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Map Pools for the Lan

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Both the CoD & ET tournaments will have 5 maps in their map pools for the competition, however unlike in other tournaments where either you could select the map you would play, or you were assigned maps long in advance of the tournament, this time map selection will be VERY different.
Taking a leaf from CGI maps will be randomly announced 60 seconds in advance of the match. Maps will be drawn at random, infront of the two teams once both are setup. At that point it will be 60 seconds and "Prepare to fight". Call of Duty will be played on 1 map, and ET 2 maps.

The Call of Duty Maps are without surprise and lineup as follows:

mp_dawnville, toujane, burgundy, matmata, carentan

The ET Map pool however, has a slight twist to it. As we will bring back TWO older maps, one of which will be chosen via a poll. Additionally Supply Depot will bow out of this tournament.

ET Map Pool:

Radar, Frostbite, sw_oasis b3, sw_Goldrush, (winner of poll)

Crossfire 3 Approaches

Crossfire is opening up to its community to ask for help in developing the banner for the next version of Crossfire which is due to be released within the coming month. The winning design will be seen by the ever growing Crossfire community.

Interested? The site design you'll be working with is HERE: It has been constructed by a British group of post modern artists (Foonr & Angrykid).

The design has been someone blurred and doctored by my MS Paint skills in a bid to hide a few words (words = features). But nothing can hide the ugly adverts. (Its the price you pay if you want more lans)

Requirements - The right hand side of the banner must not be crucial to the design as there will be adverts placed there. The design MUST feature the Crossfire logo. You can use This Logo or you can create your own, if you chose to create your own it must represent the word Crossfire is some shape or form (like CF does on the current one). Remember we are pushing the word Crossfire not Xfire and the banner should not be game specfic.

Good Luck!

1 Spot, 1 Cup - Rotterdam Calling

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The last place in Crossfire Prizefight Challenge is up for grabs! With all 7 other ET spots and 12 CoD spots filled its time to find out who be the last team to board the train for Rotterdam.

In a no holes barred contest, teams will duke it out for the spot vacated by flying finns Parodia in a single elimnation cup. The winning roster we see tommorow night, will be the roster we see in Rotterdam and with some big names lined up we're sure to have eventful evening!

With Braundorf and Adlernest playing host to the teams and GamesTV.org providing the theatre we're sure to have a cracking evening. Commentary will be provided by Inside the Game

Surprise signups include:
Europe sFx Evil: Xionn, mAx, Twidi, Lettu, Reload, Tiigeri
Europe Crossfire: Potter, Darky, r3vers, gifty, Deadmeat, gazeta
Europe noll8: eddie, lio, blaze, Gjerry, kris, Donkey

So join us tommorow night from 18:00 CET as goliaths do war!

The full bracket for tommorow night is available HERE

Media At Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge

A number of organisations have approached Crossfire in the past weeks with questions regarding whether they will have the ability to access the internet and provide live coverage from the event.

The answer to that question is Yes. There will be public media internet access, however we're somewhat limited on how much of it we have. Therefore we require all people attending the event with any requirements from us to do their job to contact Crossfire either via email ([email protected]) or via irc #Crossfire on Quakenet.

Spectator Information
The first matches on each day will be starting at 10AM and there will be no official lunch break. Most people planning to spectate at the event have asked what time to make their plans for. As for the ending time of both days, Saturday is expected to end around 7 or 8, and Sunday possibly simliar. This weekend the schedule will be published.

ReDeYe's Quakecon 2006 Gallery

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United Kingdom Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner of Inside the Game has posted his gallery from Quakecon 2006. Whilst this time there are no "Mah Ball" pictures (thank heavens), its a wonderful mixture of event montage with individual pictures.

ReDeYe attended Quakecon for Crossfire and ATi rather than iTG this event. His initial role was to be involved with the documentary, hosting it and aiding in any filming of it that was required. However, Paul went above and beyond the call of duty in his involvement with the team.

ReDeYe is famed for his player management skills, playing a huge role in the success of Quake 4 player Netherlands Forever, and at Quakecon he leant his management hand to the Crossfire ET team. In no uncertain terms, he was the 6th player - every player on the team appriciated the value of his input and ability to clear the players minds of all negatives and allow them to focus on the job at hand, and for that Crossfire cannot thank him enough.

