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CDC Warsow Map Pool Confirmed

Netherlands ETR has today announced the warsow map pool for CDC3 and it features some flair from the past and from the present. So without further ado here is the confirmed map pool for the tournament.

wdm2 - wdm5 - wdm6 - wdm14 - wtest15

The tournament will be played in a best of 3 format with elimination for the decider if it is required. Warsow will operate differently to ET in that players will get the chance to chose their maps and eliminate for the decider, unlikely the random draw used in ET. Maps are 10 minutes long. There are still spots available in the warsow tournament should anyone want to signup.

Clanbase Eurocup is Live

image: ec15lanlogoAt the WZZRD gaming center in Enschede the Clanbase Eurocup XV the temperature is rising as four of Europes top guns have arrived in Enschede for one of the most coveted crowns in gaming. Matches are quite spaced out as there are only four teams and much of the tournament was played online;

Germany Speedlink 16-6 Netherlands H2k

The germans came saw and conquered an H2k side that didnt look too hot. After a disapointing Wonderbase H2k were hoping to gain ground on home soil, but it appears lady luck may not be with them this morning.

Belgium tempkids 17-19 Europe TeK-9

A thriller from the benelux as Knaller and Sticky treated us to an entertaining match on Burgundy. It went from end to end, and after a close first half it looked like temp had enough to pull through and win. Not the case as a spirited Tek-9 fought back took the match to overtime which TeK-9 were always in control of.

Speedlink face TeK-9 at 10PM CET in the Winner Bracket final, with H2k facing Temp in another benelux battle.

€ 2700
€ 1500
€ 1000
4 - € 800

:: Gotfrag Coverage

CDC Tournament Changes

After alot of careful consideration we've changed the dates of CDC3 Part 2 - The Call of Duty edition. Initially scheduled for November 16-18, we have now moved the event to the weekend before Call of Duty 4's release, November 2-4.

We initially scheduled these dates back in May, long before CoD4's release dates were becoming public knowledge. Considering the dates became public and quickly impeded our event, we've decided to make the move. The event will feature a prizepurse of 10,000 Euros for Call of Duty in partnership with Devotii. The LAN will also feature a 1500 Euro RTCW QCUP should signups permit. Entry Fees per person are 40 Euros for CoD, and 30 for RTCW. There will be no qualifiers for either tournament.

If you would like to signup you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Signups for CoD2 and RTCW will close on Sunday September 26th. More information can be found here

The subsequent changes have impacted upon the Devotii Fnatic GameIdol tournament which competitors should be aware of. The schedule and the groups can be viewed Here, Round 1 is starting on September 10th so competing teams should make themselves aware of the tournament revisions.

Unfortunately we've had to make some changes to CDC Part 1 - After some major drop outs in Quake 3 (Only 4 players paying entry), the Quake 3 CPM tournament has been cancelled. We'd like to thank promode coder ix-ir for his time and efforts in trying to make this work. As mentioned when we announced the ET prizepurse increase, the increase was dependant on signups, at this moment we're still short 4 of the 24 teams, which will impact upon prizepurse. However we're unsure how so (if at all) at this moment as some teams are still trying to attend. To confirm the ET map pool, bremen will be played on version b1.

Tommorow we'll have some exciting news for those poker players at CDC Part 1 as we announce our new partner.

Fukyuu wins Wonderbase

Swedish gaming festival Wonderbase is live this weekend with the action somewhat underway. The last wonderbase was plauged by technical problems however this event things are supposed to be bigger and better! With $10k in prizes the event has attracted some of Europes top guns.

Notable attendants are Netherlands Serious Gaming, Netherlands H2k.QPAD, Finland Logitech & Denmark Roskilde. For both Logitech and H2k its a vital warmup event ahead of next weekends Eurocup LAN finals in Enschede.

The tournament is divided into Four groups, which are supposedly live in action right now. We will bring you score updates from each group as soon as they become available.

Grand Final

Sweden Fukyuu 13
Poland Ultra Frag 8

Championship Bracket[/b]]
Consolation Final
Netherlands Serious Gaming 16
Poland Ultra-Frag 14

Lower Bracket Final

Finland Logitech.fi 11
Netherlands Serious Gaming 13

Upper Bracket Final

Sweden Fukyuu 2
Poland Ultra-Frag 1

Lower Bracket - Round 5[/b]]
Finland Logitech.fi 13
Latvia mindGyver 4

Netherlands Serious-Gaming 19
Germany Hyperactive 17

Lower Bracket - Round 4[/b]]
Finland Logitech.fi 13
Sweden De 4 lustikurrarna och Lucas 8

Germany Hyperactive 13
Sweden Tenax Gaming 10

Upper Bracket - Round 3[/b]]
Latvia mindGyver 17
Poland Ultra-Frag 19

Netherlands Serious-Gaming 10
Sweden Fukyuu 13

Lower Bracket - Round 2[/b]]
Netherlands H2k.QPad 10
Germany Hyperactive 13

Sweden De 4 lustikurrarna och Lucas 16
Sweden drop 2 trash 13

Sweden Tenax Gamin 13
Sweden Violence is Bad 5

Finland Logitech.fi 13
Sweden Vicious and Evil 9

Upper Bracket - Round 2[/b]]
Netherlands Serious-Gaming 13
Finland Logitech.fi 10

