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ET-Xreal Progress Update

A few weeks ago, id Software released the engine source code for ET & RtCW. Since then, several projects have been created in order to make ET a better game, such as iowolfet. One particular project that the Crossfire community should be excited about is ET-Xreal.

For those of you who don't know, ET-Xreal is an open source project that will port the Xreal render to the ET engine. The original Xreal project was a whole new game based on the Quake 3 engine. Since the release of ET's source code, the original project has been dropped.

Germany Tr3B, the man behind ET-Xreal and the original Xreal, has been working on porting the Xreal render to the ET engine over the past several weeks. Work has also continued on improving the render. Just yesterday, Tr3B posted an update on his website.

WCG2010 USA Online Qualifiers

image: wcgOnly a few days ago, I posted a news item detailing Splash Damage's request for a team to represent America at this year's World Cyber Games in Los Angeles, California. With a few teams signing up, the fairest way to decide who would represent USA was to host an online qualifying competition. Tonight, that competition starts, and we have 1 match from each round available for viewing on ETQW TV or on video stream.

Round 1 - Tonigh @ 21:00 EST (03:00 CET)
First off, we have United States of America Team Decimated go up against United States of America AmeriMIX on Ark. This will be Decimated's first match in a long time after them coming out of "retirement" due to the inactivity of competitive ET:QW. AmeriMIX, however, have yet to play a game as a team, so this should be interesting. They're a bunch of guys who have continued to play the game.

Round 2 - Tonight @ 21:50 EST (03:50 CET)
Next up is United States of America The Art of Warfare vs. United States of America Team Fate on Quarry, a map that's fresh to the competitive map pool and has be especially been drafted due to it being included in the Quake Wars Online map pool. TAW boast about being the largest clan in ET:QW with a massive amount of 160 members (Yes, you read that right, one hundred and sixty!!), but how will they play against a Team Fate squad full of experience and skill? This should be one interesting matchup.

Round 3 - Tonight @ 22:40 EST (04:40 CET)
We will be seeing TAW back on the screens again as the face another "oldschool" team, United States of America Team HOT on Refinery, a map which is notorious for double fullholds until ETQWPro removed the MCP objective, however, this is in a vanilla environment, so the MCP has been re-added again. Will be see another double fullhold on this map? Will HOT be able to show the ETQW TV viewer that they are still the team they once were? Tune in to find out.

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Enjoy the games and be sure to look out for tomorrow's matches.

NB: This has been posted for those who are interested in spectating, if you have no intention to reply in a constructive manner, then do not reply at all. Users seen disobeying this rule will be warned then banned if they continue.

RtCW-Cup NC Semi Finals Completed

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The Semi Finals for Nations Cup I are have been completed - with Germany Germany taking on Netherlands Netherlands in the first of the two games and United Kingdom United Kingdom coming up against Hungary Hungary in the second game it would always be a tight contest - The playoffs are single elimination so the winners would steam straight into the Grand Final and the losers would go into a 3rd place Playoff to see who finished on the podium.

Semi Finals
Netherlands Netherlands vs. Germany Germany
image: game20960Maps were NL: Beach, DE: Frostbite. A tense game for both teams, Netherlands Team NL were without team captain mAno and it was upto rockit pwnerNetherlands 2d to lead the troops into battle - the game was all over the place on frostibte with both coming out with a round while on beach the early damage had been done by Netherlands Netherlands early, giving Germany Germany a continuous uphill struggle. Demos can be found: HERE

Esports Heaven with changes

After several weeks and months of hard work we are finally able to roll out some major changes to the Esports Heaven website and tournament system. As you will have seen, the activity of the site has gone up again and to boost that even further we are proud to present you a full list of changes and updates to the website.

Tournament System

The tournament system has been overhauled and revamped to make life easier on the admins and users of this site. Running and adminning a tournament has become easier then ever before and you can create your own cups and tournaments from now on!

The full list
  • Admin Interface Revamp
  • User Generated Cups!
  • Greater control of sub-admins
  • General Interface Upgrades
  • Top 3 of newly run tournaments now have cups displayed on their player and team profile after finishing top 3 in a tournament.
  • Fancy Text Editor for the news, forums and commenting system
  • Upgrade on Page browser
  • Tournament Brackets view slightly improved, rounded boxes and full screen
  • Check in System for tournaments to improve the amount of no-shows and reduce them
  • Player ID reorganisation
  • You can game filter matches
  • And much, much more

Jere joins Aero Gaming

image: wetpng

Not so long after we joined United KingdomAero Gaming our fraternity has suffered from great loss. Our brother Lennert (also known as Belgiumchizz6l) forgot about old saying “bros before hoes” and went inactive. In other words he discovered love and now is spending his time with one lucky lady. However, this happy event left us with huge hole that needed to be patched.

With fall of team Europereprezent we managed to get our hands on one of Belgian finest, ex-player of such teams as BeneluxFriends in Force or BelgiumOverload – BelgiumJeroen “Jere” van G. , who will be joining us for upcoming EC/EMS season and some LAN events. With this addition we hope to achieve our goals both online and offline.

