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TLR take on pro5 in Eurocup Losers Final

image: ecxv2

Wednesday is the night for dancing, romancing and fragging as The Last Resort take on pro5 in the Clanbase ET Eurocup loser bracket final. Some may call this a match of biblical proportions, and they'd be right as we reach the penultimate match of a thrilling season.

image: sb_tlr_p5
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: QuadV TosspoT

pro5 have got this far in the face of adversity, having lost two influential players to cheating allegations they've called on a man with great experience to help them finish the season with a bang. Former plan-b potter returns to their starting lineup in a bid to guide them through dangerous waters. pro5 have already come much further than many expected and in what the irc rumours believe could be their last match, they'll look to secure themselves at least another match after this.

The Last Resort go into the game as favourites and have just cleared their players exam period. The CPC2 champions have looked good all season, their 4-2 defeat to junk52 is the one blemmish that will be giving great hope to pro5. Their weakness has been on the new maps this season and karsiah at least, is a map that pro5 have already claimed victory on. The favourites will need to bone up and go home and away to claim their place in the final.

Overall it should be a brilliant match, be sure not to miss it!

Gotfrag interview Doekoe

image: mint_doekmain
Gotfrag have sat down with former Kreaturen RTCW, Fnatic.CoD1 and now H2k.CoD2 player Laurens "Doekoe" Cortvriendt.

Quote You and Joepoe have somewhat of a unique relationship.. The first time I saw you two together I think you were sitting on his lap in a car singing love songs to each other at 6am in the morning. Can you explain to the readers the background of your love-love relationship with Joep?

Haaaaaaahaha crow thats private stuff you are sharing, but ok. Joepoe and me were drunk, we don't care and just wanna have fun. We are not gay, we both have a straight relationship (with two of the most beautiful women). We both were in a sport class together and he lives across the street. We like going out once a while, and we have no-limit with our alcohol consumption and I think that explains most of the crazy stories :D. Anyhow friends4life jwt.

The article debates his gaming history, his favourite moments and the mixed back of results for the H2k Side! You can read the full interview Here

OOFley good!

TeK-9's second LAN offering, Outpost on Fire (oof), is shaping up nicely and its roster of teams is nothing short of beautiful with Europe's finest very much in attendance. The event takes place on the last weekend of July and should prove to be one of the hottest events this summer!

Invited Teams

Belgium TeK-9 (3rd CPC2, 2nd shGopen)
Netherlands Serious Gaming (1st shGopen, 1st CPC2)
United Kingdom Dignitas (1st CPC1, 2nd EC XIII)
Germany Speedlink (1st OOF1, 1st EC XII)
Netherlands H2k Qpad (2nd Netgamez Spring)
Czech Republic eSuba (4th CPC2)
Belgium defusekids (EC XV)
Italy Impact (ESL IPS.it Finals)
Austria Gummi (ESL IPS.at Qualifier)
United Kingdom Reason Gaming (2nd i30)
Germany HfD (EC XV)

Germany Komacrew
Belgium Retroactive
Netherlands overload Gaming
Belgium Aksioo Gaming Group
Germany gfive
Germany Hyperactive.eSports
France eXtreme Gaming
Belgium Team Fides
Belgium iDstar eSports
Netherlands Influx Gaming
Europe neco
Belgium dfiance gaming
Germany n!faculty
France Coming Soon
Netherlands Team EDiT
Poland FLS Gaming
United Kingdom Magnitude
France Don't Touch
Netherlands H2k.Thermaltake
Czech Republic cZklan
Germany OCRANA

For those teams their payment is now due, more information can be found by contacting Belgium dfb in #tek9 or by visiting the event website HERE

perfo banned in 48 hours!

Some in Clanbase might say theres no satisfing the ET community but we'll see. Just 48 hours after perfo's case was put forward by the community he has been banned for six months forcing his team junk52 into a lineup change for the Eurocup final.

This now leaves Clanbase with three Eurocup ET cheat cases and three different results;

Scotland RazZ - Caught whilst playing for helix and banned for twelve months and had all of helix's results forfeit

Germany kerAn * _shy - Caught whilst playing for zeroPoint/pro5 and played a further three Eurocup matches before being banned, no results were forfeit

Netherlands perfo - Caught in the same season as kerAn and _shy yet banned within 2 days, no matches were forfeit

Was his instant ban correct? Should Clanbase have given junk52 the same allowances they gave pro5 which would have allowed him to play the Eurocup final? Which of the three cases was the correct way of handling the situation?

junk52 on the rocks

The final three teams in the Clanbase Eurocup will lineup with 18 players, Of those 18 players on Tuesday, 3 now look destined for the cheating blacklist...all lan proven.

