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A Crossfire year in review - Part 1

Who the heck does their year in reviews in July? Infact, who the heck does their year in review two months after the year was up? Me of course! This is the Crossfire 14 month year in review, which will be a little bit of a blog and review of what has gone on over the past year and hopefully shed a little light on a few things that maybe you didn’t know at the time.

Quake Wars

Recently the lesser blessed players had a change to play Quake Wars as well. Some lucky people already have been playing the beta for months. We are on xfire so we are only interested in one thing: Is this game suited for competition? It's hard to judge whether it is suitable based on just a beta. Nonetheless I am writing this column. Why? Because I fucking can!


I am astonished about the current recruitment of a clanbase supervisor.
The problem handles two issues. First I will dispute myself about the way those persons were recruited, second i will argue the fact how disorderly this happened.

CGS loves Call of Duty

The Championship Gaming Series is the biggest thing to ever hit gaming in the western world. However, for every action there is a reaction, and when the CGS bought exclusive rights to CounterStrike Source, the reaction was that Call of Duty suddenly became the alternative.

The state of Quake Wars

First of all, i think i should introduce myself as I've magically appeared from no where.

A quick click on my profile will let you know that i'm an admin on this site and i've been a member on this site for nearly 9 months. What it doesn't tell you is this:

Is this how the story ends?

After my column about respect in ET reached around 3000 views and 150 comments I started to wonder...
We all have our opinion, our voice and our powers to let our voice be heard.
I also came to the conclusion that I';m not the only one who thinks this way, I'm not alone at all! That's why I';m going further in the minds of co-gamers as well as cheaters. What makes us see, detect and judge cheaters by their actions?

Ways to kill Enemy Territory

First of all, I really don't want any stupid comments about my English. I am not in school anymore, hence neither speaking nor writing English texts frequently. Well, I've thought about whether I should write such a text or shouldn't ( as noone cares anyway ) and decided that it might at least make some think about the current situation.

ET & Respect , 2 seperate things ?

What happened to respect ?
ET was all about respect and competitive gaming between co-gamers...
But I can't seem to get it how it's possible that ET changed so drastic...

I'm talking about the things that are happening in Cups , ladders even publics...
People can't realise that not every person who is better then them are not cheating...
They "have to be".
Do you really think because Cheats are more improved , easier to get and less dangerous to get banned that everyone "must have them" ?

Some ClanBase Revelations

After sending two rather lengthy e-mails to the cup chiefs at ClanBase, followed by an even lengthier IRC discussion with Ginga_Ninja, who is in fact a cup chief at ClanBase. I discovered some 'rules', for want of a better term, which aren't very evident on their cheating policy page. Some of the interesting things which I discovered follow.

Are you serious?

After Adacore's news thread, which managed to gather more than 450 comments in 6 hours, it's clear to me that something is wrong. Very wrong, in fact, and in order to look cool and impress internet people "help" the "community" solve "the problem" I'll try to summarize the main points raised against What The Fuck Dude That's a Horrible Idea.

Keran And Shy Cheated.
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