Sweden Fukyuu 13
Sweden De 4 lustikurrarna och Lucas 7

Poland Ultra-Frag 13
Netherlands H2k.QPad 11

Latvia mindGyver 13
Sweden Tenax Gaming 10

Lower Bracket - Round 1[/b]]
Sweden Violence is Bad 13
Sweden team super8 8

Germany Hyperactive13
Sweden corax 2

Sweden Vicious and Evil 13
Sweden flipside 11

Hungary drop 2 trash 13
Denmark Roskilde eSport 11

Upper Bracket Round 1[/b]]
Finland Logitech.fi 13
Sweden corax 6

Netherlands Serious-Gaming 13
Germany Hyperactive 5

Sweden Fukyuu 13
Sweden team super8 5

Sweden De 4 lustikurrarna och Lucas 13
Sweden Violence is Bad 11

Sweden Tenax Gaming 13
Denmark Roskilde eSport 7

Latvia mindGyver 16
Hungary drop 2 trash 14

Netherlands H2k.QPad 13
Sweden flipside 7

Sweden Ultra-Frag 13
Sweden Vicious and Evil 8

Group A - Finished[/b]]
Sweden team super8 P1 W0 L3
1st Finland Logitech.fi P3 W3 L0
2nd Croatia drop to trash P3 W2 L1
Sweden ViciousAndEvil P3 W1 L2

Group B - Finished[/b]]
Sweden flipside gaming P1 W0 L2 D1
2nd Netherlands serious gaming P3 W2 L1
1st Denmark Roskilde P3 W2 L1
Sweden violence is bad P3 W1 L1 D1

Group C - Finished[/b]]
Sweden Tenax
1st Netherlands H2k QPAD P3 W3 L0
Sweden Druidz P4 W0 L0
2nd Germany Hyper Active P3 W1 L2
Sweden de 4 lustikurrarna och lucas P4 W2 D1 L1

Group D - Finished[/b]]
1st Sweden fukyuu P4 W4 L0
Sweden clancorax P1 L3
2nd Poland ULTRAFRAG P4 W3 L1
Europe mindGyver P4 W2 L2
Sweden Mortifer Gaming P4 W0 L4

:: Group Page
:: GotFrag Coverage

TLR make changes too!

Just a day after being in dire straights The Last Resort are at their last resort with a double recruitment today that see's them poach from a rival team.

Italy XyloS leaves k1ck for the CPC2 champions in a move that leaves k1ck stranded without a neither a rifle and now leaves their roster down two players. The former CDAP star rejoins his old aMenti buddies and adds some star quality to the lineup.

Finland Matias joins the side to play as primarily medic, but can backup with the rifle if called upon. Whilst he perhaps dosent have the reputation of the rest of the roster, he is not without his charm. Earmarked as up and coming, Matias returns to ET after a brief stint in Quakewars.

I caught up with CPC2 MVP Winghaven for a brief chat about the new recruits;

Quote by WinghavenSince acozz and doktor couldn't play with us we really needed to players who fit on our team, after some tryouts and decisions we've decided to pick Matias and XyLoS on the team. We don't really know if that new lineup will be as competitive as CPC2 team, but we've 20 days to give a try. Matias will play as medic, also rifle if needed, and xylos will be our main rifle. About XyLoS, we've been spoken with him like for 1month or so, since acozz had the problem for a long time, after we knew for sure acozz couldn't we've contacted XyLoS once again.

Can they defend their CDC Crown? Find out in a months time!

SRP make changes

The ET transfer market has been busy these past days and it shows no signs of changing! With TLR & Dignitas announcing changes in recent days, its now the turn of one of their rivals to do the same. Last night SRP confirmed their roster changes ahead of the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3, which will take place in little under a month.


Finland Squall - Whilst confirmed for junk52's roster after CDC, the dynamic finn will come in to the lineup and add to their already impressive array of talent. Squall played some part in last seasons Eurocup for Cadre, aswell as winning nations cup with Finland not too long ago.

United Kingdom Adacore - Player/Manager for evolve, Adacore is a jack of all trades combining playing with finding time to be Eurocup supervisor! Whilst primarily a rifle in his past, he'll face stiff competition with the likes of Night and Holz already in the side as rifle.


Malta Toxic - Unable to attend the LAN due to schooling issues, the lovable maltese star who shot to fame with CDAP last CPC has not left the side completely. He played in last nights victory over Finest, and remains in the online team

Estonia r3vers - Also unable to attend the LAN, this former Quakecon champion is a massive loss to the team, as he brings experience that very few can offer. As strong with the smg as he is the rifle, r3vers is a former shG champion.

Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Sweden FeruS
Finland Xpaz
Finland Squall
United Kingdom Adacore

Last night the team performed well in Summer Cup without Night. They easily dispatched with belgian side Finest. Though they had a uneasy start on Supply Depot, dropping their defence in little over 9 minutes, however never looked back from that point completing their offence with minutes to spare and a solid performance on Radar gave hope to SRP fans that they will be there or there abouts come Enschede.

EC and bust for Speedlink

German Call of Duty giants Speedlink have told Crossfire that after the upcoming Eurocup Finals the side will call it a day. The team who finished second at CPC1 in a thrilling duel with Dignitas have decided that the time is right to take a break prior to CoD4.

I caught up with leader Trigger for his favourite CoD moments and what he is hoping to see in CoD4.

Quote by TriggerThere are several moments that I dont wanna miss. At the start of CoD2 we had about 8 months of dominating the scene with nearly not losing a single game. Within this time, the victory at Netgamez, OOF1, and the Eurocup, should be our biggest moments as a team. Just like every event we have been to, Crossfire 1 & 2, WSVG Dallas - we enjoyed like hell and we will never forget these weekends.
CoD4 will be the next step for us into the professional gaming. We hope and think that this game will be bigger and also more competitive than COD2 was already. We are really looking forward to staying together as a team and rock another game, just as we tried to do over the past two years

The side has great experience transitioning between games and perhaps has a record unlike any other in the CoD series when one considers that this was the old Ocrana lineup that ruled CoD1's roost at one point.

TLR in dire straights ahead of CDC defence

Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge 2 champions The Last Resort were headed back to Enschede to defend their crown with a strong and stable lineup fresh from a summer break. However in recent days it appears that the side has been sliced down the middle just one month ahead of the event.

Croatia aCoZz has called time on his time in the side citing that he no longer had the time to commit every night to the cause of winning back their crown. The Croatian rifle was a revelation at the last event. His replacement will be hardest of all with Rifle's being in short supply with Xylos joining k1ck, gifty in Kreaturen and SRP having a collection.

Poland d0ktor has left the lineup with 'lack of mouse' being one of the reasons he cant practice. On top of that he is moving city because of university and has time commitment issues. Whilst the pole was never a mainstay within the team, he was there when they were last victorious, at CPC2.

Two down and only four to go, earlier in the summer it was rumoured that mAus was planning on departing the roster to play with his compatriots although the move never came into fruition. It appears that all is not well in camp TLR and we caught up with Clown for a brief statement.

Quote by ClownIt's sad to see acozz go, doktor aswell even he was always just a merc. We are hoping that fresh blood in the team could make us the team we were last year - a surprise!

The pre-CDC merry-go-round isnt over just yet, tomorrow there will be the announcement of another high profile roster change, but for now its TLR who are now in a desperate situation.

Cadre confirm inevitable

Insignia Cadre have today confirmed that their ET division has closed its doors and wont be competing in the upcoming winter season. For some the hope was that the side were going to return after a summer break, however today lettu confirmed the inevitable;

Quote by lettuSome of our players didn’t have the time to play enough anymore because of real life issues. Also the fact that we couldn’t enter the biggest ET LAN there is ahead of cdc3 (twidi is going to write English before his final exams at that time) which was a huge disappointment for us. We didn’t have many more options than to call it a day

The side made a big impression soon after joining the Finnish gaming giants with impressive Eurocup results before bowing out. Finland has always provided ET with some of its finest teams, can one rise from the ashes of Cadre?

Source: Cadred

Spaces available at CDC3

After a phrantic day of messaging, emailing and iRC fun the CDC payment deadline has all but passed. We've lost some players in all tournaments however in some tournaments we were more than pleased with the turnout.

image: signups_et
Tournament Status; 22/24 Teams

22 teams have either paid, their payment is processing or have provided other proof that they are attending the event in September. This leaves us with Identical and egoboyz that have been unable to provide necessary intent of attendance and we've had to draw the line today. Both of their spaces are now insecure and any team wishing to attend should mail [email protected] if they want their spot. Identical and sFx will be given priority should their situations change. However we have to fill our tournament if and where possible.

image: signups_wsw
Tournament Status; 18/24

We've had a significant number of drop outs over the past 24 hours and have lost 6 players without any replacement. We have not been able to contact all the players who have not paid and therefore are potentially expecting this number to fall further. If it falls by 2 we'll have a 16 player tournament, otherwise we'll have to be creative with a tournament structure for an unusual number. A drop in tournament size will have an impact on the prizepurse.

image: signups_cpm
Tournament Status; 7/12

We've been unable to contact and chase a number of players for their spot and find out their plans. At the moment we definitely have one spot available here, however this number could rise.

To those concerned at the drop outs, dont be. This is why we have payment deadlines so we can get replacements. We've a month to go until the action kicks off in Enschede and anyone wishing to fill a vacant spot should email [email protected] - If anyone is in contact with the following people, please direct them to Crossfire
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