This thread which has drawn more than four hundred comments already has IP based evidence that long suspected but now lan proven Netherlands perfo is headed for the ET slammer for 6 months. Resident cheat expert United Kingdom Bulld0g and the player himself have both made statements:

PBusted in 2006: Link
PBusted in 2005: Link
Yawn: Profile
Crossfire: IP Crossreferenced

"sad but true his IP matched on CB fro july/august 2006. 6 months ban coming and for once i feel sorry for having to do it"

Okay case is I've got a big family 2 brothers and 2 lil' brothers. One of my bigger brothers used to play ET with me in a clan (fckd.ThaBomB) the other two are just random public players. As you can see from the icehook.dll bust the IP clearly is mine, but as we all live together in the same house the IP is the same for every computer here.

Look at the offence, my IP that's true, but the guid connects to the public family PC here at home where my older brother and my younger brother used to both play ET on (I have had my own pc since end 2004/early 2005, when I started playing ET on a competitive level)

So the pb guid is from the other PC my brothers used to use. Note the punksbusted webpage tells us that the hack has been used on BiO server when he got kicked from the server. The pb guid links to the public PC here at home, and so does the etpro guid and the IP (but the IP links to my PC as well)

this is the etpro guid of the public family pc

and this is the laptop they're currently playing from. thabomb = my older brother, omega and nyr are younger brothers

to conclude, IP is the same but the PB guid and the ETPRO guid aren't the same meaning that the hack hasn't been used from my pc but from the other (public family) pc

OF course this doesn't 100% prove my story right but I mean the kick was executed somewhere in august iirc and under my brothers name under his guid and NOT under my guid.

my guid at the time of the icehook.dll kick


it's not like i am ferociously trying to insult everyone thinking it was me (well i know better) but please don't act like i've always used hax in online competitive play. for those who think that i recommend you watch the sHgopen lan demos and have fun with watching me suck on lan :/ and to those who still don't believe me, i dunno what's weird about me seeing as whenever i'm playing a game different of ET i'm still fairly skilled

a ban would indeed be justified even though it isn't fully my fault. ( iwas gonna quit ET after EC anyway) but if CB is gonna take action then please make sure to be righteous :P

:: First of all I believe perfo when he says it was his younger brother, after all the pbguid and etproguid are different from that of perfo. What happened to innocent till proven guilty.. If he were to get banned, as he already has been on et-cup, his replacement is Azatej, who we recruited specifically to replace perfo after EC as he was going to stop competive ET. We've known this for a month [him quitting]. I've heard since his brother doesnt have a CB account, he will get banned.. but we don't know yet, and hopefully we can play with perfo in the EC final.

Clanbase took some two to three weeks to process Keran and shy's recent bans, those weeks saw them combine to knock out 3 clans from Eurocup. Will they wait to let perfo lift the most exciting Eurocup in ET history?

r3vers out, kot in!

Earlier this week Poland kot made his second appearance for Dignitas after surprising the world when he played against FF.org. Since then he featured at the cost of Estonia r3vers in the 4-2 defeat to pro5 and tonight Dignitas have announced that the switch is permanent. r3vers is leaving for schooling reasons.

Quote by kotAfter playing in Polish-only teams for over 3 years I wanted to play in an international team for a change and when I received an offer to join Team Dignitas, I decided to go for it. I'm very happy that I was given a chance to become a part of the team which achieved so much in recent years and which consists of the most experienced players that the community has to offer. I hope that I will be able to live up to the expectations and that I will not let people supporting the team down.

Kot joins bringing lan experience from both PGA and shGopen, however replaces someone who can boast Quakecon gold and silver, aswell as shg and CPC gold. Since joining Dignitas the former idle side have been on a downward spiral, joining after 12 months unbeaten they side debuted by winning shgOpen, however lost their CPC gold and their record in the past 6 weeks reads with 5 defeats. Is kot the man to steady the ship?

Source: Team Dignitas

Additionally Germany senji has moved to quash rumours about his abscence from the sides defeat to pro5. He is currently suffering from tonsillitis aswell as needing to prepare for his final exams and will be back with Dignitas in about two weeks.

Dignitas take on pro5

Dignitas and pro5 face off in another epic in the Clanbase Eurocup XV. The cup which has seen more twists and turns than a snakes back is in the headlines again as these two top sides face off.

image: sb1_d_p5
image: lb1_d_p5
Time: 21:30 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: QuadV TosspoT
Result: Dignitas 2-4 pro5

Dignitas come off the back of victory over FF.org in the last match, but still facing the reality of 4 defeats in 6 weeks after a perfect 14 months prior. Anything that could have got in their way, has got in their way with players having exams and falling sick contributing towards an inactive period. The side have faced pro5 on many an occasion under their zeroPoint banner and never failed to beat them and will look for a repeat performance

pro5 head into the game again with nothing to lose. The side who many expected to be dumped out of the Eurocup long ago because of both cheating and roster changes have kept fighting away despite the ever growing odds against them. Their resiliance has seen them knock out both Impact Gaming and Insignia Cadre aswell as put in a spirited performance against TLR.