You can enjoy his gallery Here

Parodia spot open to the best challenger

When Finland Parodia were invited to the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge, it was because even though they'd been inactive for a year. There was no doubt they were one of the best 4 teams wanting to attend. How do you replace a team that garentueed a quality display?
Using the same mentality of ensuring that the team that replaces Parodia is the BEST of the BEST, for that reason we are launching a one day cup to replace Parodia, this cup will have no roster restrictions or team restrictions, other than if players have already qualified or been invited they are not allowed to play in this tournament.

There is no doubt that this will raise a few eyebrows, however the mentality behind this is as follows. The invite spots were because the teams were the best, they would ensure that the tournament will be the best. The invites were seperate to the qualifer tournament that we run, and thus we are using the same mentality, we want the best. And so, we will invite the winner of this tournament.

Does a team deserve to be at the lan if they didnt signup? The only team that deserves to replace Parodia is the best team out there.

This has opened the door for KiH, Crossfire & noll8 to attempt to take this place, who have all expressed an interest in the spot. Aswell as teams like sFx and t34 who failed to qualify but have expressed an interest at trying again.

This one day tournament will take place on SUNDAY at 18:00 CET, and the roster that is being used in this cup, MUST be the roster being used on lan, to signup message an op in #Parodiaspot to be added to the cup.

Maps will be Fixed at Adlernest & Braundorf with radar as decider, Teams should contact Crossfire Admins asap

Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge - Payment Information

With all but one team qualified, its now time to for those qualified to put their money where their mouth is and put their money on the table. Our partners at PrizeFight have setup a landing page for teams to register and pay their entry fee. To remind all teams of the finer points, its 30 euros entry fee per player with payment due by 19th of August.

Read More for full payment instructions:

Fear Multiplayer to be release for Free!

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Sierra Entertainment today announced that the multiplayer component from the award winning PC title F.E.A.R.™
(First Encounter Assault Recon), has been renamed F.E.A.R. Combat, and will be made available to the public as a free download on Thursday August 17th, 2006.

F.E.A.R. Combat is the complete multiplayer component of F.E.A.R. and includes all the updates, additional official maps and additional official game modes all in one downloadable file.
F.E.A.R. Combat users will be able to play against the owners of the retail version of F.E.A.R. as well as the other F.E.A.R. Combat users.

F.E.A.R. Combat features:
- 10 Multiplayer Game modes.
- 19 Multiplayer Maps.
- 12 different weapons.
- Punkbuster support for anti cheat support.
- The capability to download user generated content.

To play F.E.A.R. Combat, consumers simply go to www.joinfear.com and register to obtain their free, Combat keycode.
When the file is made available for download on Aug 17th 2006, consumers can install, enter their keycode, and get ready to join F.E.A.R. Combat!

Source: Esreality

Quakewars & RTCW2 Tidbits

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Quakecon 2006 has been a fantastic celebration of Quake and ET, but as we look towards the future the event has given us much optimism for the future.
I briefly caught up with ID CEO Todd Hollenshead and posed him with the request of any information on RTCW2, whether it was coming and such, and whilst I could not press him for anything new, he confirmed its still coming! Not only that but making reference to Activision publishing the game in his closing speach.

As for Quakewars, well the game is still attractive as ever and is a brilliant game to play and enjoy, no doubt this will be a huge hit. The vehicles are very well balanced against infantry, and thus the game does still have the potential to slip into the Wolfenstein mould.

idle win Quakecon 2006!

After a truley beautiful Quakecon 2006 it was idle that lived up to their name and reputation to take the gold and a check for $15,000.

Tournament Placings:

1st Estonia idle - $15,000
2nd Europe ATi Crossfire - $10,000
3rd Europe KiH - $5,000

Once the Americans were kicked outta the tournament games got truely exciting, with Crossfire vs KiH in both the winners bracket final and losers bracket final being the true pick of the bunch, but lets not forget radar in the grand final!

In the Quake 4 tournaments it was Sweden that set the pace, and in the words of United Kingdom TooGood "Ban swedes with railguns".

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