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ESL LTotM on Sunday!

image: 174060After we've announced the start of a new cup series within our section last weeks, we have decided to make a reminder and also to give out more details about it. As some of you might know, we have modified the mappool and also the rules so all players enjoy playing our ladders and we have also decided to create this monthly event to see which team is the best in our ESL ladders! Every month we'll announce which ladder is in our sight, so you better sign up in all to be sure that you'll be part of this competition!

#et.tourney 6on6 - Check-In!

image: et6v6

It's just a reminder for 6on6 ET Tournament #et.tourney. All 6on6 teams should take part in this cup, if you want to prove your strength! It's a great opportunity to play some good quality games versus decent teams. Especially when Clanbase Spring Season is behind the corner, you can show everyone that you deserve a place in the Premier League or even in EuroCup!

Also I decided to add some extra days to the schedule, because of the upcoming Crossfire Community Draft Tournament. Check the Matchweek days below the news. Schedule is tight (especially Playoffs) so please try to play all games in the prescribed period.

28 teams accepted so far:

CB NC XV: FIN vs UK – Most promising match so far?

image: cb

Debatably the most promising match 2012 has offered us so far. A match which will see the winner qualify into the Upper bracket final of this NationsCup! With players like FinlandSquall and United KingdomsqZz battling it out, and with United KingdomOwzo maximizing the excitement by casting the event, this could surely turn out to be one of the best matches of 2012! For the players that can’t use ETTV SlovakiaaiRen will be streaming this game again. As usual, you will find review of the latest matches and predictions below.
The maps for tonight will be radar and supply.
image: s_head

image: s_news


Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Squall
Finland Stuka
Finland twidi

image: s_news

United KingdomUnited Kingdom

United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom rAzZ
United Kingdom sqZz

image: s_border_short

Date: 08-03-12
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB ET NationsCup XV image: game31610
image: s_foot

Adroits ET Masters update

Hey folks, just a quick update to put you in the picture in regards to the upcoming Adroits ET Masters event in June.

image: adretm

ESL 3on3 Country Championship

image: 3ccqqz22
It is time to write a new page in the Enemy Territory history as Electronics Sports League decided to host their very first nations cup this year, in the 3on3 format! A lot of players contacted us to host this competition and we have finally decided to make it possible so that players enjoy our league even more! You can also find more details in the special ESL Country Championship newspost that we have created!

ESL Winter League: aToOn vs cP - NBS vs mCon

image: winterseasonbannersmall

The ESL Winter Leagues have provided a lot of interesting matches in this season and it won't stop here as it's not over yet! We're closing in to the finals and many teams are fighting hard to reach the final stage. Tonight we'll see a lot of action in the 6on6 Premier Division,featuring Europea.ToOn.eu versus EuropeCashPlease and EuropeNBS versus NetherlandsMouseControl so you better not miss it!

CB NationsCup XV: Round 2!