Theres not an awful lot to chose between the two sides and in this writers opinion it will be far closer than many predict. Dignitas' ever growing list of problems contributing to inactivity hurts them each and every day. If Dignitas lose it will pile pressure onto a lineup that was once untouchable. The underdog factor has favoured pro5 thourghout the tournament and will be on their side again.

Reason enough to change

Reason Gaming have once again taken the knife to their roster and rung the changes. After placing second at i30 behind Dignitas and playing well at CPC its been downhill for the side ever since, who had lost Blackmane to Dignitas and Niggle to infused Gaming. Their new roster failed to live up to expectations and they lost all of their Eurocup games bar one.

In a massive shake-up the side have brought in four fresh faces;

Ireland KarL
Norway torsh
United Kingdom Niggle
United Kingdom wiz
Finland fuku
Netherlands pal (backup)

Niggle returns and former Logitech.Fi star Fuku looks to rekindle his career in this multi-national lineup. Crossfire caught up with Reason manager Dallow and he talked about the changes:

Quote by DallowAs a manager i dont like to see constant changes in the squad. You build up relationships with new players and its hard to see some of them leave. But our results had been below par recently and when Karl suggested the idea of bringing in strong players such as NiGGLE and wiz i jumped at the chance. Then when he said they would be trialling Fuku as a 5th my day got even better

More at Reason-Gaming.net

The final four

Tonight saw two ET EC games and the identity of the final for the compelling Clanbase Eurocup XV which is living up to even the most wildest expectations.

junk52 defeated TLR in a 3 map game that will live long in the memory. Radar was an end to end contest that was only decided with 10 seconds to spare as Razz made one last gasp attempt to move the West radar parts home. Radar went the way of TLR, but in the end that was all that went their way. Karsiah was short and sweet, that despite being quick and featuring some attractive document grabs was always going against TLR. Faced with the choice of Frostbite or Bremen, TLR chose to play Bremen as the decider and that was to be their downfall. junk52's defence was nothing to write home about, but their attack was lightning fast. junk52 are in the grand final!

Dignitas eliminated FF.org who took joint 5th place overall in the competition. The return to winning ways for Dignitas came with reinforcements as former NETRunner, Kot stood in for the sick senji and absent sol. The former Idle side got back to winning ways in rather efficient fashion not dropping a map in the process, have they bounced back? The loss of senji to injury could not have come at a worse time, having lost Night and then losing Reload to school commitments the side thought they had overcome their problems, but in Chelsea like fashion they lost another just after getting their roster back together.

So the final four is known, Dignitas face pro5 on Monday with TLR awaiting the winners and junk52 sitting in the grand final. Whilst all under new names and with new faces, this eurocup does still feature the same 3 teams who placed top 3 last season. However the beauty is, the banker is rich! gbooky money is being lost left right and center as the form guide favours a side seeded outside the top 4 at the start of the season.

Fancy another twist in the tail? Pro5, victors overs Impact and Cadre could yet be expelled from the tournament with no decision yet made over Keran and shy. Dignitas could find themselves finishing without a medal, and junk52 could win the season without losing a match! Be sure not to miss a click.

Who's going to win? Junk52, TLR, Dignitas or pro5

ID Software talk

Eurogamer has spoken with ID Softwares CEO Todd Hollenshead and he has confirmed the news posted recently that the next Wolfenstein will not be released in 2007.

Quote by HollensheadRaven is still developing it. I hope we'll be able to have some more news about the game within a reasonably short period of time. We made the announcement that the 360 was the primary development platform - that hasn't changed, but it is in development for the PC as well.

Wolfenstein is a game that's close to my heart. It was the first game that I played even before I came to work at id in 1996 as CEO, and I played it until I had motion-sickness from trying to find all the secrets behind the walls.

The new Wolfenstein is going to be a game that is different and unique in its own right, but still B.J. Blazkowicz in the Wolfenstein universe, with all the cool stuff and the unique stuff there. And hopefully we'll have some more details about how that is all going to work before too long

But Mr. Hollenshead has been a busy man, and has been speaking to GamesIndustry.biz about ID's next project which is going to be completely new that is being developed internally, on a brand new John Carmack engine!

QuoteIt is a new id brand with an all-new John Carmack engine and I think that when we show it to people, once again they'll see, just like they saw when we first showed Doom 3, that John Carmack still has a lot of magic left.

Our first task at id is as a single studio developer. That's really where everything spawns from. Because John Carmack is a programming genius, who in my opinion is unequalled in video games today, he makes a great technology that we can use across a wide range of applications and different games within our suite of franchises.

The new stuff that we're working on does have a brand new engine that John has been working on, actually is still working on today. We can’t really talk any details about it; we'll see about when the timing is right for an announcement. We like to be able to talk about stuff that we can show at the same time and it's not really ready to show yet

Busy times at ID Software! And busy times of course down at Splashdamage HQ! Eurogamer quote SplashDamage owner Locki being very vague about the release date for Quakewars stating simply "later this year".

Sources: Eurogamer & GamesIndustry
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