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Dignitas are back

6 minutes on Supply, 5:37 on Goldrush it takes something special to set those times no matter who you opponent is. When it’s the team that tossed you aside at CPC2 it’s just a little bit sweeter, are the Dignitas boys back in town?

The SteelSeries Problem.

For those still unaware, one of the most well known and loved gaming hardware brands SteelSeries recently announced the launching of the “SteelSeries eSports Foundation”. More specifically;

Quote“The newly formed SteelSeries eSports Foundation carries a $100,000.00 USD backing and will help grow relevant eSports initiatives on a global basis.”

Future of ET

With the end of the current Cadre QPAD Cup looming and a very successful Eurocup one just has to wonder what is next in high level ET. CDC3 on my books is the last major competition in ET as after that I cannot see a bright future for high level ET.

Nothing like confidence

Tonight's 4-2 win in favour of Germany marks the culmination of an ET-Cup "World Cup", fraught with controversy, opinion and flame. Now however, despite what one match admin may have you believe, we have the prospect of a 2nd final in store, with Germany booking their place in the previous match via the lower bracket route.


A boring title but let’s talk about maps. What makes a map good? A map is good in xfire standards when it is suited for competition. When is a map suited for competition? Good question! In Return to Castle Wolfenstein most maps had a main objective which could be completed from the start. They also had side objectives which could make it easier to complete the objective but it wasn’t necessary to complete them. Take a look at mp_ice.

Keep on doing it!

That is ET is full of cheaters lately cannot be a surprise to the most of us. It’s daring to say that almost 50% of the players has ever used cheats or anything related to cheating, but I’m quite convinced it’s the truth. That we can’t really stop cheating should be clear by now. If u check the forum topic’s at crossfire u see dozens of thread about hackers.

You got the power!

Most of you might not know it but it’s true: I’m TosspoT’s biggest fan. That lead to the SK-Gaming website which featured a well written article. It’s about Esports coverage. A previous article of TosspoT was about the same issue. The issue is that coverage can a lot better. Much better than it is currently.

Death of confidence

As things stand today, you don't have to look very hard to find evidence of cheating in ET. From recent high profile bustings, right down to random highskill 3v3 teams, this xfire community is one which has had much to think about in the cheating department. Since RTCW's demise, ET has been the only real option for fans of strafejumping WW2 multiplayer fans, and the consensus has been very much one of 'grin and bear it'.

TeK-9 - Worth the wait!

TeK-9's victory in Dallas see's them crowned champions of the biggest prizepurse to ever hit Call of Duty and is the side's first major LAN victory, a side built from the ground up are a shining example to any would be multigaming clans.

Greatness awaits in Dallas

For Dignitas, Speedlink and TeK-9 the greatest challenge of their playing careers has presented itself and if there was ever an occasion to rise to the challenge, it is now. This weekends WSVG will present the biggest event the game has ever featured at and for my money, the European teams all start as underdogs!
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