Quote by JereI'm glad to join this skilled and stable team. After AEF I was already almost joining the team, but Sup3r denied that with coming back from the army. A few weeks later reprezent wasn't really working out, so I decided to join the team to replace an inactive chizzel. I hope to compete with the best in upcoming online and offline events with this team. Thanks to Aero Gaming for the support!

Source : http://www.team-aero.co.nr/

Train Like a Tier One Operator

In cooperation with EA Games, Heaven Media is proud to announce a competition for the new Medal of Honor.

If you ever wanted to experience military training at its finest, now is your chance. To celebrate the release of the new Medal of Honor game, we have decided to take two readers and give them some serious military training. You will receive a full expensed paid trip to the UK to participate in the filming of "Train like a European Tier One Soldier – earn your Medal Of Honor". During this day you will receive military training, weapons training and basic combat training.

Participants need to be available for travel and filming on the 27th of September and need to keep into account that travel might also be required on the 26th.

To compete in this competition, you will need to fill out the application form and send it to [email protected]. You can find the form, and more information on the splash page www.tek-9.org/medalofhonor
The registration for this competition will run until the 19th of September.

EMS VII: First Encounter

image: bannervii

It's time for the first encounter, the first clash of the participating teams. Let's see which teams proove themself worthy of getting to the next phase and which teams are determined to do so. Sunday is full of interesting matches so get yourself some popcorn and a couple of beers and tune in to see the matches from the first round of the EMS VII Qualifiers.

11 matches will be played on Sunday and another 2 on Monday and Tuesday, all of them part of the First Round from the EMS VII Qualifiers. Below you'll see the teams that will battle on Sunday night, and some statements that I managed to get from each team leader. Enjoy the show!

*UPDATE* It seems that the newly formed team Europereprezent dropped out of the competition because of some internal problems. Due to this drop, we decided to add a stable team instead such as the german team, GermanySTAR*. We wish them all the luck because they will need it tonight, against their opponents. Tune in to see the match, and check their statements below!

*UPDATE 2*: They are out! Who? GermanySNOGARD Dragons! Their manager decided to drop out of EMS and all the ESL leagues that they were playing. The reason was the cheating accusations and the ban that one of their members took in the last 24 hours. However, we decided that a new team could join in EMS. So here they are, please welcome EuropeFuzion*, a newly formed team, that looks promising. They will start from the lower bracket, so they'll need all the luck they can get. Here's what their captain had to say:

United KingdomchEWz: Fuzion is a fairly new team, A team which was created just after the EMS signup date had closed. We are pleased to have replaced SNOGARDS, and hope to surprise and give a better show than what they would have. With only having played a few practises, we have shown great potential and are quite confident we can pull ourselves out of the Lower Bracket and qualify for the groups. We look to tear this cup up! :D

e: DetonationXL joins Phys1x-Gaming

image: clanbasebanner

Phys1x-Gaming, has been inactive for a year and has changed a lot during that year inactivity. Phys1x has become a company based in the Netherlands who focus on dedicated players/teams worldwide giving them the opportunity to play the games they love to play as a team under the wings of Phys1x-Gaming. With a total of four Call of Duty 4 teams, one Call of Duty 2 team a Trackmania team Phys1x Gaming will be adding a new team to the Phys1x-Gaming teams roster. We would like to introduce you all to our new Enemy Territory team from the Netherlands.

Netherlands Michael "Klaasiej" van Orshaegen (Team Captain)
Netherlands Sercan "Hayzee" Zwanenberg
Netherlands Dennis "imPluX" van Amersfort
Netherlands Robert "Monte" Potze
Norway Peter "Domi" Valkeneer

We wish the team the best of luck and hope they will achieve their set goals as a team.

Source: Phys1x-Gaming

ClanBase Sign Ups Reminder

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I would like to remind all of you that the deadline for the forthcoming EuroCup\OpenCup season sign ups is tonight, the 12th of September. So don't hesitate and act promptly, thus securing your place in the sign up list.

To register, go to this link: Sign Up Here

When doing so, please make sure the following has been done:
  • A specific group which lists the clan's main roster has been created. A detailed explanation can be found here: Sign Up How To
  • All clan members have a SLAC account with its GUID added to their profile.

For any of you who have been wondering, EuroCup XXII will have prizes, which will be revealed shortly.

On a different note, I would like to stress the importance of coverage and the help of the Community in making ClanBase the way it is. If any of you want to sign up as an Admin, thus helping us out by writing match reports and supervising matches, please do so here: Sign Up As Admin Here

In case you have any questions or problems, please contact us at #clanbase.et

STAR is ready

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Dear Crossfire,

After 7 month break me and Turkey FiREBALL decide to give a comeback once again,we are praccing since 2 week's intern to see how it goes and we perform really well vs known teams in practice games. Well we decide to play under the name of STAR.ET you can find us anyway in the HIGHBOT Community Channel, we are motivated enough to play 3-4 times per week and we are looking forward to pracc vs some good teams.
In my oppinion Speedlink will be direct invite to EuroCup for Germany, we hope that we get a qualifier spot to show everyone that we have the potential to play EuroCup.

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