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R.I.P Supply Depot

About 3 years ago now I can remember myself and Snuggs running around the Void matchserver with supplydepot freshly installed. We were amazed by the map, it had fantastic potential as we’ve seen. I spammed Shakes until he gave in, and in the ‘Shakes cup’ which was the first to include the XP restrictions, supply depot was played and loved. Both Shakes’ new config and SupplyDepot were welcomed into CB from a cup that never even finished.

Oh what a mess we're in

Oh what a mess we’re in! The offline world of ET, or infact of Wolfenstein has never looked better, yet online we’re in a right pickle. Its an unwritten rule that Wolfenstein will always succeed on Clanbase, the Eurocup seasons have always proven to be a fantastic spectacle no matter the game and the open cup and ladders have offered a great avenue for anyone to get the games they so desire.

Being Dignitas Mick

Mick is the biggest star in Call of Duty history, but through his highs and lows what has he learnt? I talked to Mick about everything from winning to losing, from kicking to recruiting and even about having a girl under the table! Read on for through this huge interview with the CPC 1 champion!

Please go ahead and introduce yourself

To Forgive or not to Forgive ?

Now that the whole cheating ordeal is dying down, at least in regards to the number of people being caught, its time to reflect upon what the next step is to take. While we still await Clanbase's actions on the whole situation, I put forward a question for you.

Can you ever trust a cheater? Once a cheater, always a cheater?

Give ET another chance!

January 14, 2007 – Enemy Territorys gaming history is quite long. There have been Up's and Down's like in every other online game. For about three years Enemy Territory is competitively played now, three years in which famous clans like mTw, Ocrana, Dignitas, United5, team9 or Check-Six had their own ET squads. Most of them left the scene very soon because there was nothing to win in ET at this time.

Sensationalism doesn’t suit you

Whilst I am more than happy with the mass cheat bust of the past days I must say the reaction has been somewhat over the top and the overall problem is far from solved. Who did you want to get banned? Danone? Butchji? When they weren’t on that list what did you feel like? Well it seems that what was a great achievement has unearthed the problem in ET that enough never really is enough.

So, where are the bans?

Almost 48 hours ago, Fusen, the Crossfire admin, made the largest cheat bust in ET history, by infiltrating the netCoders website and getting admin access with his ninja hacker skills. Around 20 competitive ET players were busted, some of whom were playing in rather decent clans. I don't think there is much doubt in anyone's mind as to whether these people actually cheat or not, the evidence is quite undisputable. This bust mainly served as a confirmation to many people's niggling suspicions.

Enemy Territory taking off?

Last year, and especially the last few months, were very interesting for Enemy Territory.
A year ago, hardly anyone thought that what is happening today, would be at all possible. Including me.
When we looked at competitive ET there was not much to go by. We had Eurocup, an of course Warleagues,
And the highlight of the year was Quakecon, and that was it. That was the way it was, and the way it would be. But things have changed. Lately we've seen more and more LANs coming our way.

Professional Enemy Territory European Rankings

Today marks another significant chapter in the history and professionalism of competitive Enemy Territory. In a bid to bring another air of level of media coverage and competitiveness to the scene, these unofficial rankings will hopefully give teams another title to fight for; so without further ado I present the first ever

Professional Enemy Territory European Rankings v1

Care to debate?

Last night I joined Pumu's kinky ventrilo and had a nice chat with Mztik and Reload. It's one of these nice things about the ET community. Even an average player as myself can fire up ventrilo and talk with the biggest stars of ET. Imagine that in the CS community ;) So we started talking and Reload was telling how some of his friends wanted to try out ET. Too bad for his friends it was impossible to start playing because you needed so many patches.
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