lost their dress rehearsal last Monday against Europe aMenti. But nevertheless, both demonstrated their talent as they convincly won their matches and need only one more win to secure the title. Don't go too far away when Estonia idle and Germany Team-Helix are calling for the most promising match of the last weeks!

image: idle image: et idle.ee Estonia 4-2 Germany Team-Heliximage: hx

Estonia idle.ee: Night, r3vers, urtier, senji, JaKaZc, Reload
Germany Team-Helix: biqq, drago, evil, riddla, ramin, conan

Time: 23:00 CET
Maps: radar, sw_goldrush_te
Live on German TV
GIGA 2 with Germany FlyingDJ: Tune in!

United Kingdom Radio iTG - TosspoT
Poland HeadShot Radio - bandit
image: giga2_klein image: game1665

Many are looking towards this match, a match of this priority is a must for every ET player and fan. Therefore we are happy to present you this exciting match live on TV! GIGA 2 with star moderator Germany FlyingDJ will broadcast the match live from the GIGA studios in Cologne. For all ETTV fans we organized again a big coverage by GamesTV.org with many ETTV slots. Another highlight besides the GIGA 2 broadcast will be the shoutcast of United Kingdom TosspoT. You see, the most promising match of the last weeks will be supported by ET's most well-known voices. Do not forget to tune in at 23.00!
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