image: cb

After yesterdays great games the fight between the nations continues today, with hopefully an other stunning battle, tonight we will NetherlandsNetherlands versus PolandPoland. Probably an other close match with great indiviuals backed up by their team play. United KingdomOwzo is going to cast this game so make sure to tune in.
Live update:[/b]]
  • The match is delayed a bit since NBS versus MouseControl went to 3 mapper`
  • An other delay since NetherlandsxPERiA Team Netherlands captain is restarting his router.
  • NetherlandsxPERiA is still not here, and drama on the server since this match already got rescheduled because as far as I know 2 PolandPolish players had to go out yesterday and drink. They couldn't be arsed to get merc's and NetherlandsThe Netherlands don't want to either now
  • Head supervisor of CB BelgiumGoldorak jioned to server to hopefulyl settle things down.
  • NetherlandsxPERiA's internet appears to be still down, Team NL is getting 'mercs'`
  • NetherlandsAti_ appears on the server. The captain is still not here.`
  • Supply and Radar are going to be played.
  • NetherlandsSQuid is lagging right now, an other issue from The Netherlands with their internet`
  • BelgiumGoldorak forced the match to start, NL did a pause right at the start since NetherlandsSQuid is appreantly away from the keyboard
  • And the match started!
  • PolandPoland took over the first stage of supply already
  • Owzo is off since he has to pick up someone at the trainstation, actually had to do it an hour ago.
  • 11:52 on the clock a pause again from NL! just after the Polish guys took over the CP stage of supply!
  • PolandPoland seems to be steam rolling, they got a plant on east and main down already
  • The dina is planted on west as well 10:10 on the clock left
  • 9:25 The Polish team keeps on rolling, they got the truck in postions and took the gold
  • 6:38 The truck went through main gate, PolandPoland is obviously taking the lead
  • A time of 8:50 was set on Supply by the PolandPoland, This is beat able but it's going to be hard for NetherlandsTeam NL
  • 7:41 NetherlandsNL planted a dina on the main gate, first stage.
  • 6:30 on the clock PolandPoland is trying to defend the cp stage
  • 5:20 NetherlandsxPERiA,team NL captains appears on TeamSpeak and The Duchties take over the CP
  • 4:41 The dina is down on the main gate
  • 4 minutes left for NetherlandsNL to take over the last stage and drive the truck, surely possible!
  • 3:27 The truck is in position!
  • 2:50 on the clock, gold is secured now they only need to drive it! going to be close!
  • Truck is through the gates, gg's are being called NL took their map home, after 2 extremely fast rounds!
  • 7:41 was the time set, the 8:50 of PolandPoland just wasn't enough, next map Radar!
  • A plant was down on main, team NL is allies the first round. but it got defused.
  • 10:10 Side gate is destroyed, 9:38 Forward bunker was taken over by Team NL
  • Netherlandssaken with a 3 man nade, that will surely hurt in Polands Defense.
  • An incredible time of 3:57 was set by NetherlandsThe Netherlands.
  • As I didn't mention yet, NL is playing with there orginal line up again.
  • a pause from the PolandPolish side this time, fanatic lagged out.
  • Fanatic is back , the match goes on!
  • Polanddialer took a suit, this their chance to make it this a 3 mapper!
  • The suit didn't work out 1:25 on the clock, and PolandPL got the CP
  • Poland has both parts with 1 min left on the clock!
  • saKen picks up an important frag with the rifle but it wasn't enough with 2 seconds left on the clock PolandPoland made a decider out of this!
  • PolandPL won the cointoss, of to a decider!
  • Goldrush is the map that is going to be played, NetherlandsTeam NL is axis.
  • NetherlandsJallaaaa also know as ZaK starts with a 2 man panzer frag!
  • Awesome spam frags are keeping the Polandpolish side of the tank
  • 11:30, what was I saying? Poland just repaired the tank!
  • Barrier is build but the dina is down already, 10 mins on the clock and poland is rolling again!
  • an other pause by PolandTeam PL because of PolandFanatic lagging out, again.
  • 9:52 NetherlandsNL damaged the tank, let's see if they can hold the PolandPolish off a bit longer
  • 8:51 appreantly they can an other strike that destroyed the tank! but it's not enough, the tank gets build right after and we are now in the last stage of the first round.
  • 7:40 NetherlandsNL is trying to set up a crossfire.
  • 5:30 the gold hasn't been touched!
  • 3:25 PolandPL takes the gold
  • 3:00 left on the clock and the truck is past the barrier, seems like PolandPL is going to set a time, not the best one ever but they set one. 12:55 It became. Surely beatable!
  • 11:50 take has been repaired but PolandPoland destroyes it after 10 seconds.
  • 9 Minutes left on the clock, NetherlandsNL got the tank now!
  • Barrier has been build, plant has been done but it got defused as well.
  • 7:22 an other dynamite has been planted, PolandPL didn't defuse it this time, and Netherlands is getting the tank down the hill now.
  • 5 min left, tank still not in position, PolandPoland looks strong!
  • 3:30 NetherlandsNL takes the gold, will the be able to secure it?
  • 2 min left on the clock, they weren't able to secure the gold yet.
  • 55 seconds on the clock NetherlandsNL got the truck, will it be enough?
  • PolandPoland pause, It is possible for NetherlandsNL to finish this but the truck can't stop.
  • Polandfanatic lagged out once again,this isn't going to come in hand for the PolandPolish guys!
  • Everyone around the truck is death, Netherlands Lost it, congrats to PolandPoland.

PolandPoland won with 4-2 after a stunning match. PolandPL will continue in the upper bracket versus BelgiumBelgium and NetherlandsNL will go to the lower bracket and play CanadaCanada once again, feedback on the live update is appreciated as well as telling me someone actually read this.

6on6 ET Tournament #et.tourney

image: et6v6

It's a time for another 6on6 cup with usual map pool without any surprising maps. This cup has been created to force some activity among the teams that want to fight in the upcoming tournaments.

There is no limit of sign-ups. I will create groups with 4 teams each. I'm gonna try to divide teams into groups according to "skill" as honest as I can. There will be few leagues, 2 groups will be a part of each league.

Crossfire Community Draft Tournament

image: cf_community_draft_cup

After receiving a lot of feedback (and flame) on the Crossfire Draft Tournament, United KingdomR0SS came up with the idea of running a draft tournament that isn’t limited to top tier players. The thought behind this is a Draft tournament for the community: the Crossfire Community Draft Tournament. The idea behind this project/tournament is to give lower skilled community members the chance to play with those more established within the game and hopefully benefit from their experience and knowledge, but more importantly, to have fun.

Adroits ET Masters - Interested?

So another summer LAN was announced, something that most would say ET needed and was ready for - but so far since the announcement a whole 14 days ago the response has been disappointing to say the least.

So far there have been 7 (yes seven) teams show interest in the event, with two already having dropped out. After CDT II last night I talked to a couple of players, teams and scene members and there are a number of teams who have yet to announce their interest in attending. Last night saw Finland Finlantic6 put themselves down on the list and other teams need to follow suite and fast. With just 3 months until the LAN itself, unless players and teams get organised we could have yet another LAN opportunity being missed.
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